Moving To Oneness

Ep. 70 ~ Guest H.E. Ambassador Terry Earthwind Nichols - World Peace Journey

Episode Summary

A vision in 2009 started a journey of a deeper Self-discovery and brought a calm knowing for my guest to move forward to bring world peace to all. Enjoy...

Episode Notes

Being the messenger, is being present to what is and passing it on. Our guest shares beautiful experiences of being one with the vibration of all. Enjoy...

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Episode Transcription

Moving To Oneness; Nourishing Curiosity; Embracing Differences; Becoming One

Meilin Ehlke  0:42  
Two souls met many years ago, recognizing each other, and knowing  we're here for each other. And this journey together and criss crossing it on a regular basis to increase the light or nudge each other forward a tiny little bit further, has created such a deep friendship and understanding and catapulted us both very, very far. So, stay close and listen in to this fantastic guest. He is so vast, so grad has so many angles. And the fun part is yesterday because of him, the wind here, where I live in Nurnberg started blowing. And I recognized that today, whatever will be spoken is going to bring peace to all of us. So, I'm Meilin, the host of the Moving To Oneness podcast. Please, welcome with me my lovely, fantastic guest, Terry Earthwind.Nichols who is sitting in Asheville, North Carolina, US Hello, Terry, how are you?

Terry Earthwind Nichols  0:55  
Hello, my dear friend. So, excited to be here. Thank you, for allowing me to be your first guest of the year. This is beautiful.

Meilin Ehlke  2:14  
Yes, everyone. It's his birthday today. So I'm going to rap and say Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you, Dear Terry. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you!

Terry Earthwind Nichols  2:25  
Thank you, Dear.

Meilin Ehlke  2:26  
What a start, what to start, what to start to bring out your energy into the world. And it doesn't look like you're stopping and relaxing. You keep moving, you keep moving and expanding, and building out a web where people can fall back into and begin to recognize themselves. So, tell everyone how that started when you recognized, that you bring this calmness to people, so they can move into a peaceful state?

Terry Earthwind Nichols  3:09  
My journey began. My name Earthwind comes from my tribal name, gah do o nule. I was raised to believe I was fourth generation Irish American white boy. And it wasn't until I was 46 years old, that I found out, that in fact I am Native American or native Turtle Islander. North America from Mexico to the North Pole, if you look at it, just so, is very similar to a turtle. So, that was called Turtle Island for 1000s of years. Go figure how that came about.

Meilin Ehlke  3:52  

Terry Earthwind Nichols  3:54  
Spiritual world is quite interesting. And since then, when I found out as you and I've spoke many times, there was this calm come over me like, "Ah, some of these weird things I have been thinking and seeing most of my life, that my mother used to tell me, don't tell people, sometimes someday it'll all become clear". And I took it for face value, because I was a very young man at the time somewhere around eight years old. And yeah, and now it's coming clear. And not only that, back in 2009 I had a vision in the middle of the day. You know, Main Street society would say I hallucinated. I wasn't taking anything to hallucinate, so go figure. But within a week I've seen in this an amazing golden Horn come out of the wall at me, while I was enjoying the Sunday morning newspaper. All of a sudden my world changed. The prophecy on Turtle Island is, sometime in the future, there will be one born from Turtle Island, who will gather the four nations of the world back together as one nation again, as it was in the beginning. And that's the red, white, black and yellow. And that time coincides with the Age of Aquarius, for those of you who follow that water sign, water comes to water, so it's the gathering time of the world.  Everyone knows the worst part of any storm is just before it's over. And it's a stormy time in the world right now. So, that's the bad news. But the good news is, it's almost over. And very soon, in my lifetime, this is exciting. In my lifetime, we will probably, not probably, we're going to see world peace, where the young ones now, I say people under 30 are not going to live in this world like it is. They're going to take off, they're going to stop, and they're going to make it ONE world and they're going to save the world. So, that it's habit inhabitable to humans, and that's all working right now. It's happening. And the old world, the old ways of thinking and war and all that stuff. They don't have as much power as they think anymore. And that's changing. It's exciting. So, that's a little bit about where my world came from.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  6:52  
And then all these things that I used to see as a child, as it turns out, are quite interesting because there's messages involved in it and I just allow them. I had a Native American elder, teach me that whatever you're thinking, whatever you see, whatever you hear in your minds ears, it's a message and it may not be to you and so repeat it out loud and the person it's designed for or to receive it will somehow be around you when you do that and just let it go. And so once in a while,  Meilin and I have talked about a lot. Once in a while these these very weird sounding words will come to me in a group of people, and I'll just say it out loud and the people that it's not for, don't don't pay attention, they didn't catch it. But somebody in the crowd will turn around and look at me and smile and leave or just go do something else. That's the person the message is for, whatever that is. How It is I still don't know, as they always leave. [laughter] So, I can't walk up to him and say, "Did you hear that in English, or did you hear that in the gobbly goo I just said?" It's just not important because it's not for me to know that, it is for them to know. So, it's delightful. My World Peace Journey is not boring, that is for sure.

Meilin Ehlke  8:33  
I can hear that. I wanted to add, it's so important that we don't censor ourselves. I speak a lot about this. Right? I had to learn myself, because I speak words all day long or sentences.  I was lucky to have people in my life, that responded to me when I had spoken even part of a sentence, right, what impact them. They would tell me and so over time I learned, that my spoken word was important. We are so taught to condense ourselves, to compress and keep ourselves tight and not wide and not to act on our own impulses and thoughts. And especially what we want to say to voice out the knowledge, that comes through. And I invite everyone as Terry just said. So, it's Important to not say it not important, because you are Being, that is an integral part of this planet, this Cosmos. You're not less or more than anyone else. Right? And what do you have to say. it is important. And if you, we really don't understand for who it is, or even in the written word, it will be for you or someone else. We don't always have to understand the outlet, but we have to say to ourselves, "Stay open and share your wisdom."

Terry Earthwind Nichols  10:10  
Absolutely, you know we're the messenger. It's not important for you to understand. It is only important for you to pass on. That is the work that you get to do at any one point in time. Just be at peace that someone receives whatever they were looking for because of you. That's beautiful.

Meilin Ehlke  10:34  
Yeah, that builds community too. Right? It starts us back into, you were speaking about it, that we will move into these beautiful time, peaceful time. That also means for me, that there will be community again, where we will be living not so separate. We were separated 1000s of years ago by conquers or people that wanted to dominate other people. Yeah? We were taken apart. We have lost a lot of wisdom. I would say many many cultures on this earth. Right? And you are also toward that, that we begin remembering what, that wisdom is and then we recognize each other in it. It is important, we come together and have this conversations, like we two. Right? Im in Germany, you are in the US and we found each other, and then we have the similarities. Even the visions were/are similar. This connectivity brings us together and strengthens us and support us in the unfolding. And this is coming very strongly. This is the time now when people think, "Oh, I'm so alone", but it opens opportunity to get to know each other around the world. Also, you as an Ambassador, you go and share your knowledge with so many on this planet. A lot of work you're doing now in Africa, right,  in supporting them to recognize themselves and their own cultures and to pull out the wisdom out of the ground. Right? Out of the landscape, so they can feel comfortable in being themselves again and be the optimal self. Well, that's what I see, that you do, so well.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  12:28  
Yes, that is exciting. You know. the work that I'm helping with in Sub Saharan Africa is vital to the future. It is a new business model. It's one of people centric and achievement based. It's no longer about timelines, and goals, and lying and cheating and doing anything you can to make those goals. It's not about that anymore. You folks, that are listening, when was the last time that you achieve something? How did you feel? Ah? And it felt really good and you wanted to do it again. So, what if you worked in a culture, that was based on achievement and doing it again? You don't need timelines and goals. We're going to exceed expectations on a regular basis. And here's something a lot of people are not present with and that is, when you're achieving regularly, you don't get sick. You're excited. You're healthy. You sleep well.

Meilin Ehlke  13:33  
You are vibrant.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  13:34  
You are not worried about stuff. Right? And you don't get sick, so you don't burn out. And you sure don't leave your company. Okay. So, we have steadier employment and everyone is working towards achievement and a vision of a better world and a better company and better people. It's based on that, not the almighty dollar so to speak.

Meilin Ehlke  13:38  

Terry Earthwind Nichols  13:57  
It's exciting, very exciting.

Meilin Ehlke  14:04  
I love that beautiful nugget. Yes, I have sense too there is an imploding happening of the industrial age. Also, you know, if we set always plans we cannot let things happen. We can't live in the moment and we are beings, that thrive in living in the moment. Right?

Terry Earthwind Nichols  14:24  

Meilin Ehlke  14:24  
We are not as we're taught inflexible. We are very flex people. So, often I don't know how it has been in your life dear listener. So many things happen, we couldn't even fathom them a few months earlier or a year ago or a decade ago. Right?

Terry Earthwind Nichols  14:42  

Meilin Ehlke  14:44  
Who knows what's in five years and I think too often this planning or time lines they have made us smaller, they have shrunk creativity. It has not influenced creativity. And what you said so beautifully, when we're creative, when we create, we're beings of creation, we create. And we decide to create or not to create in any single moment, or  second, nanos second. I don't know.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  15:13  

Meilin Ehlke  15:13  
Right. And then, if all the particles have fun because we so excited, the most beautiful things can occur.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  15:25  
You know, breaking the world down into minutes and seconds and those kinds of things keeps us on edge, and we're not in as creative, we're not as present. Presence is the point where manifestation becomes action. So, whatever you're present with, will come to life. It will start coming to you. And you know we are emotional people. You get emotional nowadays, things happen. You get to choose whether or not, that is part of you. That doesn't mean that we walk around happy all the time. That takes too much energy. That's not centered information. There's the yin and yang of natural progression. You know, that's why there's storms. You know, I've just happens. So, you get through the storm, or you sit it out and wait and then you move forward. That mindset, get to vs. have to, and knowing that you can't wait to get to work in the morning, you can't wait to get up and get your children ready or whatever and love them before they start their day, so you can start your day without  the stresses of  what's coming up or anything like that. You're going to be a better, healthier, more productive person, family member and member of society. It's a really big picture thing.

Meilin Ehlke  16:51  
Yeah, and it's coming close. Many people speak about 2030. So, that's eight years. So, there has to becoming a change of our thought patterns, our action patterns. Right? Now there are companies suddenly making extreme different choices in how they want to run their companies. Right? To take care more of the planet. Somehow, I can feel also there are many, you were talking about the younger people in this company, suddenly they're getting the momentum, there are more and more of them and they just make that choice. Then they say, "How do we get there? Where before they would have said, "Oh yeah, by then...  I was just not watching an older movie in which people said, "Oh, who cares by then I'll be dead. But this is not the here anymore.  There is this desire with all of us and I think that has been really strongly awoken the last year or this year as well. It come now into fruition that we want to improve and optimize not just ourselves and find really what we're really about. Not just that we're walking humans on this earth. But what makes tick? Why are we here right now? What is the role we play? How do we treat and respect the landscape and the nature? What do I take out of the ground? Right? How do I treat maybe then even the Earth with respect? What do I give back, right? It's not any more this whole taking, people have enough of that and you can feel it, they're looking for answers and they start to question. This question is getting louder and they know they have to observe themselves and change. This is what's gonna move us suddenly in a faster and faster and faster rhythm to this beautiful peaceful world you have envisioned for all of us.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  19:22  
That's a very good point, the point of rhythm. That is when we're all vibrating about the same. You know there's no conflict there, because we're all on the same level. We all love and adjust our thinking and all those kinds of things with people who are like minded. If everybody like minded then it doesn't go like this, it stays relatively same. So, you have been a beautiful Segway to the rhythm because everything in the earth is rhythm. So it is delightful.

Meilin Ehlke  19:57  
It is very harmonic. Many years ago you were in the Navy. You've traveled the world.  You also got to see a lot of places. You've met people from all around. You always also trained your eye. Right? In a way of profiling, you were able to see when people were unhappy.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  20:21  

Meilin Ehlke  20:21  
Not peaceful, if they spoke out words and not. You always notice what it does to a person. Right? It hinders us not to think creative. To the create, to do our passion. Right? You were saying, "We'll be looking forward to work". I even want to go a step further and say, "We will live ourselves. We'll be ourselves, so there is no work and not work, because we will be creating what we desire. What we love in every single moment."

Terry Earthwind Nichols  20:55  

Meilin Ehlke  20:55  
Yeah. I bet you are going to noticed it. You spoke about it.  You already see that change in people, probably in their faces and in their body language, how it has changed. How would you say that, if you would look back 30 years to now?

Terry Earthwind Nichols  20:56  
Well, take sales, it was all about having the advantage of closing the sale and the advantage had no real ethics attached to it. It's just make the sale. Don't care about what you do, just make the sale. And don't get caught if you're lying. You know that kind of stuff. Now, that's no longer relevant. We are making relationships with each other, in service to each other, because people, who are close have friendship, have mutual respect. They'll refer people to you. They'll reappear, you know. You'll send people to them. In the big picture everybody is successful. And the result is you are far more successful, then you thought it was possible. That rhythm is what's driving innovation now. You see it regularly with the massive wind farm project off of the Netherlands. It is  getting started right now. That is a huge project. 30 years ago people wouldn't only say no, they would laugh at you for you even thinking it. Now it's real. You know, India has huge 20 or 30 thousand hectare solar farms they're putting in. The major petroleum companies in the world are looking at closing down fossil fuel in the not too distant future, not because it no longer something that can't be done. It's just because this is going to change. Nobody has to make a change, they've made a mental decision, that they get to change. So, when they get to choose things, they're more positive in  themselves, in their decisions and they work for the good of the whole.

Meilin Ehlke  23:29  
'Get to Change' I love that expression. Yes.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  23:32  
Thank you.

Meilin Ehlke  23:33  
The trust we give each other.  While you were speaking I had to think about safety. So, if I feel safe to be me, wow, then I can be really creative. I'm much happier right away. Right? I don't have to watch out or I'm not set in a certain way. All these things, right? This is then a beautiful relationship, that we have then with each other or the people we create with. And also then again in the big picture of nature and getting into that rhythm where we can feel comfortable and supported, and not free alone. Just go into it the energy of that, knowing you're not alone and you're safe with others. Which we've taught the opposite, right, for much too long. Also, not to feel safe with people, that don't look like each other or we don't understand. So, this is then bringing that back into the workforce with is also important. Right? Because we are working now everywhere. You were hinting to the major companies, they have people from around the world working together, bringing their ideas together and their different experiences. That's makes it then even so creative. So, the respect and the value we provide to others create this new change.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  23:38  
Yeah. Spot on.

Meilin Ehlke  23:56  
And now you can see it with what you just shared.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  25:06  
Yeah, and bad people calm down too. Like bullies are bullies because they started out as victims and they blaming back the world for themselves being victim. But if they're in a safe environment they don't bully. They get to be a kid or an adult like everyone else, and they belong like everyone else. They don't do that behavior. That is not an inherent behavior or a human emotion. That is a learned response to a hostile environment and when that hostile environment is removed a lot changes. You know, the basic principle of a human being is to love and to be loved. That's the very basis. You know? We come out of the womb in love. We look up at our mother and whoever's there. We look out with love. You know, as we grow the various stimuli, that we become witnessed to affects the way that we're going to react and act in the world. I am often quoted for that. And the safety of the environment that we're creating in this world as we go on is going to drive that behavior to to be more inclusive.

Meilin Ehlke  27:03
This is beautiful. You know, sometimes I want for things to happen really, really fast. But it's going to happen really, really quick. And also everyone, this time period, Terry was speaking about prophecies, this has been spoken about 1000s of years ago, that exactly 2020, 2021 and 2022 this change comes. And now is coming, is here and is changing more and more into the positive. So, I love that and you know, at the beginning when you spoke about the turtles, isn't the Earth also a turtle for many tribes? Right? And so, you are really, if I look at your name Earthwind. You're really here to take care of the Earth. And the fastest way is I think, to support us human beings. Nature can catch up rather quickly again, as soon as we let it, repair itself. I also envision that the wind brings a lot of information to all of us...

Terry Earthwind Nichols  28:20

Meilin Ehlke  28:21 
... and moves those seeds around, so things can grow again. So, if we value then again the Earth and start fixing it, not fixing like we've done before, but really taking the time and looking at ecosystems. Like the same kind of systems. Ecosystems and business system are very similar, right? The human body, it's a structure where all interplays with each other and when one part is not working it has influences on the other part. Right? And then they cannot be in the optimal state. So, but to learn more about how can we replant? How have been the ancient ways of sustainable ways to plant again, so that, you were talking about the Sahara, right, there are ways that we can plant different.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  29:22

Meilin Ehlke  29:23
 Not what we've been taught the last 200 years, but they're more ancient ways the plants can thrive again in.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  29:35 
You're right.

Meilin Ehlke  29:37
 And find the ways of the ecological system that has been there. So, we have to look and learn also to look further back. I invite many of you to look even further than history books, further than biology books or landscape books, to go in and really listen. Because one thing is important, the Earth gave us our language. Right? All our languages are based, the sacred languages, are from our environment. We took the cues, we took the sounds and put them into the language of a certain area. So, go look at your language. What sounds are spoken? Listen to the environment around you. What language do the plants speak or sound like, and the birds, the animals etc.? And become more fine tuned, because then also, we are not an interrupter or like a thorn somewhere we can go back into the harmony even with our environment where we live in. Yesterday I spoke and I thought architecture has to change. So many things need to be open and creative enough as we move into this time. Terry, what is right that we're living and what is not right? Even things we are so used to. Take a moment and contemplate and ask, is it still sustainable, or does it support me in being happy or helps achieve things? Right? So, we can go more into the details. So, that's what I would invite many of you for this year, to look at the details of life.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  31:38
 Yeah, you know, like you were saying get out in into nature. Well, you don't have to get fully into nature. You know, just being outside in the fresh air you're going to gain something and if you don't worry about it. You know, if you want to go hug to tree, hug a tree. If nothing happens, so what. Go hug another one. At some point, the vibration, that you are creating within yourself to understand, feel and become part of the vibration of something else. It could be a rock, it doesn't have to be a living organism. You will and you will feel it. Up until I was 50 years old, you would not get me to hug a rock or a tree for nothing. I was a white boy mainstream America, ah, ah we're not doing that. Now I do it all the time because I follow my instincts. You know my wife and I and our little puppy we will be walking in the woods on the trail, you and I have walked on, and I have this pull to go to a tree. So, I go over to it. It is no big deal. I have something for it and / or it has something for me. And it's not important which it is and we just become one with who we are where we are. You know, the result in movements, electrical systems in inside of us, aligned better when it's vibrating. You know, it's like a tuning fork. You interrupted the vibration, it changes or stops. But if you don't do anything with it, it takes a very long time for its change. So, you know, it's about being one with what's around you.

Meilin Ehlke  33:40
 I love what you said being one wherever you are. Right? This again, means we're comfortable anywhere. We can understand anything even if it's a different language, or a body language. Different cultures have different body languages or in a different climate zone. Right? We can adjust to the vibration. Oh, I love that to be one where ever we are.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  34:10
 Yeah, and it's not figuring it out. There's nothing to figured out. It is what it is. So, if you're in an office building and you're inclined to just trans on the wall, do it.  Okay. There's an exchange there. Whatever it is, it is not good, it's not bad, it is just an exchange of vibration. Good for the building, good for you, or both of you. You know, it's not important who it is good for. It's being one, being present. Present is that place, the past is your experience. The future has a lot of stretch to it and no get here anywhere. Present is just being right now, and just allow whatever's going through your mind at the point of being present, to become clearer, and it will.

Meilin Ehlke  35:02
Yeah, because then we don't push things aside because we have to run somewhere else. Then I can listen better to my child. You know, he may have longer time to express something and then I'm not sitting there, "Say what do you need to say." Right?

Terry Earthwind Nichols  35:19 

Meilin Ehlke  35:21 
When I'm present. It's like I'm falling back into the body, right? You speak a lot about the body. We can fall into it. We can sense it and then there is no time at that moment. You were speaking about it and I would love for others. Think about what time really is. Suddenly if you're so present, you create your own space, then time doesn't become important because you should know you could and you can accelerate time or you can slow it down. So, we can even learn to play again with time. There are not people out there who teach that again.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  36:05
 You are right on.

Meilin Ehlke  36:08 
The one in the most important, because the most important time is in the moment in the relationship I'm with, it is my chair right now or you Terry, or in a conversation with my son.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  36:22 
Yeah, you know, and I give you guys listening in and thank you again for doing so. I do a morning meditation that's less than a minute long. When I'm finished with it, it's 30 to 45 seconds most of the time, I am fully grounded and at peace. And I stay that way all day. No need three hours of meditation. That doesn't mean you too can't, some people enjoy that and they're present with it. That's fine. There's times when I will go sit on my mountain and spend a lot of time and be in the beauty and the oneness of it all and that spiritual connection I get from it. But I can do it just as easily sitting here in my chair for a few moments with my eyes closed and send peace vibrations across the longitudes and latitudes of the world. I send them across the power vortexes, which we all know are present and NASA and everybody else uses those powers vortexes for reference points. So, you know, it's just being present. It's just getting to that right now, Ah. Then you can move on, you can do whatever you want, or you can stay there. There's not a good choice, not a bad choice, simply a choice. Now we can always change your mind. Right?

Meilin Ehlke  37:43 
Yeah, I like that there's no right or wrong. We do what we desire to do in any second, in any moment. And it was the right thing to do. Because we are beings, that can decide to create or not create in that moment. And if we give ourselves this freedom, this brings us the freedom to be our own oneness.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  38:14 


Meilin Ehlke  38:15
 That is what provides and radiates out, as you said so beautifully, the vibration of love and peace to anything else and others can synchronize to it. So, if you're in a setting with many people around, as you were speaking about Terry a 30 second meditation, you can do that in an often space when you notice it's getting hectic. Right? Do something that brings your self calmness or peacefulness and that emanates right out into the other people. And you draw them through your work in, so they can draw themselves into themselves and become peaceful. We have the ability to do that. I would love everyone to try it out next time when you are somewhere. Or in your family, if you have one, with your parents or with your children or with your partner or if they're all in one room and you notice a little "Ahhhh" could help. Do the exhale and everyone else around you will start exhaling.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  39:25
 Yeah, wonderful.

Meilin Ehlke  39:29 
Yeah. So, you have done so much and as I said at the beginning, we could talk for hours to go through your life experience and what you have done. But what is important for you now, Terry, as you move forward to bring out yourself or for yourself and also for the world.

Meilin Ehlke  39:53 
Hm. Big question.

Meilin Ehlke  39:55 
Yeah, I know.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  39:58 
You know, Like I've said, presence is the point where manifestation becomes action. And I believe, that when people reach out to me I respond accordingly, and you know I always say this, "you can be anything, be kind. And you help someone, who then helps someone else." And my global reach is expanding as we've talked about.

Meilin Ehlke  40:30 
Everyone, it is huge.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  40:32 
And that's as part of my spiritual journey. You know, I'm connected, literally all over the world. I may not even have somebody in Antarctica, I just don't know that right now. But just pretty well everywhere else I do. And that's terrific. Because this is that time, where the vibration as we were speaking of earlier, is changing. And it is stabilizing. It's just not all over the place anymore. We have a lot of people and a lot of places around the world who are going into that balance. Okay, here's the base. I understand and we'll get really happy once in a while and I'm going to be upset once a while, but here's where I am. But we're now all going here in balance, where we're all above that old norm of craziness. Now we're creating a new center of vibration that's much higher and more connected.

Meilin Ehlke  41:36 
Now, that's gonna be beautiful because then we'll also understand nature so much better. For me nature is always important.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  41:44 
I'm not gonna be surprised to see a little kids playing in playgrounds or whatever and nobody's speaking out loud and  all of a sudden goes, "Yeah, I think we should do that." And the other person that they just talked to never said anything. So, what did they say? Or how did they say it? Mind to mind? You know, evolution is at a new level. That's what we're talking about here. Where you know, the person you're with could finish your sentence or your thought. So.

Meilin Ehlke  42:19 
Yeah, that is happening. I've really noticed that change within myself. The last four months extremely as I said it before someone else thinks it. Yeah, I'm also noticing the children exactly doing what you're speaking about. They use telepathy. Not that we didn't know it was coming and intensifying again. And often people speak about that the children are separated or they're just on the phones for example, but they're connected. It's amazing. They use less words, and still send out what is needed. And I've noticed that as well with the youth. I also believe they're gonna bring already in this time, we don't have to wait for them to grow up or be an adult as it was once before. Right? For too long we have downplayed children and the use and the creativity of them. The respect for them was barely there. And that is changing as well. It's gonna come very strongly this year, that they will voice much more of their thought of their experience and of their knowledge. Everyone, watch them, because they're really walking their divine knowledge in whatever they do. And if they don't speak wonder why they're not speaking. Right? And when they do speak, listen 10 folds.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  44:00 
That's a very good way of saying it. Yeah.

Meilin Ehlke  44:03 
Oh, Terry, how wonderful to have had this beautiful conversation with you. Where you shined a light on what is coming, and it feels very comfortable. Even though it's change, but there is a abrasiveness, uh in English it does not work. It's like it's embracing us, an inclusiveness. It feels like we are becoming part of nature again. We will understand it so much better in its beautiful song. Yeah, so that's why it feels doable. What else does it feel like? Like a little exciting, but not like exciting, ah, ha ha, but exciting and a gratefulness that it's that it's coming.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  45:07 
Yes. Yes, great point. You know, too often we don't appreciate what we carry around inside of us. We carry around a lot of power, that can be tapped into and I believe, that those awakenings are happening now. And the use of that power is for the good, not for control or other things. However, there are times when that power can be used to control somebody who seeks to destroy. And so, I always say,  always be kind, but take no grief.

Meilin Ehlke  46:01 
Yeah, a good one. So, Terry you are also in the Moving To Oneness Facebook group, but if people want to get to know you better, want to speak with you and how can they reach you best?

Terry Earthwind Nichols  46:23 
I tell everybody, you know, I'm all over the internet. So, if you Google or Bing or do a web search for Terry Earthwind Nichols. You got to be sure and put Earthwind in there. There are 17,000 Terry Nichols in North America, so I am hard to find that way. But if you Google search, Terry Earthwind Nichols there's only one in the world.

Meilin Ehlke  46:46 

Terry Earthwind Nichols  46:48 
So, you get my my company's websites, social media channels, all of that. And I'm very easy to research and to contacts.

Meilin Ehlke  46:59 
And to approach.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  47:00 
I tell people that is the easiest. Yeah, I am easy to approach.

Meilin Ehlke  47:02 
And to hug.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  47:05 
And a hug. I'm a hugger.

Meilin Ehlke  47:07 
Yeah, so everyone he just doesn't only hug rocks and trees, he also hugs people so and if you get one of his hugs, you will love them.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  47:16 
That's right and with permission. You know, our bodies are our own.

Meilin Ehlke  47:22 

Terry Earthwind Nichols  47:23 
You just don't reach out and hug people for fun of it. You get permission to hug. Right? So that, there's that change or exchange of positive energy as opposed to rejection. So yeah, I'm a big hugger with permission.

Meilin Ehlke  47:42 
I love that. I love that about you. So, a final word or sentence to everyone before we close this episode?

Terry Earthwind Nichols  47:56 
What comes to mind, is my word for the year. Trust. I trust me. Okay. And I encourage people to find a word for the year. Please use trust. It's not owned by me. And just trust yourself and start trusting yourself. That you have more control in your life and and you believe you do. And once you start trusting yourself the power to keep yourself, yourself get stronger every time.

Meilin Ehlke  48:35 
I love that.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  48:37 
So, trust.

Meilin Ehlke  48:39 
Trust. That's a big word for me all my life, to trust myself. And it's practice and it's fun to observe yourself trusting yourself more and then also what automatically happens to trust everyone else in a deeper level. And this creates magic, magic, magic and many many many surprises. Beautiful. And Puccini, my cat woke up and says, "yes". It is exactly though, this way. Thank you everyone for listening to this beautiful conversation. Do reach out to Terry Earthwind, he's the only Earthwind on this planet, you should know that, Nichols. Find him. He really is a fascinating person to have conversation with as you just noticed. And if you're lucky, you'll be able to hug him and otherwise reach out on the Facebook Moving To Oneness group. There you can ask him questions or ask any one of the other guests questions. Or share your wisdom with us or what you would love to hear next this year. So thank you everyone. I am Meilin Ehlke, your host of the Moving To Oneness podcast. Good bye everyone.

Terry Earthwind Nichols  50:07 