Moving To Oneness

Ep. 26 ~ Guest Daniel Mangena - Focus On Your Strenght

Episode Summary

Our guest Daniel Mangena, has a vast understanding of dreaming his life's visions into existence. In this episode he takes you along spiraling into the depth of your own strengths that may arose from something that is considered a weakness by others. Learn how he used the analysis of his asperger to help thousands to build a financial secure base and much more. Enjoy...

Episode Notes

His sacred and eloquent way of communicating our guest Daniel Mangena developed from the analysis of his asperger, which is just one of his  multiple talents he uses to support his clients to become harmonious money magnets and free to create their dreams into reality.

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Episode Transcription

Nourishing Curiosity, Embracing Differences, Becoming One

Meilin Ehlke  1:02  
Welcome to the Moving To Oneness show. Today I have a magical being, that is how I see him because he's so vast and I'm so happy. He took up my invitation to speak with me, with you with us and bring his rich life experience and the richness of his transformation to you, to me and to all of us in this world. So, I welcome today, Dan sitting in Mexico, welcome Moving To Oneness podcast.

Daniel Mangena  1:37  
Thank you for having me.

Meilin Ehlke  1:39  
It is Morning there and here in Germany the sunset already.

Daniel Mangena  1:43  
Yeah, it's nine o'clock in the morning for me.

Meilin Ehlke  1:47  
I love that. I've been to Mexico to two, three times more to the ocean area, but it is a place I decided one day to go back but then to explore more of the center. 

Daniel Mangena  2:00  

I am next to the ocean too. I am on the other side on the coast. I'm on the peninsula. In the tip. So I'm also by the ocean, I see the the water by my from my balcony.

Meilin Ehlke  2:10  
This is beautiful. The water must feed you and inspire you.

Daniel Mangena 2:15
Defninatly, definately.

Meilin Ehlke  2:16 
A very fluid being you are probably. 

Daniel Mangena 2:17
I do my best too but you know, part of being human is we're not always one way. Sometimes we drop. Sometimes we need some support to be brought back up. But we keep moving towards being fluid being more expensive being more home being one of that's the magic, I think. 

Meilin Ehlke 2:19
Yeah. And I think you are when I sensed into you, you are for me, I spilled the beans already the leader of the future because you encumbrance all of this. And I really love your vocabulary. Also, one could write how what words you use. They're very celebratory, they're very light. And they speak your truth. And yeah, you look beyond in a way also very cosmic. And celebrating also our Earth here. And I can feel always that you have a connection to all and it doesn't matter what you're speaking about. You're very into the finance aspect of life. But you do martial arts, right? You do yoga, you do so many things. And in all of that you bring your true language into it. And I feel it's always very uplifting, and it makes it very light to read and to listen to, because you speak a lot, too.

Daniel Mangena  3:49  
Thank you, I  really appreciate that. Yeah, I mean, for me, I speak about something called bleed theory. Bleed as in bleeding. And you know, it more from the art that. The art perspective of when colors bleed into each other. And I don't believe that we are as separated individually and also in terms of ideas, and even aspects of ourselves and aspects of our lives. Or sometimes we treat them. You know, we we see when people look at people who look differently and say, "Oh, you know, I don't like you because you look differently. I'm scared of you because you look differently". But we don't take that same application and bring it to ourselves in a different aspect of ourselves. Because the illusion of separation between individuals is the same within ourselves too. And so the me, that rolls around on a jujitsu mat is no different than the me, that is sitting on a yoga mat, which is no different from me, that sitting in front of a banker or a lawyer doing business. It's all still me. And because it's all still me, if I take that universal idea, just me I can go to the core and seeing, that the connective tissue between all of those things means I can affect change in the same way between all of those things. There are people who have great success with relationship, but their financial situation is no good, or their finances are amazing, but they don't connect with others. And what I found in my work is that, that break in flow, in bleeding between those things is just a barrier that we put up. It's not a natural barrier. It's an idea or a belief, a limitation, that doesn't have to be there. I can have an abundance in all areas of my life. And I can affect that abundance by focusing on one area of my life, and making that powerful and abundant.

Meilin Ehlke  5:41  
Oh, give a little tip of how do you focus. I would love to hear it. You use it in your martial you use it in your yoga. You have a special way probably how you focus? Can you share that with us?

Daniel Mangena  5:53  
I think one really powerful idea that I got from a book I read, and then after already in that book, it just kept coming up everywhere, is focusing on your strength.

Unknown Speaker  6:07  
That's not ignoring your weaknesses, but focus on your strength. And when I focus on my strength, and then I'm removing the limitations and barriers of separation within myself. By focusing on that strength, I can uplift all of me, together. And actually the positive reinforcement, that I receive from focusing on my strength, I can then start to move down the scale and work on other things, too. So first and foremost, I have to know where I'm going with it. What is the position I want to get to with this endeavor? So, I set a target for myself. I couldn't complete it last year because of Coronavirus restrictions. But I want to compete this year. And I want  to win a competition with martial arts this year. So, I know what I want to do. I know what I need to achieve, so I've got the target. So I'm going to focus on the aspects of my jujitsu game that are most strong, and I'm going to use that to propel me closer to my goal. Again, I'm not going to lose focus on everything, I'm still going to have a very rounded practice. But I'm going to hammer home my crack, my honing and focus on that area that I have strength. And that's going to bring me closer to my goal. When I have the reinforcement of a win, then I can actually have more positive energy and momentum to continue focusing on the other areas too. Maybe that's going to inspire me to work, to go and train more times in a week. Or to seek out additional ways of training in order to develop those aspects of myself. But sometimes we go to focus on something to move towards a goal, when deep down, we don't even believe we're going to do it anyway. We have unworthiness issues. We have a lack of luster and energy. We have a lack of passion for it. But if we focus on somewhere where we do have that passion, we do have that luster, we do have some strength, it gives us an energy that we can carry to other areas, too.

Meilin Ehlke  8:00  
Oh, I love that, you know, so I have a 14 year old son. And I remember I didn't like so much in school and I still don't like it even in when I went to school. With so much focus is being put on mistakes. Right? We grade by mistake, instead of we don't  grade enough on strength or take the time to look what is an individual, each different one. And I think this is so important to give, so there is no not the self doubt or self talk where we smush ourselves or tighten up ourselves. So I like that. And while you were  speaking, a thought came. So, when you concentrate on your strength, right? You are more courageous to try out things. Yeah. So, by that, you dare in a way, you dare to do more. And you go into areas where you're not optimal or have not so much experience in, right? But you don't mind in that moment, because you want to. There's so much energy within you to say "oh, I want to try that. And if that maybe or this will help me improve this or that" And you can get it out of so many different areas of your life because we have so many facets. And I love that you spoke about that we also have to bring them together in this fullness when you look at all of them. Right? Because when you spend time and have the feeling of "Oh, my God, I made it. I won. All that work, that  energy I put into work. Because then you start eating different, right? Your body is different, your mentality because you have better food for your body and you can think better or you're more productive. Or you are more connected to everything around you, that helps you in finance, then you will listen to more abundance, right? All of these things are so wonderful. You help people.

Daniel Mangena  10:11  
Yeah, just momentum, you know, there's a power in the momentum. And when you've got a strength, when you've got a passion, when you have that, you already have a natural momentum. It's like natural aptitude. You know, I'm not a natural mathematician, I can do math, but I'm not a natural mathematician. My sister, my younger sister, natural mathematician. My dad, natural mathematician, you know, but I'm just not, I'm great at problem solving, but I'm not really naturally. So I went off to go and study economics, that's clever. It's got a lot of mathematics in it. Whereas I was called to the more philosophical side of economics, and that's where I thrive. But when I got to university, that was all statistics and maths and all this stuff. And it's like, a natural aptitude. And of course, that crushed my spirit to some extent, and didn't really support me moving forward. Whereas, if I'd gone and studied philosophy and want to study something more along those lines, I probably would have had more passion to go and continue and do more work with it. And we do this all the time, you know, we will look at these things, I've got to work on this, I've got to fix this, I've got to do that. Instead of coming from where we have a strength, even if we're bringing the strength to an area where there's room for improvement, you know. When I'm working with clients around abundance, we look at the natural archetypes, where they have a natural flow with the energy of money. This doesn't mean that they're limited to just creating wealth in these particular ways. But when I understand my natural flow, I've got a place to start. So what we normally say is, let's establish financial freedom and our pillar income, where we have a natural flow. We might not necessarily enjoy it so much. But we have a natural flow, which gives us some stability. And then from there, we can go and have fun. I mean, if my needs are met, my mortgage is paid, my bills are paid, my children are fed, there's some money in savings. And I wanted then on top of that, go and be a musician, where I'm not going to make the, I'm not going to make the money to pay the bills, but I'm going to enjoy myself. Or I want to go and mess around with some real estate. Or I want to go and learn to play the stock market. I'm not doing it from a position of need, I'm not even doing it with all that much money. I'm getting to still have that fulfillment of doing something that has room for improvement. But my needs are met. When I have that space, I mean, what I call a conducive space to create. Because if I'm not in a conducive space to create, then I'm going to be in lack, I'm going to be stressed, I'm going to be in overwhelm. And then I'm not going to be able to take care of wanting to take care of. Then what's going to happen when I go to go and play the stock market or I go to I don't know, whatever it is, I want to go and write a book. I'm doing it from an uneven place. My energy, my vibration isn't going to be able to so easily attune to success. But when I do that from play, you know, I've got $1,000 in my trading account, I'm going to mess around with it. Maybe I'm going to make some money, maybe I'm going to do that. But guess what, my bills are paid, my mortgage is paid their savings, my kids are going to be able to go to college, then it's okay. And that fun nourishes me and uplifts me, even if I lose it all but I had fun doing it. Then I can bring that just a fresh energy to what I'm doing.

Meilin Ehlke  13:32  
Yeah, I love that. Your sentence, "Where it's the natural flow of money", so often and also with college, you said. We do things because others tell us to do.

Daniel Mangena  13:41  

Meilin Ehlke  13:42  
The same route, you know, because "Oh, Meilin art is not the right thing". And I went into business and economics. It was not me. I understood it. But I did not like you know my birth father. It's not natural, I don't speak currency.

Meilin Ehlke  13:58  
I do speak the currency of energy. That is mine. And I remember when I then left to the US to study landscape architecture. I didn't even have to study it was all natural. Beauty and plants and history and philosophy and the complexity of bringing things together. Then we flourish and I like that you said that about money. How do I use money? How do you use money? What do you like to do with it? Right? And I think too often we don't look at it. We have a certain way of what is how you should trade and when or a work or implement or save it depends really also on your social setting how we play or connect with money. Or even how your family has been using it. Or how your ancestrals used it.  I like that you said, that we have the freedom, then we play or are more creative.

Daniel Mangena  15:08  

Meilin Ehlke  15:08  
You're right. If we have stressed, the vibration goes down extremely quickly. And then it's like muddled, is like a fog in the brain, you can't think and you don't listen so much to your intuition I bet when you see, or which stock do I use today or invest in. You have  an incline there within, you know, and if the brain is muddled, because the vibration is too low, or you're worried, oh, you come with that energy where this this tightness within the body, we pick out of a different reason, you're right, what stock, for example.

Daniel Mangena  15:49  
I mean, here's the thing as well, it's that my principal coaching program is called a program called my code to millions. People can do themselves, the program, or they can come to the group coaching program. But there are some people that we found, they didn't really want to spend months and months and months going in and learning all of their stuff, they just wanted to have freedom. And this comes to people like you as well who, you know, they feel that they have something they want to do they have an art, they have a passion, they have a beauty, they have a gift that they want to share. But the limitations, the real limitations that we experienced in life, because we live in three dimensional reality. And in this space of polarity, there are things that need to be held in place in order to meet the collective agreements of this reality, such as a bit painful healing and exchanging energy with people in order to get there. But you know, people like well, you know, I don't want to spend the next 10 years or 20 years, creating stability, so that I can go and have my art and have my art now. Well, the really cool thing is you don't have to wait that long. And that's, you know, part and part of the work that we've just recently started doing with people.

Meilin Ehlke  17:01  

Daniel Mangena  17:01  
Because we've taken the aspect of our program around creating that financial freedom. And we've separated it for people that don't necessarily want to go through the whole healing of their money wounds, and just want to focus on getting the financial freedom. And they're doing it really quickly. We've had people doing 60 days, on average, they do it in about four months, but three months is normally that sort of the median time. So if you think about it, if you can put up with just spending three months or four months, focusing on just taking care of creating that stability, through financial freedom. And then you can have the freedom to not need to go to your job or need to go into a job. You can have everything that you need. But I think it's imperative that we remember, that so long as we are living in three dimensional reality, that the constructs that keep three dimensional reality together, we're going to be subject to. Now there is magic. We know that a lot of the ancients practice ancient arts and have learned how to transcend these. But generally speaking, you know, do you want to go and live in the mountains for 20 years learning to live without food and water? Or do you want to just make enough money to have food and water? No, do you want to go and learn how to materialize things out of thin air in a temple under the earth for 30 years, which you may want to do, or you may want to enjoy life now and just spend a few months creating space for you to then go and be in the forest every day, go into your art every day, go and practice energy healing, go and do some philanthropical work or charity work, which some of our people go and do. But being open to just spending a little bit of time putting things in place, so that you can go from there and do whatever you want. I think it's an option that we often don't look at as being a potential for us.

Meilin Ehlke  18:56  
I'm not a person who was very structural, I am very fluid, but you're right there are  certain things, again, to get that freedom of mind you were speaking about. So if I have a base from which I can go then and yes, even if I want to go to Burma and want to be with the Masters and materialize, then I'm able to go. You have a foundation, which I hope you're going to share a little bit about and I would love to do that too right to find ways to revitalize our environment through plantings and you also need currency for this or a lot of work for and time and travel and all these things. So the more relaxed one is to go and have a small base to start from then you don't have to worry. This is also then where we can have more impact and I think many of your clients, and who also listening here, you have a lot of desire to create impact, to create change to do transformation. Yeah. And even if we take all the money and we spend it on other things or land, you know, everyone has different desires. But it is important to understand how it's woven into our fabric, and how you have to take all those different parts together. Yeah, I would love to hear a little bit about your Mangena Foundation.

Daniel Mangena  20:40  
My Mangena foundation. Yeah, so my parents are immigrants from Zimbabwe, they immigrated from Zimbabwe, to the UK in the 70's. And, you know, we were fortunate my parents were not economic migrants, they didn't come because there was a war or anything like that, they came because they wanted to get more education. They'd reached as far as they could, my dad wanted to do more advanced masters and to do his PhD, my mom wanted to come. So my older brother and sister were born in Zimbabwe migrated when they were three and five years old. And myself, my two younger siblings were born in England. And, um, you know, we used to go back to Zimbabwe every year. And we'd see, you know, my parents were very, very, for them, it was important that we would spend time not just in the cities with, like, the cousins that lived in the cities, but we'd also go out to the farms and go to the rural areas and see some of our poor relatives too. So we had an appreciation for the things that we had, and we had an appreciation for the challenges that people face. I mean, you know, seeing some of our cousins and our uncles and Auntie's that, you know, as young as a few years old, they were getting up in the morning, they were helping to prepare the land or looking after the animals. They were going to go and get water, they had to pay to go to school, it wasn't free for them. Sacrifices had to be made to make sure that all the kids got an education, and got an opportunity to break free. And since then, I've made a lot of friends and developed relationships with people that also have family in other developing countries in the world. And I've had the opportunity to go out to Asia, to go to other parts of Africa, and to go and see what happens when people don't have the same opportunity made apparent to them. So what the Mangena foundation is primarily interested in is recognizing that, number one, when the opportunity is more apparent, than the ease of access to the opportunity has more flow to it. So it's not about giving handouts is about providing support for people to access their own opportunities. So we're not giving people stuff, we do a lot of social enterprise. So we've got my family's our holding company that my siblings and I have, when we invest, for example, we've got a lot of real estate and agricultural investments in some parts of Africa. We reinvest everything those businesses make locally. To the point where we're acquiring more land, we're hiring more people. I just got word that a project that we wanted to do in Sierra Leone, where we're going to be developing a palm oil plant. That's all from money that's been made locally and reinvested in providing jobs for people and supporting to help them be able to pay for their kids to go to school. And then we provide materials at the school so that the kids get a better education. And now they can see that there's opportunity. So it's not about giving handouts, it's about providing space for real opportunity. So much like the, I don't know if you've ever heard the analogy about the person who saw a butterfly was trying to break free from the cocoon. And they said, "Oh my god, the butterfly is trying to get out I need to help the butterfly". And so they helped the butterfly out. But then the butterfly wasn't strong enough to fly, because it was actually breaking free from the cocoon to develop the strength to enable the butterfly to fly. I firmly believe that adversity and contrast actually strengthen us. So long as we have the resources to see how it's strengthening us, so long as we have the resources to understand the power and the experience and to look at it the right way. So that's what we tried to provide all across the world recognizing that children are going to be the generation that take the world next. Grownups as we get past 35 our brain is kind of wired to be the way it's going to be for the most part. But the children you know, I've got a newborn my son was three, he's three weeks old. He was three weeks old. A couple of weeks ago, I've got my five year old step daughter. I've got my nephews and my nieces. My nephew Michael is one, my niece Coco. In 30 years time these are the guys that are going to be looking at taking the world to the next level. Their peers are going to be contributing to where the world is going to be. Their children, their children's children, and we're looking at what can we do to support that next generation to understand about energy, to understand about being in the heart, to understand about the power to create, to understand about contrast and polarity and how these things can propel them forward, to help them understand this and to give them a space where they're not so stressed thinking about what they're going to eat, where they're going to get clean water from, that they can actually apply these lessons and do something with them.

Meilin Ehlke  25:21  
Yeah, that is very beautiful. I noticed that once, I had a lot of Native American teachers in my life, they don't answer questions. And there are Germans. Germans love to tell you what to do. That's how we train our children right?  I observed that and then one day, I asked, you know, why is this or why is this way. And that is, so they can practice themselves, even when they play with fire, so they can have that experience. And we've taken away a lot of experiences of our children. I think so. And so it is time to step back and to provide that freedom for others. And you were just talking about it. One big thing when I am being who I am, or Dan who you are, or the listeners who you are and we give others the freedom to be who they are, then they can grow in something that we cannot even fathom in the moment, especially in children, right?

Meilin Ehlke  26:38  
So many things have to come out of them. And I'm thinking about us two. We both speak now a lot.  We have a podcast and love to travel and give workshops and coach. Communication for both of us was not always perfect. Or Dan right? For me it was, I was shy. I am dyslexic. I barely spoke, I always saw the truth as a girl and people couldn't hear it. So I became quiet. It took until my mid 20s until I really felt comfortable speaking a lot again.

Daniel Mangena  27:13  

Meilin Ehlke  27:13  
You have have Asperger's Syndrome, right? This is also where we're taught oh my god to communication, you can't do this. Why? Who are you to speak? And you said, "Forget it. I'm gonna do what I love, what my passion is"'. So share a little bit about this please.

Daniel Mangena  27:30  
So the really interesting thing is I didn't know until I was 27 years old that I had Asperger's. I didn't know. So I spent my entire life with very, very bad social anxiety. Struggling to form relationships. Friendships, I've got, you know, very, very small. Now, as I've developed and learn how to use my gifts, I've gotten more friendships. But I spent a lot of my life with a very, very small circle of friends who were outside of me, like family. And a lot of challenges. A lot of challenges I've had in my life have been from just not dealing with people properly because I didn't understand people they made no sense to me. When you look at my graph of my autistic chart, I've got these little spikes that mean that people didn't realize that I was autistic, they saw, "Oh, he is just really good at some things and weird with other things", and they kind of just left me to get on with it. And then you know, after my diagnosis, it's so funny the way the universe works after my diagnosis, I ended up dating two people who work with autistics. Oh, to date one, "Have you got Asperger's?" Yeah. How did you know? Well, because of this, this, this. So I was really helped then, you know. My best friend of many years, her brother had very severe Asperger's. And she was really supportive of me having someone in my life who understood the challenges and will give me patience, because a lot of my life was just spent dealing with the challenges of something that I didn't know that I had. It was just this these weird challenges. Now, why do I have this weird thing with people? Why do I always put my foot in my mouth? Why do I struggle to have these conversations with people and to communicate with clarity? And then when I did understand what was up, I was able, just like I said, to find my strengths. So for example, anything systemized I can learn it. So what did I do? I went and studied social dynamics, I learned the science of how people relate. So yes, my interactions are very conscious. It's a very conscious process. But I've been able to develop a level of mastery with communication, because I went and studied it using my strength. So some might say, oh, I've got Asperger's, I'm not going to be able to do anything. Whereas I say "Okay, I've got Asperger's, what are my strengths"? Okay, how can I take those strengths and use them to support those areas where I can do some improvement, and that's been really, really, really helpful for me.

Meilin Ehlke  29:55  
So this is funny that goes back to what we spoke about at the beginning or later than also about children. So everything we go through I experienced, that's what I believe Dan, it provides a base. We were speaking about a base, a facet, an understanding of what comes later. And I'm not done yet with life. Right? I am now in my 50's, but there's so much more to come. But if I also look back, then even the onset of studying business, veterinarian medicine, then animal science, then landscape architecture and what else I went through and then art. But all of those things formed me. This experience is also what helps me then understand others. And this is so nice, it's good thing you didn't know, because you also concentrated then on improving other parts of your facets. Right? Making them stronger, because you had to find something else. I walk off a path once and what I remember was a woman saying, "I thought you could never go up that hill. But I then I saw you. You're so balanced, you just walk so differently". And I said, "Yeah". I did not know that brings so much plus points. I never thought about it when you go up those hills in the middle of the night, and you can't see anything that I learned to trust to feel. And this is it And you notice it until later in life. So everyone, let your children explore for themselves and you explore your own life like Dan has, like I  have. Even come and ask us. You can do so much more than we are told. And I think, Daniel is a fantastic example of what vastness lies within us when we allow it to come out and to be explored.

Daniel Mangena  32:01  
Definitely. Definitely.

Meilin Ehlke  32:04  
So, I'm also going to be curious what is going to come, because I love also you just said beyond intention paradigm, that's what you're creating, right as your newest thing.

Daniel Mangena  32:14  
Yes that is what I have created.

Meilin Ehlke  32:16  
Right, even there, you said, we go beyond of what is right now.

Daniel Mangena  32:21  

Meilin Ehlke  32:21  
And you put the intention and you create a new shift, right, a new paradigm. So you bringing in that part, you're bringing all those things together.

Daniel Mangena  32:32  
I mean intention, it's that I define an intention as disrupting whatever the program, the pattern is right now. We're always creating always our unconscious is always taking our blueprint sending instructions to energy that collapse into matter, it becomes our reality. There's no point that's not happening. That's how we experience our world. We're not every moment saying Okay, now I'm going to collapse the energy for the color blue and the light and we're not doing that it's happening unconsciously as part of our innate ability to create. But when I'm disrupting the pattern, I'm stepping in saying hang on a minute. Okay, this is what I want to create. And I'm almost entering some new code into the program that for me is setting an intention. But to get beyond intention is to not need to change the program because the program is already doing what I wanted to do. And so the beyond intention paradigm in the short term, it disrupts the program so that I can have what I want now, in the longer term, it alters the program so the program is doing what I want for the long term. I don't need to keep interrupting it I can just be in a flow of creating what I want innately naturally because that's what the program is.

Meilin Ehlke  33:40  
Wow Dan, if that is not Moving To Oneness everyone, we speak about this because that's what we are here for. Right? All of you listening to him to explore and to bring the world to come together. To come together and see each other's beauty. Right? To uplift and it's the easiest to see others people beauty, if I see it within myself when you see it in yourself, Dan right? You do see it you are a prime example of a being who sees it and follows it. I'm so happy that you're inspiring so many. That's also your dedication to life I know that, right? To uplift, to move and support as many people as you can to experience this freedom you were speaking about. To find that courageousness in exploring new territory. To see okay even in finance, if it doesn't work there, what can I change to support my vision or support my foundation? So thank you, for what you are doing in life. And stepping up, because it's really a stepping up and showing yourself and saying, "Here, I am. Come!"

Daniel Mangena  35:12  
Exactly, exactly. And that's the adventure. That's the adventure. You know, people when we accept, okay, so I've got physical matter, I need to go and play with the energy of money. I need to go and play with the energy of other people, play with the energy of movement, play with the energy of school, perhaps play with the energy of work. It's the adventure. When instead of resisting these things, I'm like, "Okay, cool. I get to play with this thing called money. I get to play with this thing called people. I get to play with this thing called health. I get to play with this thing called relationship. That is the adventure.

Meilin Ehlke  35:44  
Yeah, and this is what the times and energies that are coming right now to our Earth. And then I invite everyone to step into and to play. I love the vocabulary you use. It's so sacred. Yeah, because we've lost it and it's time now to say, "Where do I not do this enough in my life? Why don't do it enough with others around me or I love to travel or connect via virtual platforms to do that even more. To explore what else what new thoughts can be produced? And to see whatever thing or anything else exists"? So how can people reach you best, Dan?

Daniel Mangena  36:33  
My website honestly is the easiest way to connect with me. Everything is there, my podcast 'Dream with Dan', my books are available via there. We've also got you know, a contact form my team will pick that up and you know, you can ask questions. We have a free resources page that's got some free things like some visualization meditations I created, some little infographics that teach you, for example, my model on creating intentions. Everything is on the website, it is very easy to remember,

Meilin Ehlke  37:06  
That is so beautiful, because we all, I'm going to use even the word need, desire and need to dream. And dream as big as you can everyone and bigger again, using Dan's word and then one more time. Humongous dreams because then even a little tiny bit comes to fruition, maybe half or even all. But you have then done something you have felt that you felt your own impact and your personal power of doing that.

Daniel Mangena  37:50  
That is beautiful.

Meilin Ehlke  37:50  
So thank you, Dan, for being on the Moving To Oneness show all the way from Mexico.

Daniel Mangena  37:57  
Thank you, for having me. This has been fun. I'm so glad that we connected. And again, that just from us following the flow, you're following the intuition to say yes. And the connection and I believe that when we say 'YES' more to life, then we have more opportunity to play. Is it always going to work out? No. But we are always going to have an adventure.

Meilin Ehlke  38:17  
I love that. Everyone, go this year and go with the flow of adventure. Good bye everyone.