Moving To Oneness

Ep. 4 ~ Guest - Manifester Heidi Baker

Episode Summary

As life gives us a time to step back and reflect, a critical key to this reflection is to listen to your voice ... the inner and outer voice. Join Heidi Baker with Meilin on Moving to Oneness as she talks about what happens when you use your voice. The inner voice of reflection and the outer voice of helping others.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

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Moving to oneness

Nourishing curiosity

Embracing differences

Becoming one


Meilin Ehlke  0:55  

Hello everyone. This is Meilin welcoming you to the Moving to Oneness show.


Today, I have a special guest, Heidi Baker, who I got to know about two and a half years ago, when I was dipping in and improving my speaking in front of people creating more beautiful videos. And there was one beautiful light that I noticed always was there as a support. She was taking the same course with me. The words when I thought about that experience of 2 1/2 years ago was ... she's a woman that aspires through listening carefully to what words people spoke and moving them forward. Saying, Yes, you did great. Keep on moving. Do more, do more and do better. And I'm here if you need any help, and I love that. This strong inner drive to support an other human being. So everyone please welcome with me today sitting in California, Heidi Baker. Hello Heidi. How are you?


Heidi Baker  2:25  

I'm good. How are you? You're in Germany. Wonderful one as I love the fact that we can be so connected and on the same page, and so far apart.


Meilin Ehlke  2:38  

Exactly. This is the beautiful about technology. This is bringing us together wherever we are on the earth ... our magical, beautiful earth. And so we don't have to feel alone and that is something that I really sense even sometimes if I watch you on on Facebook.


Your inner drive to build and show your support. And you put so much energy in it. You even provide opportunities for people to speak at your time talks. Why did that come out of you? Or since whenever you been doing that already as a child or was a certain event happening that made you express that side of you.


Heidi Baker  3:33  

You know, it's funny, I had to put two and two together. But while I love bringing people together, there was a time when I was not included. There was a time when I was the one who was completely left outside of the group. And it was in, you know, primary school, as you call it in Germany, and I was pretty much an outcast, because I think that my soul was just always different. I always wanted to speak the truth. I always wanted to lift people up, and I was shunned for it. For years I went into hiding. But as I got older and I grew into understanding that I was born to be this person, I got more comfortable with the fact that I had my own responsibilities to take care of. Subconsciously I didn't know I've always tried to bring people together because I love it when people can be real with one another. And how this came to be with this time talks of bringing people together to be able to speak in front of each other having a safe place to try their voice is again in the class we were taking together. They had asked us to speak and as you said, I live in sunny California. I don't just live in sunny California. I live in Los Angeles. And while I love this city, it is a city of professional speakers, directors, producers, and if you don't show up, as they say buttoned up, ready to go. You get one chance we say in the city, you get a one Done. And if someone comes to listen to me speak one time, and I am not on point. They'll never come back. And that was just too scary. But I knew the importance of mine needing to use my voice. And I felt if it was that important for me, and all the people that I had seen and helped already. It was just as important for them and they needed a safe space to try use that to their voice. So it was a it was an inspiration. It was, I think, a divine download. I had gotten and I think you saw the video that I put up with my little note said if there was a safe place where you could come and use your voice ... where you could get up on stage and people knew you liked you and trusted you. They applauded before you ever opened your mouth. Would you come from all four corners of the globe to be there? And they did.


Meilin Ehlke  5:54  

Yes, they did.


Heidi Baker  5:57  

That was that that was the inspiration for me. It was just this download. It's funny, one of my dear friends who is also a very clairvoyant audio voice, knows when I'm getting a download. It's not just me I'm being spoken through. She's like, you know, that was your download and I said yeah, cuz that wasn't me it was something bigger than me. I love it because I'm a I'm someone who's very empathic. The feelings I get are just huge. And so I always lean in toward what feels good. And that felt really good. So that's pretty much why I did it and why I still do it.


Meilin Ehlke  6:33  

Yeah, every year you did the third year ... just passed right February so everyone do look highly up later on. And maybe next year, it's a possibility for you to practice in this safe haven. I was not able to be there personally, California, but I did watch a few hours over livestream and it was really that what Heidi  said is a place to try without feeling that the world will fall down when one would make a mistake or something. It really was one felt embraced. And I could see that in feel that in everyone who spoke upfront. So do connect with her if that is an interest, especially if you live in California, in Los Angeles, and I know many of you who are listening do live there in the US, or from around the world come together and it fits. That's why I picked you also, Heidi, because you think about a oneness of bringing people, moving people from around the globe to come to your speech, to your time talks where they can practice this speech, and also get very honest critique, because so often we don't get that.And you've given that and everyone who was there gave it as well. With a loving heart.


Heidi Baker  8:02  

Yeah, this actually what we added this year besides just the critique. And we always say that, you know, it's, you only come there to lift people up. You only say things with the intention of lifting people up, not to bring them down. If it is something that you're going to leave them less than what you found them, then you're not allowed to say it. And then the second thing we added this year was after everyone got done, we talked about what we liked, what we loved, what we learned, and we got to, we got to give give them each one prediction of greatness. And I have to tell you that there wasn't one person who didn't leave, feeling like they were on the right path. It was just such a beautiful space. It's crazy how we all connect. We have people that come from Europe, we have people that come from Kuwait, we have people that come from Middle East, we have people that come from Australia. We actually this year I'm thinking of I've been asked to do one in Rochester, New York this year, and I think it may be doing it this fall. And I know I've had people asking me from all over the world. I know people in Europe have been asking me for years What am I bringing it bear right now, right now we're gonna keep it where it's at. But it doesn't mean it's not in the near future once we once everything shifts we need a place where voices can come together in a very positive way to support each other and be able to feel like one word can change everything one voice can do it.


Meilin Ehlke  9:19  

Yeah, so for sure you uplift people. And this is important. And you did it two days ago. Everyone, I was watching Facebook and at the moment we are March 14, and the Coronavirus is going around the world, I saw just a video of you Heidi, where you spoke about living in the now and you had beautiful sentences. What advice, uplifting advice, did you give people that was out of the ordinary, what other spoke about? I may be going to say one because one right you know as a landscape architect always connected with nature. You said something ... give Earth time to breathe. Could you please elaborate and just go with the flow.


Heidi Baker  10:12  

Okay, so it's funny it was a bit of a download, I'll be honest. So for me just to give you a heads up on what I'm doing right now is this is a really difficult time for many. And actually for everyone I should say if you choose it to be so. I've chosen to be the light, I've actually made a commitment to myself that I will post every single day. I will do a live video video every single day as well as if I can post something that just make you think and to make you calm and feel good. I've also created an audio manifesting auto around they found a cure for coronavirus, and I've had huge response to that so far what people feel calm and centered and grounded for the very first time. I created it. I've put it up on social media I've asked everyone to share it because we are now at a space and time where it is up to us to take the time to center and to calm and to ground ourselves because it's just everything's gotten to a fever pitch. You know, the idea of the earth needing a break, has more to do with what we've done on it. And I'm not just talking about the issues we are all quote unquote worried about, like global warming and, you know, just this virus being everywhere. I mean, we have pushed ourselves so far. We have lost a sense of the here and now. We have lost who we are, because who we are is not the phone in our hands. The house that we live in, the clothes that we wear, who we are, are these amazing beings. Who are stopping, stopping right now to take the time to help the people that take care of us, the doctors and nurses from being overwhelmed and to support the people that need our help the most which are the immunocompromised and the people who are the elderly who are the most susceptible to this actually being a death sentence. Yes, it is a scary, scary thought that our planet is, if you listen to the word under attack, but it's not it's the most beautiful time in history since I've been alive in regards the fact that we are all coming together as one species to take care of each other. We're amazing and this planet, there's a question I have in my mind. I live in California, as you've said, we had a completely dry February, which doesn't sound like a big deal. But to us, this is our month of rain, which is a huge deal because we live in a desert. It doesn't look like that. But we actually live in a desert. So without February being wet, we'll be in a drought. And we were in a severe drought a couple years ago. And not getting one drop of rain in February was really unbelievably disconcerting. I will tell you, in the last week, we have had five days of rain and we are expected to get seven out of the next nine. March is not typically a wet month for us. I feel like as we are combing our energies down, as we are stopping this rat race, this pressure ... this have to, you must get it done. Go! Go! Go! Go check it off. Let's check it on the list and as we realize, there's nowhere to be. There's nothing to do. We have to sit and calm and grounded as our energies do. I believe it is healing the earth. For us to get this many days of rain in March is really uncommon, unbelievably uncommon. So I think as we heal ourselves, we heal the earth and I don't mean just healing ourselves from Coronavirus, but I mean, healing ourselves from the ideas and the concepts that we've bought into and believe 150% that there is pressure. I'm still waiting for someone to show me a picture of what pressure actually looks like besides how we manifest it in our body. It's time for us to enjoy the simple moments, what I call finding your 15 minutes a day of bubble of joy. Checking in with your body, being empathic listening to what's going on around you and in you. Finding joy ...  simple, unadulterated joy. Play with your dog's. Read a book. Watch a hummingbird for goodness sakes. You want to be in wonder. Watch a hummingbird. They're amazing. Watch how the trees blow in the wind. Watch the rain come down and be grateful that it's here. That's how we heal here. And healers.


Meilin Ehlke  14:45  

Oh so beautiful. Yeah, exactly how we take the time for ourselves, to see ourselves to feel ourselves, to become aware of ourselves. Right. The more we become aware, see and hear the people around us family or in the larger surrounding, but also the ones that have the pets and animals out in the world. And then anyway the whole world, right? And it is time to treat ourselves beautiful, with respect others with respect, nature with respect and yes, I also believe we have gotten very far it is time to transfigurate many things. How, especially also animals that we use, husbandry, I think is the word in English that we use for our foods, right? Or the fields where we grow our nutrition on, the air with breathe, what do we put in it? And the more I look at myself, the more you look at yourself, the more we look at each other and ourselves ... the more beautiful in calmness, we can act. We can embrace, you can embrace everyone differently. Because there is a softness then within you and you will connect to the softness of others. And then everything else that is harsh can dissolve. That is one of my beliefs. I love the word that you said Heidi, that we're coming together is unity supporting each other. And yes, this is a topic where we look around the globe, we acknowledge that we are not different. We may live in different places, we may speak a different language, but to support each other and uplift each other. Everyone what I didn't say before and I want to say it acted on an impulse. She had an idea. And it was clear for her she just had to start ... she had to use the first words. You had to voice your idea. I remember that you started thinking about the idea you were asking how people would find that idea. And every it is growing and momentum is building. And the idea is growing and you said you've been invited. So, as we have so much time right, Heidi, everyone. Take at look what is moving you now, what you feel inside that you want to create, with your family with a partner. Take a new viewpoint of the time that you have now at home and ask ... Are you living what you want to live? Or are new sparkles appearing?


Heidi Baker  17:58  

Yes, yes. This is your time. This is the time that we've all needed. It's funny. I was thinking about it yesterday. Most of the most amazing inventions or ideas come from many people, when they are in the shower. Yes. Why? Because the fact that there's nothing there to keep our attention on something else. We now have this huge, amazing chunk of time to be able to let our brain download in the shower. It's our subconscious telling us what it is that it's been trying, or else but we've got all these nice new shiny pretty things to look at they pull us away from it. So instead, use this time to journal or to just let your brain decompress and start to let these amazing unbelievable thoughts and ideas come and surface Actually, I'm about to put up another video around the idea that I believe some of the most amazing creative ideas and expansive thoughts are going to come out at this time, because we have a chance to actually allow them into being.


Meilin Ehlke  19:06  

Yeah. Because awareness is on everyone. This is a fascinating thing you just said that it is the awareness is on ourselves and also right away on the globe because we're observing what is happening. Yeah, more than usually normally it's more local maybe unless you're really interested in in world happenings. But I think the math it's a huge mess that is looking what is happening somewhere else, how it is there how it is here, comparison is being used. The acknowledgement of that there is not much difference or if what is different, it starts a conversation. Right and then we it's also the time where we go into this is the beautiful like a breath, the breath of in and out and in and out in finding an insights into the happenings. So I have a question for you.


Heidi Baker  20:06  



Meilin Ehlke  20:07  

Heidi, before we go off, I have really two The first one is where do people find you? How can they connect to you because they're everyone. She's also fascinating in supporting people in manifesting whatever they desire and that is one of Heidi's traits and that it is a natural to her. So say that first before I ask you the question the idea


Heidi Baker  20:36  

Sure, sure. If anybody wants to, you can follow me on Facebook at at . Sorry, my website is And I'm Expert redefined on Facebook and on Instagram. And if you want to email me, it's Heidi (heidi) @


Meilin Ehlke  20:56  

So everyone, you got it right there. So the last question is, what would you not tell, you I don't want to use the word tell. But what idea arises or what insight arises now for you, what people can take out of this experience that they are, you know, now in the moment ... what they are taking in, into in their life, in their thoughts in their body. What can they take out from now into the future to move to the Oneness they desire for themselves or the world?


Heidi Baker  21:40  

What can they take from this time?


There's, there's so much I think the the first steps to even finding that for oneself is to allow the time to be what it is. We have to shift from the thoughts of having to go somewhere or be somewhere. Good example is when I wrote you yesterday, when you asked if I could speak to you today I said, Let me see what we're doing. And I just started to crack up. Because I'm so used to having to check and see, with having children and having a business and, a husband and there's nothing to do. There's nowhere to go. There is only to be and once you allow that to be reality, then you're more open to the thoughts that come in the possibilities that will show and to take it to the future. The best thing to do, at least what I'm trying to do is trying to be really present right now. Because this is a very unique time. I mean, when in history, has there ever been a time when you're not worried that your boss is going to be jumping down the throat if you don't get something done in time? When have you ever taken a vacation from a job and not worried something's happening when you're not there. And Heck, since the beginning of social media has there ever been a time where we didn't, we didn't feel that we were, it was FOMO ... fear of missing out because someone else was doing something better than us. We are all doing the same thing right now. We are all in the same place. So don't try to cover it up. Don't try to muck it over. Just let it happen. And they'll show up for you.


Meilin Ehlke  23:32  

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, this is something for you and everyone to take along and a beautiful vision. Right and it is like the vision that will pull you forward. Everyone so the simplicity and the softness in Heidi's words.Take them in. Take them in. Take them in. So everyone, thank you for being here on the Moving to Oneness show. I wish you the best. Thank you Heidi and let's together move forward into the future.

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