Moving To Oneness

Moving To Oneness - Inaugural Show

Episode Summary

Feel welcomed by the hosts Denise Hansard and Meilin Ehlke as they introduce themselves, share how the show came together and the vision of creating unity for themselves, for the world, for beautiful beings and our blue planet. You are invited to share your story, open your heart to fully experience yourself and others on this journey as we move together to oneness. Enjoy...

Episode Notes

Episode Transcription



Moving to Oneness, Nourishing Curiosity, Embracing Differences, Becoming One


(Meilin)  Welcome everyone to the moving to oneness show.


I am Meilin your host sitting in Germany close to Nuremburg and with my


co-host Denise, take over ...


(Denise) Yes thank you. Hi guys this is Denise Hansard and I'm coming to you outside of Chicago where it is a beautiful crisp and cool day today so thanks everyone for being here and Meilin I love what we are doing.


(Meilin) Me too, it's really exciting. I felt it a long, long time ago. It may be a long time about eight months ago. We felt the urge to create something for us, for the world, for beautiful beings and we set out to create this show right? 


(Denise) Yes, we did and it's interesting because the thing, the topic we want to talk on today guys is about the importance of story, because we all have our own story.

I know Meilin and in her journey in life she has her story. Some of you who know me know my story then my journey in life and yet we're creating a new story every day as we move forward and in being able to just as it said at the beginning get curious about what we don't know. Look at everyone's differences and the differences in life and begin to embrace all of that, because we are moving toward the oneness which means we are coming together no matter what. It doesn't matter if we're different and we don't agree with each other, because that is going to be the case in life period. It's just that we respect, and we hear, and we listen, and we have a discussion. 


(Meilin) Yeah, it's a stimulation done stimulates conversation.

(Denise) Yes and that's the importance, because as we as we continue in our journey and are creating our life and our new story we get to choose what that is and we get to say I'm open to what I don't know. 


(Meilin) Oh I love that. I'm open to what I don't know.


(Denise) Because it's with our openness that we are able to take in more and were  we are able to move and we’re able to share. 


(Meilin) Explore, the word. Explore, to go on an adventure if we're open to learn about other people how they view the world how they view themselves or a certain topic. 


(Denise) Yes, yes, their cultures, their language. I mean guys, I sat on a phone call, excuse me, with Meilin and of course she has her son there occasionally and he'll come in and she's speaking a language and she's been coming back to me in English and I'm going wow that is just so wonderful how she switches back and forth so easily. I love that about her, and she has that beauty of being just a multilingual person I wish I was that. 


(Meilin) You know it's so funny I'm not really the pro in multi languages, but it does open the doors in understanding or trying to understand experiencing once the difficulties of learning a language. I tried to learn French in school and Italian and forget Latin, but it opened up the awareness and I am now more than ever noticing at the beginning I was more afraid of how I pronounced the word. Would someone understand me? I learned people are not really interested in that. So maybe it was important for the classroom, but they want to see your facial expressions they want to feel the energy you're coming with even if they to different languages are spoken the gestures and the body language becomes so important and where we're talking about others.


Also, any relationship or relating to anyone or anything if we become more free and let the body do much more of the speaking I think we'll also get much more understood and also accept it because I think many of you may be looking for this deeper acceptance. 


(Denise) Yes, definitely it's - it's one of those as we open our heart again we may not agree with what someone is saying and yet we can still love them we can still open our heart to respect and to hear what they have to say it's not that we have to buy into what they're saying or how they're doing things it's just that we can observe it's that curiosity you know we don't even have to tell them that no I don't think you're doing that that right I can't believe you're believing that and saying that you can just open your heart and go you know what that's interesting thank you for sharing.

(Meilin) yeah 


(Denise) Taking stock where to go from there. It's like this morning and today as we're recording this the one of the news items that's out there is this book on Oprah's Book Club list I don't know if you heard about it Meilin but it's called American dirt and it's written about the immigrants viewpoint on immigrating into the US. I think it's basically on becoming an American and there's a lot of people that are coming out and saying how dare she tell that story and yet she is an immigrant and she can't, her father was an immigrant and she can tell that story from her view it's so funny how we get so caught up in what we feel is the way some things are supposed to be done and I think that is where we've got to break the change a chain of conditioning behavior.


(Meilin) You're right I was the thought came while you were speaking I said this is our story right that's my story that's Oprah stories and we all have story. I have immigrants in the US. My dad is an American came over with the military into Germany right. When I was 20 I left to go over to the US to learn more about my other half and so I had immigrants hundred, a little bit more than a hundred years ago, my grand great-grandfather was born in the US right and so look I have importance and I remember I think once twenty-eight percent of immigrants were German. A big group and it has switched over several times right? Different countries come but I think the whole world is people have been moving around. And if you can look at only a small window, if you look only in my life, if I think about my son is also born again in the US right I was born here in Germany how it switches around but if we look at longer periods then we see oh there's not much difference, if we look at the world how people have moved on it. If I pull it apart a little longer, I look at hundred years two hundred years a thousand years and right how the movement of people was and how inter-mingled and how mixed. And if we go further back what we know nowadays, because of the protein inn us, we can see that once a few ten thousand years ago people were moving all around the world. People were from everywhere, everywhere. You know the northern Norwegians where all the way in Australia and the other way around so to broaden the horizon and to take in the moment that we are in a moment of time to listen for the story and just to settle in and go with the flow and the energy because it may open things for you or even for me as a listener. 


(Denise) I love that. Yes and that was that was kind of what I wanted to express and you said it so well is that we all have our own story and it's our voice and it's our perspective on what happened and we can't diminish how someone views what happened in their life and I find that so many times that people want to say oh I that just is not you didn't you didn't experience that what are you talking about and yet in their own perspective in their life in their heart in their mind and their emotions, excuse me, that is what happened to them no matter at what you know and honestly it's one of those two where I love I love to hear stories because I get to learn something new from someone else from a different perspective to see how they painted the picture even if I saw the same thing they did or experience the same thing it's in a different hue a different color a different language a different musical note and I embrace it because it makes me curious on why did they see it that way or Wow why didn't I see it that way so it's always about for me and I think for you too Meilin this is why we became quick friends is that we love the journey of experiencing something new and that's where your story comes into play there are many times that I find people who want to live in the past I can't necessarily get them out of the past I might can't encourage them to come out of the past because sometimes the past can be a painful place and what I feel for myself and how I try to influence others is to you know look at that past and decide is that where you still want to be or can you learn to let it go and to move forward and so that's the question I put to our audience where are you on your journey in your story where are you and moving out of what was into where you are today what is at this very moment hmm and I'd love it if you're having that question you have some thoughts on it just shoot us an email shoot us you know whatever you know put it in the Facebook group. Invite others into the Facebook group to come together as we share these stories that we have in helping each other to see the different perspective and to embrace you know the differences and be okay with that.


(Meilin) To be okay with it that is so important everyone be okay with what you experiencing in the moment yeah it may be not the funniest thing or it may be or you're dancing or you feel like crying but let that all be okay we can stop these judging of ourselves to become as you talked about Denise more open more willing to listen and to be and to learn about others. 


(Denise) And to open your heart I think that's the biggest thing that I want to get as we move to oneness as we're moving to oneness it's just to be open and the biggest thing is open your heart more to yourself so that then you can share that out to others. Okay guys? We hope that you enjoyed this first episode of moving to oneness. To have your input on it and just keep watching us and listening to us and sending us info on what you'd like to hear us talk about next. I'm Denise Hansard and I'm over in the United States outside of Chicago,


(Meilin) and I'm Meilin in Germany. The Facebook group is also called Moving to Oneness so put it in there and we will have so many more exciting things that are going to be created for you to experience. I welcome you to our movement in a way as we all together move to oneness.



14:23 End