Moving To Oneness

Ep. 2 ~ Open Your Heart

Episode Summary

Dive in deep into the conversation about "How do you feel love?“ with Denise and Meilin. Then move along to open your heart further as both hots provide different approaches. Followed by fun ideas of movement and sounds to raise your vibration even further. Enjoy...

Episode Notes

Conversation about how do you feel love?
Ways to open your heart.
Ways to quiet down
Answering requests of listeners in the FB group


Episode Transcription

Intro: music

Moving to oneness.

Embracing Differences

Becoming One


Denise Hansard  0:59  

So welcome everyone to the Moving To Oneness. I am Denise Hansard here in the United States. I am a life architect and a motivated speaker. With me today as my co-host is...


Meilin Ehlke  1:11  

Meilin Ehlke, sitting here in Germany, beautiful Bavaria. I love to heal with sound.


Denise Hansard  1:19  

This is beautiful. I love it.

So, guys, what we want to talk about today since this has been deemed a month of love and of our hearts as February is really began to look at How do we view love? How do we bring love into our life and what what effect does it have in our life in the way of healing and lightness and compassion, and being able to move forward secure, and the love that we have for ourselves and secure in the light that is emanating from that love.


Meilin Ehlke  1:59  

Hmm. Beautiful So,


Denise Hansard  2:00  

So yeah, it's kind of one of those the way I view it Meilin as we are embracing the differences of everyone out there and in the world is that we have to really start with ourselves first. That is the way I see it, yeah. And..


Meilin Ehlke  2:18  

yeah because


Denise Hansard  2:19  

Go ahead

Meilin Ehlke

Guys it's funny, but I love it that sometimes in/ on radio or podcasts, you don't see the face and Denise and I both had radio shows for 5 years. How many years did you have your radio show, Denise?

Denise Hansard

I just had it for a year, and that was enough.


Meilin Ehlke  2:46  

A very successful show that's for sure. Very interesting. And sometimes to pick it up but stick with us. Get more sun as we go on and create more episodes. The love part is something we can sense within ourselves. And many of us I know have very awkward connection to the word love. Some here think it is just a word that is spoken out, I love you, I love you, it has no depth. Others can feel the love, really intense of anything that is in the world, the love to nature, love to a pet, and to an other person. So it's very easy to love, or understand their own love. I think this is really there is a broad spectrum, and that makes this topic so interesting because everyone reacts, and acts different on this world.


Denise Hansard  3:52  

Yeah, I agree with that and what I also know is that for every reaction we have we want to be able to take that in and see how we can choose our actions. I have a quote framed on my wall in my office and I live by this as I remember it always because we all have had many different type of events that have happened in our life that I have heard us have caused us great pain has made us wonder, what is this life all about? And the way that I view it is exactly like this quote it says it's not what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you that matters.


Meilin Ehlke  4:35  



Denise Hansard  4:38  

For me yeah for me it's kind of like this is where it all boils down to is in our choices that we get to choose each and every moment, and I feel like the greatest choice we have is to really dive down deep inside of ourselves and understand the love that we have for ourselves. I don't think we can really move forward until we love each and every beauty mark. Ugly nose whatever we demon is not really ugly because it is beautiful, but we have to love every inch of our body and understand that as we are loving deep deep deep within ourselves we find that security, and the light, and we're filling a void. I think a lot of people experience because we forget who we are and we forget the moment of love that we have ourselves, and that's what we want to do is to move back inward into just pure love for ourselves.


Meilin Ehlke  5:43  

And how do you do that so I'm thinking of someone who I spoke with a while back is that he is not understanding what love is. I feel very deeply, I have a tendency to see the love in every person. Oh I have been, I heard words expressed toward me because I should have not done that. But, in any person, every person, there is this spark. And I believe it wants to shine out wants to radiate out. And we have to find it. So I encourage all of you who are listening today, maybe put your hand on your heart. And just find the location of it, because the heart is the strongest symbol we see out, I think throughout the world for love. Maybe also the color of red depends on what culture you come from. And you may feel the pulse, the movement of your heart. You may feel the heat that comes from your hand that moves toward the heart. If you. Yeah. So maybe if it difficult to start from the inside out, we can start from the outside in with the decision, you take to say, Uhhh, I want to find my love, I want to understand my love in a better way. How does it feel like for myself? And maybe you feel also like when you've experienced it yourself, then you can speak with someone else about it, and even more doors open up and use, he or more or see more in a way where you can hook to that you can play with it, that it comes from different sides of understanding what love is for you and how it feels like.


Denise Hansard  7:52  

yeah, I totally agree with that my lane and I want to take it just a little bit deeper because we've all had our past stories like I said of things that have happened to us. And what happens within that when we've been hurt or rejected or even given up on by others sometimes by ourselves. Our mind, our ego begins to shut down the capacity to open our heart up to open up the love that we have because it wants to keep us safe. And so, a tool that you can use to begin opening up, is to begin to look at. When you hear the voice of the ego that says no, don't do that, which is always confusing, I feel it's very confusing when I'm looking at something, and I'm questioning it, because the ego voice is one of which it resides gives you a headache, it resides totally up in your head, even though it may emanate and spread throughout your body but it's one of those questioning aspects and keeping you unclear, foggy brained, things like that. If you can create the awareness of when that has happened and hit what I call a beautiful pause button which is a big red button inside of you that says no pause. Is that who I really am, you know, stop that and then drop deep into the center of your body, your gut your heart area that chest cavity and begin to see it as... Let's go with the theme of like a red rose.


Meilin Ehlke
Yes, beautiful


Denise Hansard 9:33
a tight rod and see the light flowing into it and the ground nourishing it with / from the soil of feeding it to where it just blossoms and opens up. That's a way to envision your heart, being open. And some of us may reside in fear just a little bit of saying but I'm afraid to open my heart up. Well, here's what I have to tell you envision yourself in a Teflon bubble that no thing, and no one and no words or anything can penetrate it. But you can see outside, and you're totally protected. But your love can spread throughout it and even seep out to others. That's a tool that I like to be able to use to be able to help people to understand, as they're opening themselves up it's called visioning. And it's visioning for your life and it really means taking that ego brain that we have and allowing it to pause for a moment and saying yes, I hear you I see you but what if, and drop down into the blossoming aspect of our heart, our soul, our inner self, to be able to say it's a, it's okay and meditation helps with this, whether it is the meditative state of just quieting your mind and focusing in on your breath or, you know, in your home, or you can walk out in nature, and have that process of being fully present with everything. So, it's a journey, and we have to keep practicing and keep doing it over and over again. As we continue to embrace, even the differences within ourselves of what we listen to the ego voice or your heart voice, whatever that may sound like for you.


Meilin Ehlke  11:31  

Yeah, and I like the idea of a bubble space where you feel safe. And when you use the metaphor of opening up through a bud blossoming. Feel the sun rays that do enter warm up the space. You really can soak up the sun so you can visually imagine it, or you can even sit outside, or if it's too cold sit at the window and feel the sun hit your body and feel the warmth. Notice how your body expands. Yeah, and often we think about the heart, only from the front, and we've written and have been speaking about all sorts of flows and it's always like a front vision, but maybe as you sit in the sun, turn around, let the sun hit your back. Also in imagine that or ask someone else to put a hand on the back of your heart. If you have a child, a partner, a parent or dear friend, or if you can reach it, do it yourself and see then also the heat or put your heart between your two hands. This is a beautiful way to get to know yourself. To get to know where the pulse, your life pulse comes from, and how it even is able to ooze out of you into the world, to touch you, to vibrate, each of your cells and to touch and vibrate out into the world and touch, everyone and everything that is in the world.


Denise Hansard  13:25  

I love that. And one of the key things we have to remember is we have to have fun.


Meilin Ehlke


Denise Hansard
Fun, fun, fun... This is part of it is being able to dance to embrace movement in whatever way that means to create that higher vibrational level within yourself, which is also an opening up to joy, to compassion, to love, just to have that freedom of being like a child again. And I think Meilin you have a way in which to do that, that I can't wait for you to share it with us. That helps people to embrace the love through a higher vibration of their voice.


Meilin Ehlke  14:14  



Denise Hansard  14:15  

I would love for you to talk more about that and then to end us up with that methodology.


Meilin Ehlke  14:20  

Yeah. So for me, I had to, I have to speak really quick moment about the dancing and fun. So, I even as sit here. I started putting my hands on my heart area. Really, that's also where illumination starts from. I started moving to the side to the front, and if you may be standing in your living room or in sun, you don't have to sit, slowly start, let your body move you. Get to know what it wants. And dance, and maybe the rhythm picks up after a while, maybe it's very, very mellow the movement. And yes, because, you know, Denise, and I want to encourage our listeners to write in. We have the Facebook group, Moving to Oneness and they I asked our members to write in for what they wanted to a song for and there's one. Not really two women Lorraine asked about you know all about the heart, the love and expanding our heart, area. And we spoke about that but there was also Christina in San Diego, who's talked about sounds right. And about moving in this times forward to be open enough, and to move on to the adventure of what these new energies are bringing us. So it all started with the beautiful meditation, your intention of opening your heart of opening these roles within you, this gorgeousness, and to showing more and more of your blossom. Blossom, genau.


Blühte in German. Yeah. And as you open up, maybe tones come out because I believe you can maybe haven't or express words that connect what really love is for you. Maybe the word love is not the love that you sense. So speak out those words, maybe while you dance or sing them out, tune them out. And I will do this for you now too.

To support you and moving us out forward into as we were speaking about oneness. To support that opening, so that once you decide to start opening it can go on and on and pulsate open. This is beautiful. You know where you could go in and out, and in and out. You become more secure. You have a certain ease about yourself, and anything that comes and happens to you in life. And you have a new vision. Right? For whatever adventure comes next. So a small song /sound for you to celebrate to delve into this topic, and to open up and to expand infinite toward it.


Meilin Ehlke 17:30


Denise Hansard  18:20  

Meilin, that was beautiful.


Meilin Ehlke  20:09  

Thank you.


Denise Hansard  20:09  

That vibrated deep into my soul, which I think is what exactly we're talking about today guys is really to, to go deep within in whatever way is possible to tones through music through humming through yourself through meditation, through dance through having fun, and the joy. That's what it's about. In our episode of Moving to Oneness we want to thank you.


Meilin Ehlke  20:40  

Thank you everyone. Have a wonderful day.


music playing...