Moving To Oneness

Ep. 32 ~ Guests Penelope Jean Hayes & Carole Serene Borgens - Do Upon Earth

Episode Summary

Penelope Jean Hayes brings as a journalist and viralenologist endless questions about life and how we humans can support the reversal of man made scares of our planet Earth to Carol Serene Borgens who channels the answers of Spirit Pax to these interesting questions. This magnificent and vast collection of wisdom these three caring beings put together is the basis of our fascinating conversation today. Enjoy...

Episode Notes

An automatic writing channel answers to the call of Spirit Pax to invite a viralenologist to bring to the collaboration, her desire of finding new ways to change our human destructive acting toward  planet Earth and her endless list of questions how to best accomplish this.  Together these three compile vast knowledge in their book Do Upon Earth. Feel the love for humanity during this  interesting conversation...

Watch the video of Episode 32 with Penelope and Carole on our YouTube channel Moving To Oneness:

Find more information about their book on the website:

Carole Serene Borgens website is:

The website for the Viral Energy Institute is: 
Penelope's website as an author is: 

Penelope Jean Hayes is the foremost leader in the field of contagious and osmotic energy, known as Viralenology and she has appeared on television hundreds of times as an expert guest including for Dr. Phil, ABC News, and internationally. She is the founder of the Viral Energy Institute for personal, interpersonal, and planetary wellness. Penelope is the author of the books The Magic of Viral Energy: An Ancient Key to Happiness, Empowerment, and Purpose (Mind, Body & Spirit/Self Help); The Likely Future (two-volumes of spiritual advice on the coronavirus pandemic); and Do Unto Earth: It’s Not Too Late (Spirituality/ Environment series). 

Carole Serene Borgens has the gift as Channeler and Medium and communicating directly with the Spirit Messenger Pax, while also growing her own inner peace and balance in a world of uncertainty. Through automatic writing, Carole Serene and Pax have brought wisdom and guidance to people around the world since the early 1990s. Their current writings form the guidance in the books The Likely Future: Short and Long Term Guidance From the Source, a COVID-19 exposé, as well as Do Unto Earth: It’s Not Too Late, guidance for repairing our damage to Planet Earth, and much more. Carole’s diverse background includes nursing, breeding and showing purebred dogs, racing British sports cars, restoration of old wooden boats and so much more. As Carole says, the gift of Pax is the greatest blessing in her life.

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Episode Transcription

Moving To  Oneness, Nourish Curiosity, Embracing differences, Becoming One

Meilin Ehlke  0:29  
Welcome to the Moving To Oneness Podcast. I am your Host Meilin. Today I have two  magical women with me and I will speak about them in a moment. And why am I so happy about this is they are as multi-faceted as I am. They love everything that exists and cherish everything that exists. And just this simple touch that they bring into everything they do in life shines out, radiates out into the world. So that's why I'm so happy that, they'll radiate out through our show today.

Meilin Ehlke  1:35  
So hello I have Carole Serene Borgens, you're in British Columbia, Canada. Welcome to the show. You are a channel and you are very clear. I'll speak why I'm saying that everyone, I have read their book we'll talk about that in a moment, and the first thing I noticed, "Carol what you brought through is not very normal, it's going to be the new normal for many of us, but yours is in a way already leading many of us, lightworkers or channels into a higher vibration, so that we can stay constantly in that vibration to bring this clear information on to this earth. I'm very thankful for you, for taking that upon you, of becoming so courageous to do that."

Meilin Ehlke  2:42  
And then I also have Penelope Jean Haynes, sitting in Florida. You both are spread apart and I think the similar distance as over to me, to Germany. You have to speak about your whole own profession, because I cannot highlight probably it as beautiful as you can. But you took the moment, because you're so curious, how to enhance how we humans treat our planet and how we can better work with our environment. And so you took it upon yourself to ask many questions that you have, had and will have for Carole to write a magical book "Do Undo Earth". Now, what better title that. To take a look at our planet and see how we can dissolve what we've created as fast as possible. So thank you very much, both of you for being here. And Carol, I would love to ask you and share with the listener, how you got into channeling, because you also are an author. You write children's books there your channel also, but can you share a little bit of what got you to do this?

Carole Serene Borgens  4:21  
Yes, and thank you. As I was learning as much as I could about everything metaphysical, I was interested in channeling. And as I began to learn to do it, it came to me in the form of automatic writing, and not a voice channel, but it comes through an automatic writing. And there was an evening when I was writing, I was communicating with spirits that were simply looking for contact of any kind, and I realized the energy had shifted in my writing in my office, and the handwriting changed, and it became an introduction from 'Pax', to me, who indicated that he was looking to find if I would be willing to become a channel. The channel for himself, because he, now I say he, this is the Divine Wisdom Source, the collective consciousness, I simply refer to PAX as he. He was looking to bring messages of significance to mankind at this time, regarding all things, particularly the environmental crisis we were in.

Carole Serene Borgens  5:53  
I asked, if there was a reason he chose me. He indicated which I liked, he said you're new at this, you have no bad habits, and you will change none of my words. So, yeah.

Meilin Ehlke  6:09  
I love this.

Carole Serene Borgens  6:09  
I did. So, I was quite taken aback, as you can well imagine. I asked for time to consider this request, as I recognize the responsibility, it would bring to me, if I agreed. I took a week or two, and then in fact did agree. And since then, I have been channeling Pax's wisdom, putting it into file folders for future use.

Carole Serene Borgens  6:46  
The agreement that I made with Pax, is that his wisdom would be put into book form and shared with the world. That was our agreement, and if I would agree to that, we would move forward. So as I didn't have a way at the moment, of getting it into book form and published, I simply kept writing and collecting it, trusting in the universe that one day I would be brought together with what I would need to fulfill this agreement, in this obligation to Pax and actually get it into book form. So beginning to write the children's books which were channeled from Pax, which I published was the start, and it grew exponentially and here we are together with Penelope and the wonderful 'Do Unto Earth' book which is very all encompassing in its wisdom, and thank you to you, we're now able to share with your audience.

Carole Serene Borgens  8:40  

Meilin Ehlke  7:57  
Yeah, thank you very much. What I so love about it is ,because why I said, you're so courageous, the topics are really not easy, they touch many of our thought patterns, thought structures, social elements, cultural elements, and you will shed new light on it. So I can understand you probably knew a little bit already beforehand, what was arising and to say yes to that, in a way also to take a little bit, the heat for it.

Meilin Ehlke  8:43  
And that's why I said, it's amazing that you said yes, but probably you felt that there is the need and you couldn't say no anyway, right?

Carole Serene Borgens  8:55  
Right. Absolutely right. You know sometimes we find our purpose in our lives, accidentally. Sometimes we can search, but we're searching endlessly, and suddenly one day, it appears before us and if we recognize it, and have the courage to go forward towards it and accept it, it opens a whole new chapter in life. And that's what happened.

Meilin Ehlke  9:26  
Thank you for being so open in saying yes to a new purpose. So, Penelope, how did you find Carol? And please share with us how you both came together. Because in the book, you start asking Carol the questions, so Carol can be really open to ask them to Pax or you ask them to Pax. So everyone, Pax means, if I understood correctly, peace and it's a Latin word. So, the book will bring a lot of inner peace, I believe, and the peaceful energy that is shared through every word that you two have written. So please Penelope tell us.

Penelope Jean Hayes  10:12  
Yeah, we certainly hope it does bring peace. So, Carol and I connected because Carol for many years does channeling sessions for individuals, and she's still doing that today. So if anyone's interested they can contact Carol for that. And so I had gone to Carol for some channeling sessions, and Carol was aware of the work that I was doing the questions that I would bring to her to ask spirit were about my work. And this is the viralenologist, I'm the founder of the Viral Energy Institute. So I study things like contagious energy and social interactions in the environments all around us, and environmental repairs. So what's very dear to my heart is wildlife species extinction, what's going on with our plastic problem and pollution problem on this planet. These are the things that I was working on. I also had from my first book which is titled 'The Magic of Viral Energy'. I was bringing that message that viral energy message to a global scale. The first book was about the personal and interpersonal relationships, which is this book here, and then...

Meilin Ehlke  11:19  
Close up.

Penelope Jean Hayes  11:20  
Yes, second book was slated to be called 'Do Unto Earth' and that was to take the message of viral energy and these pockets of contagious energy to the global scale and what those impacts are on our environments. These are attitudes and intentions, also have impacts in our environment because it all starts there, you know, our ability to pollute starts with those attitudes and intentions. So that was the idea. And so in going to Carol for a couple of sessions for channeling my questions were around, you know, is this the right direction? Will this next book be published? You know. Who would publish it? All of those sort of questions of just wanting a little peace of mind which often a channeler can give you through the spirit energy that they are channeling. It is more just peace of mind for the direction that you're going in. So we had been acquainted. And then one day I got a communication from Carol saying that Pax, who is the spirit energy that she channels, wishes to offer wisdom and support to the Viral Energy Institute. So this was kind of like a wonderful moment, you know, to have the spirit world want to help with what I was working on. So that was fantastic and that's how it started. So I was on book tour at the time and three weeks later when I returned to Florida, Carole I started the very next day. So my background is as a journalist, ABC News for five years I've also been an expert on national shows here in America, such as Dr. Phil and international shows all over, from, Pakistan to England all over the place as an expert on this field of contagious energy known as Viralenology and social interactions. Sometimes I just get called in to talk about pressures in social interactions and society. We started right after I returned from book tour and I sent Carol ten questions to ask of Pax regarding this topic, this mission. And it was very shortly thereafter within a couple of days maybe a week that you know I said wow, this sounds like the book, Do unto Earth, I mean this is coming together so nicely maybe this is not just support and wisdom for the Institute, maybe this was the book. And so I asked Carol can you ask Pax, you know, if this is intended to be the book title "Do Unto Earth", and of course the answer came back yes. We do love that title so much because just the title alone tells you everything that's in the book.  Because it's the golden rule, you know Do Unto Earth' and everyone knows what comes next, as you would have Earth do unto you. So it really says that all and that's what this book is about. It's the environmental deep dive into environmental issues, but it's not just talking about issues in some, you know, dark way of going through this litany of our issues on this planet. It is solution after solution that in most cases, we may have never dreamt of, because it's coming from the spirit world. They wanted to intervene at this time to say that, you know, we have gotten to a critical point on this planet we're at this point of no return. Pax actually says 'Do Unto Earth' that we have eight to twelve years left before a failsafe point is reached for the wellness of our place on this planet. And planet Earth will go on, she repairs herself, he made that clear. But that we are staring in the face of our own, you know demise because of our own actions and if we continue it doesn't mean the end of the world in that timeframe. What it means is if we continue on this trajectory, without changing our ways. This is everything from the way we pollute this planet with impunity, to the way that we have discord and disunity between our peoples, and our attitudes and intentions. If we continue in this trajectory, we will be at that point of no return in that timeframe. So it's a critical message but it's also a message just filled with so much love and hope. And it's really an interesting read.

Meilin Ehlke  15:26  
Yeah, I have to say it's fascinating because there's a question and time is taken to read, to be answered, and it brings new vocabulary which I love a lot, it brings back the conversation of sacredness in the vocabulary, in our languages, in the way we treat each other. And that's why my heart was smiling. Yeah, I'm myself, I love the idea of bringing out the beauty in people, because if I see my beauty in myself, and I can live it, I see the beauty in you. And when we both, we three and everyone else sees the beauty in each other, then it becomes very easy to see also the beautiful blue planet we live on. Yeah, and it's a gem in the cosmos.

Meilin Ehlke  16:22  
Everyone, please understand that even for many Star Nations, we are known for our gorgeous place. It's time for us to cherish it, and to see what is out there. I love that in the book Carole I'll come back but I have to say this, we still many of us, most of us in what kind of way or another, we are still a little tinted of 1000s of years of cultural changes, conquerors, being put down, and we have been not living our natural state, as human beings. And this book is supporting so many without having to find so many teachers, or finding the ancient rituals, you know. Because they're just now coming also to life, all to support us, coming out of the woods, right, to support us to move into our natural state so we become one, again with everything that exists. And this book is gonna help so many in different levels. So probably, they're going to read it one time. I can't even read it so fast, because it's the vibration that comes through it is going to take time to digest, and even  though the topics are really interesting to me and that's what I live for. So everyone, so sometimes, if you read that book, take your time. It's not a book where you just read through and if you then go back and let it settle into you and become aware of what you're living or not living and how your body responds to the vibration and the words of the book. It is a gem as well.

Carole Serene Borgens  18:33  
Thank you. It's almost like a reference book. You keep wanting to return to various sections and continue learning from it. There's just so much wisdom and information for a soul to learn how to be on our planet. As you have said, becoming One with the planet is and should be the goal. And the 'Do Unto Earth' book teaches us very nicely, how to go about effecting that change in ourselves.

Meilin Ehlke  19:10  
Yeah, and you speak about many different wisdoms. You speak about animal wisdom and I know you communicate with animals. I've studied shamanism when I started, I did it for animals because my cats move me anyway in my life, always when I come to a plateau they move me on. When there is any recognition in what I do with my work, I have birds, giving me the feedback. I'm alone a lot and sometimes I don't trust what I think or hear or understand or sense, but then they're my counterpart.

Meilin Ehlke  19:47  
Then you bring wisdom of nature of our planet, you bring wisdom of food in your book, right? And how we connect with water. Even how we've come to this Earth. What is our history. Why things changed and what can come. So it is a very, very complex. In a way, a book of the new history to be looked with new eyes. What do you say to that, Penelope?

Carole Serene Borgens  19:47  
Those are Penelope's good questions.

Penelope Jean Hayes  20:28  
Yeah well, you know Carol explained why Pax had contacted her and I asked a similar question when I came on board, you know. Why me? You know, why now? Which I think we discussed, because it's a pivotal time. But also a question was, "Why me", and he said that you have a lot of questions. You know I'm a journalist, so he said Penelope, you have a lot of questions and in fact, there'll be no end to your questions and they're all centered around your love and care for planet Earth and her animals in particular, wildlife and nature in general. So, yes, the questions are born from things that are in my consciousness and things that I work on in my work. And the nice thing is, that Pax just let me ask anything. So while it is a book about environmental repair and unity and peace on Earth. When you have the God being in front of you because this is how Pax introduces himself, we are One with the Universe, not the Universe alone we are the God being, the greater wisdom. This was the introduction. So, when you have the God being in front of you, like, "What else can I ask?" And it is tied in with environmental repair and unity and we find out that it's all tied in. And so when I asked questions about interstellar travel at light speed and the fuel and technology that will take us there. This is because we need to desperately need to replace our dependency on crude oil on this planet. So, then we find out that these future technologies these future fuels are going to be. We're going to be assisted in finding out what they are, by extraterrestrials. So now the ET topic comes up. So these things can't be separated like you can't say, oh well this is a book about, you know just our history or early history on planet Earth. It absolutely is. And Pax says, that we were starseeded to this planet. So one of my first questions, Meilin, was that some people think that were aliens to this planet because humans in general seem to be very, you know, out of whack and not in harmony with the natural world. So Pax's answer was, "You are indeed from lightyears away", and this will be controversial. So that conversation was about our starseeding, going back into our early history that we were starseeded from many different planets, and also from many different peoples from different planets and different galaxies, and not only that but different times throughout our early history. So this does not negate the anthropological evidence that we have found early ancestors. There was evolution on this planet Earth, and in some cases, we arrived, the way we are now. So again different peoples arriving from different planets in different galaxies, and at different points in our history. So that was really fascinating. I also asked about the pyramids, we all want to know how were the pyramids built. How were the stones at Stonehenge built? So all of these things, while they're complete fascinations to me, have been questions that I've always had. I'm sure most of us have questions of, you know, what's the meaning of life? What happens in heaven, is there reincarnation? You know, all of these questions are answered in 'Do unto Earth' because Pax, just let me go for it. There wasn't any holding back, and as you said, Carol is a very clear channel. So Pax chose Carol because there's something very special and the three of us together, there's some magic there and Pax says, "As a good team we three". So we each bring our contributions and strengths to this project, and 'Do Unto Earth' truly is like no other channeled book that I've ever read. It's a book of today. It's a book of love, it reads like a movie. You know, while you do want to absorb it because it's like, oh, it's like you want to savor it I think is more of the thing.

Meilin Ehlke  24:41  
Yes, beautiful.

Penelope Jean Hayes  24:41  
That you weren't really, you want to give it such reverence right that you want to take it in, at your own pace and sometimes that would be a slow pace and other times you just can't, you know it's a page turner.

Carole Serene Borgens  24:52  

Meilin Ehlke  24:54  

Carole Serene Borgens  24:55  
Yeah, right.

Meilin Ehlke  24:56  
I had to scroll. I don't have the original book. I can't wait to have it in my hands, physically.

Penelope Jean Hayes  25:01  
Yeah. [Showing the book to the camera]

Meilin Ehlke  25:02  
Turn it a little bit into the light. Yes, because I also love the drawings of your animals and plants and flowers, and your humans on your cover.

Penelope Jean Hayes  25:14  
We have got the young Aboriginal Australian with the didgeridoo and we've got Atlas holding the globe. And Pax also describes himself as, you know, like Atlas holding the globe but you know, here for us to support us and guide us. It's really, it's really an amazing work, a collaboration that is very special and we can say that, because the information is not ours. I mean the questions were mine certainly these are topics born from my consciousness my curiosities and that's how I got involved, but the answers are from Pax. This is from the spirit world and the spirit world wants to talk to us not to Carolyn myself but to us, to your audience, to the world audience, the world population. This book is a communication to and gift to the entire world population. It's a call to action. It's a prayer. It's a message of hope. And we really encourage everyone to, to get a copy, because this again this is not about us. This is the message for you.

Meilin Ehlke  26:21  
Hmm. Yeah you know, I speak a lot about taking on the topic that now it's extremely great time, we're in a you know a prophesied of times. I mean the prophets knew about this time 20, 21 22, where a lot of new things are being uncovered, are been tumbled around so they can start again. And we always speak about the new times, for me though, I've always been fascinated also in our primal history. And what was there because I think the last, for a European time, the last 500 years 1000 years, they were so incorrect the information it was very manipulative what was created as history, what was being said. And we're unraveling you're finding out that so many of these things were not true because the conquers took over here, to find ways to share their power, right, or get take in their power.

Meilin Ehlke  27:30  
But if we also go back far enough, let's go back 10,000 years or longer, there was the time, we were connected with everyone out in the galaxies. Yeah, in the cosmos with the star nations, there was always a very direct communication, before it left. And I think the new times are going to open us again, open up our senses, to be able to start this conversation again. A much fine a conversation between us, because we value what we say. We concentrate even more on what we bring over to another person, if I speak with you, right, with more love. And also then, what is out there what we don't understand yet? We will become more open again to what is, as we move into our natural state. And that's why I love your book that you both wrote, because this will open also a lot of little dormant, it's like a little trigger, it will help us remember, it will help me remember, it will help you remember what you are and what are you capable of and what you can implement. So this would be a question maybe, Carol, you want to answer this. So since you have decided to write, and bring those words onto paper, to type those up, to put them together in a book, then to read your own book probably, how have things changed in your life, how you treat the planet? Have you noticed that you started doing things differently, and what is it? So you can give some physical examples or specific examples to the listener.

Carole Serene Borgens  29:26  
I thank you, I think it's an awareness. I have a greater awareness of the responsibility of taking care of our planet. Seeing things perhaps a little differently. Being more responsible when it comes to choosing. Am I going to use something that's plastic, for example? And I'm aware of things like packaging in purchases from the store? What's going to happen to that? Is it going to wind up in our Great Pacific Garbage Patch? I live here on the west coast of British Columbia, right on the ocean, and we are and always have been here involved with fishing and logging. These are our resources. We are also surrounded here we are on the traditional territories of our First Nations people who were here 1000s of years before us. My awareness has grown significantly, about the need to return as Pax says in the Do unto Earth book, to the ways of our Aboriginal peoples in how they treated Mother Earth, how they respected the resources, how they did not take what they didn't need by way of food in, hunting, fishing, etc. How anything they didn't take they gave thanks for and respected the spirit of that fish, or if they had to take down a tree. They believe, and Pax talks to us in the book about this, that all things have spirit. And if we live, believing that, then we cannot do damage to our planet Earth, we cannot over fish, we cannot clear cut in logging. Both of which have happened here, and in many other areas around the world. It's unconscionable. It's done for the purpose of creating monetary gain for those involved in the companies responsible. There is no way around condemning that practice. We should never look at a clear cut patch upon a hillside, the same way again. We shouldn't. And Pax talks to us about becoming aware. We need to be more aware and I have, I've become very aware of our responsibility as people on planet Earth, to take care of our resources, and each other. And, again coming back to what you said earlier, becoming One with each other and with the planet, and if we do that we will all be in a better position. And Pax talks to us about the very thing and the solutions, and how to become more conscious raising our vibration, raising our level of consciousness in our awareness. And that's become who I am, as a result of working with Pax and for this I'm very grateful.

Meilin Ehlke  33:12  
You're beautiful. Yeah, in any moment we can give voice to those that don't have a voice yet, until we all understand right. It's I think also our responsibility to see our planet also as our child. Or as any mother understands how you treat your child to what you want for your child, to also look out for our beautiful piece of land, our ecosystem and to cherish whatever you have right in front of the door. Sometimes I think it's so easy, that if you do have a garden to start planting again. I've lived for 20 years in the US and you know these huge lawns, and I'm thinking, if we could just have less lawn, all over the world.

Carole Serene Borgens  34:03  

Meilin Ehlke  34:03  
Then I can do something on my little piece of property. Because I think it's very important that we don't start, right there is no principle of judgment in the cosmos, and so if we become careful not to judge, also not to judge too much what is has been done, and to become aware as you said so beautifully about my actions, your actions, our actions and what little simple step can I do because it does create ripples. Maybe plant some flowers, a shrub, that reminds also you that you doing something every time it flowers each year, that you put this into the earth, and if you do, look for a plant that was maybe locally in your area before and maybe look that it's not one that comes from somewhere else in the world that was brought into the US, into Europe. Many plants that came for example, from China, from different ecosystems. So look what is really that gave the flavor to your landscape, because it brings back also the language and the beauty of where you're living so that we begin, also to cherish the difference of the landscape and the areas you live in the world. That's probably a lot of what you  have to speak about, if it is destroyed or not recognize the miniature ecosystems that exist around the world, Penelope.

Penelope Jean Hayes  35:38  
Oh, absolutely, you know, As a longtime environmentalist and animal rights activist these things are very important to me. Have been for a long time. And I think that now is the time for all of us who do care to start using our voice, and people have for some time but I do think that it is time to ramp it up. Because a lot of the things that we do are total nonsense. I mean, let's be honest, you know, we have all of this plastic in use, and our homes are filled with PVC piping. Plastic is what a lot of our clothes are made out of, polyester is plastic. Our carpets are made also out of plastic. And we live very mindlessly of not allowing ourselves to be part of the ecosystem chain anymore and that changed around the time of the Industrial Revolution, so we allowed ourselves to just not see what's happening before and after that product is in our home and in our use. So we don't know where it came from. We don't know where it goes when we're done with it. We don't know what our things are made of anymore. I mean it's really interesting, we really don't know how many things were made out of plastic and so there's a mindlessness that I think that while there's no judgement from the spirit world, I would say that it's also time to ask people to wake up. It's a very serious thing and it's not just because we're poisoning our mother earth we're poisoning ourselves.

Meilin Ehlke  37:06  

Penelope Jean Hayes  37:06  
You know this is not just, "hey let's be nicer to the environment". This is like, it's a real thing that has come to a critical mass now. And we're asked to wake up for our own sake, you know, we're asked to start doing something about it to educate ourselves about our products. To also know that we have the power to make this change. It's not the big bad corporations and those industries that are doing it all to us, or the consumer. So as the consumer, we do have all the power, and we need to recognize that power, because everything that they are making, they are making because we're buying it. They're making it because we're using it. And so we're shirking our responsibility, every single day by continuing to be the consumer of the very things that you know we sit in judgment about or say that wouldn't it be nice if our children had a cleaner planet. Yeah, it would be nice and it's also up to us. It's up to us to be loud horn now to sound the alarm. I would just want to tell you Meilin, because as an animal rights activist and a vegan. I've been a vegan since I was teenager so for most of my life. I don't judge other people. I cook meat for other people. I basically just keep my lifestyle choices to myself and I emulate a certain lifestyle that has been rather contagious to people around in a positive way so that's good. However, in recent times, I would say in the last one or two years. I think it's time now, for a lot of us, to understand that there is a difference between, I've never wanted to do the approach of judging and that's not I would recommend for anybody because it's absolutely not about that, but it is asking us to say like does any of this make sense, like just does what we're doing to the environment makes sense? Does it make sense that we have to have, you know, plastic food storage containers when a mason jar will do just as well? 
Like, why does this make sense and why does it matter to you? Because this is a very real thing that touches your life it's not some isosteric thing that's out there, the environment, right, that it's just this thing that's trending. No, it affects you and you're breathing it in these plastics also off gas. So this carpet that might be in your home is off gassing. So we wonder why there's so much sickness, and you know cancers and attention deficit disorders? Like these things really do affect us. I would just say that now is a time for us to speak up in a loving way. To say that, you know, we're all good people, for the most part we all are good peoples, so there's no judgement in this this is like, take your head out of the stand and look at what's really going on in the world around you and your contribution to it. You know, every time you buy something you're making a vote, so we can't really sort of act like we're disempowered when we actually hold the power. And so I would encourage people to acknowledge their power to feel it, and to be empowered by the power that they actually have, and to live in that place and buy from that place. It's a lifestyle change and it can be done.

Meilin Ehlke  40:32 
Yeah, everyone. This is so beautifully what you just said. I am strong believer that anything in my house is medicine.

Carole Serene Borgens  40:43 

Penelope Jean Hayes  40:44 
Or poisson.

Meilin Ehlke  40:45 
Or anything I touch, what I put on my body, what I put into my mouth, where I sit on. Otherwise I don't need it, and to have a good relationship to it. And even to teach it to my son. Yeah and I think children are much more open. To everyone, listen a little bit more to your children they so much better connected, and they're bringing a new way. This is you know, they're going to be our wayshowers. I love that. Yeah, so that makes it easier, if you look at it as medicine, everything you own in a way, then use notice what it does for yourself. You will choose different as I choose different, and it will impact your choices and your actions and your whatever you buy because you will become very particular, what is for you. And everyone, look how you feel like. Yeah, this is important if you get anything. How does it make you feel. And Carol, what you channeled through this is gonna help everyone understand and because they can sense the vibration to make even more aware, as you said so beautifully, you've become aware, make more aware choices right.

Carole Serene Borgens  42:14 
Yes. [caugh] Excuse me. Yes, absolutely. And it's the awareness that we are looking for in the readers of the 'Do Unto Earth' book to to help them understand to see things a little differently to become aware of what each of us can do in this world to make improvements, and to contribute. We feel that Pax's way of sharing with us, brings light to all of our situations, and how we can deal with them, to make our planet, healthier, and our lifestyles.

Carole Serene Borgens  43:00 
What you just said about medicine. You know it is so absolutely true. But you've expanded. I believe that as some things a person said, I should remember this, that medicine should be our food and food should be our medicine. But expanding that, as you said, that everything in our lives should be treated as medicine. Is it good for us?We've become such a materialistic society that we collect things without considering how they're made, where they were made, or will they be good for us? Will they have a life span, or will they go into the garbage landfill, one day? I certainly like what you said about that. Look at everything we have, that we collect as being good for us, as well as expanding that to good for our environment, perhaps. Yeah?

Meilin Ehlke  44:10  
Yes, expansion, right. If we expand, and we can sense everything else that is expanding as well, with more ease.

Carole Serene Borgens  44:19

Meilin Ehlke  44:20  
So, this has been a really beautiful conversation and again I'm so honored that you two took the time to come and speak with everyone, but I would love to ask you how you can be reached? I will write everything, how people can reach you into the note, but I would love you to share how people can reach you, next to buying your book. And I'll start with you, Carol. How can people reach you or where?

Carole Serene Borgens  44:51
Well, my personal website is just my name, and that is linked through the website where everything is contained. Links to purchasing the book on Amazon. Links to Penelope and links to myself. And Penelope will give you her direct websites.

Meilin Ehlke  45:22 
Perfect, yes, then please do, Penelope.

Penelope Jean Hayes  45:24
The website for the Institute is  My website as an author is, and as Carol said is also a great place to visit. And that's

Meilin Ehlke  45:40 
So, yeah. As you have the word, Penelope. What would you like to give the listener, a tip that comes out of this moment, out of this conversation.

Penelope Jean Hayes  45:53  
I would like to say that as we always like to try to end our conversations with people to encourage them to understand that they have the answers within themselves. And so while channeling is an amazing modality, and education is an amazing modality and religions are great for some people. All of these things are wonderful, in their own context but to understand that you have within yourself, the ability to tap into your own knowledge, your own inner intuition, your own Sixth Sense abilities to access your own Higher Self, that we don't have to look to outside sources. That the answers are within us and that we will never steer us wrong, because we are connected to the One and the whole and the Everything. And, you know, the spirit world and the Universal Intelligence and Universal Love Energy is not something outside of us. It is part of our beingness, we are One with it, and we need only to practice that and encourage it more by trusting in it. And the more that we tap into our higher selves and our own intuitions, the more our intuitions will start working for us.

Meilin Ehlke  47:17
You both are perfect inspiration for everyone in that point. Thank you. And Carol, what would you like to provide?

Carole Serene Borgens  47:25
Well if I may, I'll leave you with a direct quote from Pax, who said, "Live your Best, Love All and Follow your Heart. Do Kindness and Practice Respect for All". Also he said. "Believe in Trusting Yourself to be Your Highest and Best". And that's a direct quote from Pax to us.

Meilin Ehlke  47:51
So beautiful.

Carole Serene Borgens  47:53
I share that with your audience.

Meilin Ehlke  47:56
Very, very beautiful. We have to come together again to speak in more detail about some of those topics, because you both bring so much wisdom, as well. And yes, we all are bringing our wisdom together and supporting each other, to move to this Oneness, the One Mind, the One Light, the One Sound, the One Intent, you know, the list goes on. And it's a beautiful journey. And we three are here for you to ask questions or to ask for support, and we're curious of what you have to bring to us. So come to the Facebook page. Now I've already started Twitter and Telecom, so they are places to interact and so you don't feel alone, and I hope you've been inspired a little bit to look everything in your life as medicine, to become curious and to ask questions. So thank you, for listening to the Moving To Oneness podcast. This is Meilin. Bye, bye.