Moving To Oneness

Ep. 79 ~ Meilin Ehlke - Be the Beacon

Episode Summary

Stay flexible to better experience the diverse German April weather in all its beautiful facets. A sacred sound (min. 22:27) assists you to stay a beacon of love, harmony, light, unity and much more. Enjoy todays episode.

Episode Notes

During the month of April in Germany you experience an array of playful weather patterns in short increments. This invite you to be fully peaceful in your core. Enjoy the sacred sounds (min 22:27) championing you to stay flexible.

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Episode Transcription

Moving To Oneness; Nourish Curiosity; Embrace Differences; Be One

[00:00:54] Meilin Ehlke: Unpredictability is what invites you to be in your core in your center and feel peaceful. This can radiate out into the world. Hello everyone. I'm Meilin Ehlke your host of the Moving To Oneness podcast. Yeah, this weather, you know, I always start somehow my podcast with weather, but it's fun. It's part of me. I'm the nature girl, right?

[00:01:27] The landscape architect I am born this way, constantly connected with the wind. If I'm inside, I hear it, if I am outside, I feel even the tiniest breeze. What does April, bring us next to the huge gates that will open and fascinating alignment of planets. If you're interested in astrology then, you know, much more than me, but these gates that open and this influx of new energies that will feel new to us.

[00:02:11] Invite us to go with the flow to stay cool in a way. Yeah, but it's easier said than done to stay cool and calm inside and limber enough to, look, my body is moving oh you can't look because I don't have a video on today. It's just audio. But this limberness to go and feel relaxed enough to move in any direction, right?

[00:02:45] Or to circle around or spiral or left and right, and a little bit in that direction, but really far in the other direction. The same is outdoors. They're now clouds. But the second before there was blue sky, and then there was wind, strong wind bending the trees. The next moment, no wind. Tomorrow it's warmer yesterday it was freezing. There was snow. Then the hot sun comes through. Right? And this is how it feels inside too many of you. I heard recently from you, that this uncomfortableness of not knowing what comes. Right?

[00:03:32] The unpredictability in a way, also the thinking, not sensing that we cannot do anything. All right. That a few people in this world dictate now how things are happening and who was allowed to live in, not. I want to remind you though, as if you look again at the weather of spring.  April, somehow it's each year similar changes. What did they figure out in Britain? Some scientists are notice that everything blooms about two weeks earlier and has done that now for almost a decade.

[00:04:16] The consistent trend is that it's getting warmer again, it's for the Northern hemisphere. Right? So even though it gets cooler, freezing, warm, even hot, suddenly in the twenties. Next day, it was low single. Celsius here in Germany. God, it's not so easy encumbrance everyone around the globe. Once I was pretty good in remembering what Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit, Celsius was when I lived in the US I could go back and forth. And since I'm here, that's in my mind so  much anymore. But there is, if you zoom out, right? Even if you have a graph where things go up and down there is arise, is it stock markets, currencies, the right of it getting warmer. We're moving into the next month. That is for sure, and toward summer. But here, it shows again, even in the growth, right?

[00:05:23] Some flowers and plants brought out their leaves to early and then the ice came and the snow and some of those leaves froze, others didn't. Depends on what location and how much sun exposure or shade. And those have to re-sprout. And there's the question. Will they, re-sprout in a different way, in a new way, in a more adapted way?

[00:05:49] And is it so bad that the leaves froze? So, if you look at yourself, this way. What do you bring out into the world? And then maybe it didn't function so well, maybe you will bring out something new now, after rest, after repairing or fine tuning a few things with your body. Did you think you had to go this direction? And maybe certain nutritions, weren't the right thing for you. And you've tested something new, maybe a certain diet. It doesn't feel right. It doesn't bring the results you desired, you find tune and a restart, but it's not a restart from zero. You come wiser with experience as the plant. It may bloom then when the roses come out of it few days later, but somehow it's able to catch up. Because so many plants, if you look outside, they do things in unison. They flower at the same time, they bloom at the same time. And we do similar things. If we really sense each other and take the time, right. We've all coming out of the hibernation state. Now putting in the structures, thinking of how to grow the roots strong enough. Do we have enough roots in the ground to hold us upward?

[00:07:15] We are starting to sprout out through the ground, breaking through the ground, seeing the sunshine already. Right? So it's in this growth period, but also your turmoil inside. Right? You know, we know, I know there's this change at the moment, where we sense something new is coming and it's going to be beautiful.

[00:07:42] But at the same time, then things happen that are, you know, that come up from under the carpet that are painful. Show the way humanity is we're trained to be this way. And you ask yourself, when is this going to stop. Why is this still happening? And I would say it's happening less, but maybe it's showing once more to us a residue. Where are things still in, in us that have not been healed that still react out of trauma, out of trigger.

[00:08:24] The birds are singing outside, "don't give up" for us, for you. Thank you. Right? This hurt or the suppression they have to act on someone's order. So, that's the time to go then and say, "okay, this is all going on within me. And it's touching me. It's doing something with me, all these things at the weather, the world happenings my own body."

[00:08:59] You may feel not fit enough or not in the form you desire. That you desire it, that means you have your intention on it, so it will get better. And it is getting better because you set your intention. So try again. Don't give up like the bird just told us, told me. There's a fine tweaking. Someone, something had to be uncovered.

[00:09:23] Someone had to show up in your life. Something you had to remember, had to try out and it didn't work. Or not that did didn't work. It's like you have to hone that craft. You have to do it over and over and get better in this direction and that direction. Owning a craft. We learn out of experiences the best, the fastest.

[00:09:51] So, we're all beings of love. And all of you who are listening here, you have the desired and you live, to create impact, to bring light, to bring love. So, now is the time. It is the time for us to move into our optimal state. And again, as the bird said, "don't give up. It may take a few rounds. It'll take a few days. It will take a few months and it will take a few years. In that time, though keep on shining your light. Keep on radiating out your love. Smile, laugh, be present in the moment, wherever you are, you can influence your surrounding. You can influence yourself. You can influence your family, your friends, your workplace. How do you greet everyone? How do you say goodbye to everyone? How do you invite them to do the teamwork with them?

[00:10:54] How to hand over the paperwork, when you go to state officials. That's the landscape architect we often had to go to the government and show our work, ask for permission for them to look over things. Or the team members, your colleagues. If you're a coach, there are so many healers on here, right. To bring out that is within you, comes out best, your unique style, if we are on wobbly ground. Where not everything is perfect.

[00:11:35] And there's a small, a short story. I was 2012 on Hawaii. Which island? Kauai. It was for the 25th Annual World Congress on Illumination. The illumination conference. I can't remember something like this. Wait crazy beings from around the world and far away from the cosmos appeared. But one night we went to a beautiful site where the priestess of hula. Let me, remember, I don't want to say the wrong words.

[00:12:17] Hawaiian dancers get initiated. The hula dances, right? Ancient, traditional dances. And the terrain was not beautiful paved. We had to go up and down and because the light was gone on the way back, it was so dark. And you had to feel yourself because the flashlight. Uh, who had flashlights around? We left in the morning.

[00:12:45] No one was thinking we would get that far, even until late at night. And someone said, "Meilin I was so worried that you couldn't get up there or down here, but it looks, you do it best because you're used to walking different." And it became clear to me. Yeah. So something where I was always thinking, oh, I don't fit in, or I walk different as others gave me balance. And that's what she said, I remember, "Oh, you have so much balance". So, I had to learn through my different way of gait to shift and find balance in different ways. And that helped me in a terrain. And that's why even as a little kid, I didn't have to go on the path. I could go left and right and I found my way on any surface I feel comfortable. I don't worry about my ankles. But that day it became clear to me what freedom that gave to me. And what surety and what connection it provided for me first to the ground, to the plants around me, to the stones below.  I was and still am always so connected. Maybe because I always walk barefoot, not always, but as often as I can. I'm not one of those always barefoot walkers. If I don't have to put on a shoe, I'm happy. Let's put it this way. Yeah.

[00:14:21] So, our differences and having it not easy and that. What is needed right now, you may have not a community, but your community is growing together where you find yourself in, where you can open up of how you function. And you may have not felt you belong, but you do. Because you need it right now. We are here now to live on this earth, to bring and be an example by being our being fully and expressing our way. Showing it now. So, many of us and I include myself. We have tightened ourselves. We have adapted to others. But now it is time not to adapt. To let go those structures, those facets that are not you, that are not me, that are not us. So, we can with ease. and lightness bring out our gifts. With smiles, with a vocabulary that everyone who we desire to be with understands and is attracted to. And you may be someone who's now more outside or pulled back inside quietly meditating, sensing for the globe. Sending good energy, sending healing, sending support of who's moving from one place to the other, that they are  arrive well.

[00:16:03] At this control over other people dissolves. So, that's a big topic. So, where is your own control over yourself holding you back of being who you are? And the more you are you, the more I am me, the more we are we, others have no other way to then to change their way or also figure out who are they really? And who are they following? Are they following themselves or others, and also stop obeying then others in doing things they really don't want to, but they have to. Maybe out of fear of survival or not. Or I have to cut a tree and don't want to cut a tree. Brazil. I mean, the list goes on. That maybe they're putting down the gun and putting down the saw. And what are you putting down? Maybe putting down certain foods we don't want to buy anymore, that are in grocery stores and saying we don't want to have them in a store. Puccini says, "Yes".

[00:17:20] So, are those gates that are opening or these alignments, or these beings that are coming to the star nations, they're all coming to support us. So, ask for help, sit calmly and ponder and communicate with them. Even the trees or the cat. Loved ones, others, any healing helps and it can go back and forth and upps it down and turnaround, right? One moment you work on yourself, maybe the next moment you sent healing to other places. Then there's healing for unity of humanity. And then there's next moment one against pain.

[00:18:09] Why are certain things even produced? So, that these unfold and people start questioning their own actions. So, I invite you to act less judgmental. Look for harmony and balance within yourself.

[00:18:33] At everything precise, like with the weather, we were speaking about the April weather, you know, the ice that comes down from the sky, the rain, the wind that goes in all directions, the different colors of green, these different plans you can see in those flowers. Why are they flowering and certain colors and reappearing year after year.

[00:19:02] This unity is what amazes me every time. How you walk or drive through a landscape and boom yesterday, there was nothing and suddenly similar plants, same plants, I should say. Similar growth, different locations, bloom. They communicate. Let's communicate more with each other In a communication, language of love, a language of support, a language of embrace. Sing with your voice as the bird outside, bring that happiness out of you into the world and let the wind take it on and bring it somewhere else.

[00:19:53] Every cell in your body that you bring to move in into its own rhythm. So, we can dance and move with ease and freedom invites the cell next to it, to do it, or the body next to it, the particle next to it, the material. And, right, we so connected. Celebrate this connectivity and go like on a scavenger hunt for where it feels tight, not connected, particles feel lost, particles feel left alone and put light, energy, love and whatever else it needs into that. So, it's this in an out and out and in, in and out. Close and too far from far too close, from me to you.

[00:20:57] Right? Then maybe once around the globe, twice around the glove. You can do as much of a playful healing as possible to bring this lightness of light of weight, less weight, no heaviness, and the brightness. This will help. This will help. And it is helping. It helps like a, you know, a fire that you try to put out and has the strengths to rekindle. You can not be put out. Not anymore because now it's your time. It's my time. It's our time to be the beacon to invite everyone else, to be the beacon and to move into a natural state of love, harmony, balance, freedom, and unison. The list goes on.

[00:21:55] So feel supported. There's a song for you.

[00:23:47] ..... .

[00:23:47] Beautiful support for us. For us to be more of who we are. For you to be more who you are. For me to be more who I am, and do radiate that out into the world. With a surety, with love, with light, with your intention, with your flavor, with your essence.

[00:24:18] I wish you the best. I am Meilin your host of the Moving To Oneness podcast, bring your brilliance. Bring your forward. Good bye.