Moving To Oneness

Ep. 6 - Guest Matthias Walter ~ Peace Trees

Episode Summary

Our guest Matthias Walter from Germany shares stories of his travels around the world planting peace trees and how he received this vision.

Episode Notes

Watch the movie we spoke about, for which Matthias and his team received 8 national and international awards.

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Episode Transcription

Music: Moving to oneness, 
Nourishing Curiosity, 
Embracing differences,
Becoming One

Meilin Ehlke  1:04  
Welcome everyone to the Moving to Oneness show. Today we have a special guest, out of Germany with me here. It's much Matthias Walter, who has traveled the world to do a very beautiful ritual. And you're wondering what it is? It is planting a small tree. That will bring peace to its surrounding, to the people that live close by, and as it grows we'll spread it forward into the world and illuminate everything and everybody. Welcome Matthias to the moving to oneness show. How are you?

Matthias Walter  1:47  
Thank you very much, and warm welcome to everybody out there who's watching and listening.  We planned a radio interview, right? And it, turned out to be recording so maybe somehow, somebody wants to see me.

Meilin Ehlke  2:10  
Right, yeah we go with the flow and, and often when things happen. We don't know why they happen, but it will unfold at a later moment and sometimes we don't even need to know. And yes, somebody is desiring to see you.

Matthias Walter  2:27  
Exactly. And that's what I'm really living right now in this very special times of change of shift upwards. Yeah, raising the frequency of everything. Mother Earth, raising our frequency with the Schumann frequency. It is a frequency. You can measure that it's changing, you know, so the whole planet is changing. Our Mother Earth is changing. We figure it out because we are working together with a lot of indigenous tribes from all over the world. We are collaborating with them and planting peace trees together in very special ceremonies. And they sent a couple of Mamos, which are the priests of a very old Ancient Tribe in the Sierra Nevada in Colombia. They got full developed third eyes like, pineal glands, and so they have a kind of a view. They are right now doing rituals, because they are the keepers of the heart of Mother Earth. And, yeah, we are working together with them very closely and they sent two younger Mamos last year to un with the message that the whole Peace Tree network we planted on Mother Earth, which is not a big number. It's around 77 Peace Tree seeds planted right now, but all over the world and in large ceremonies with 50, 100, 150, 200 people. And together with them, we created a very special new network. I speak together with some with indigenous people and with the spirit of the trees. And this is a new network around the globe around our Mother Earth, which is helping her like acupuncture needles, this would explain it in the very best way. If we can come to that knowledge to that very old knowledge of all the indigenous tribes, that Mother Earth is a living planet that she is our mother, which we are connected to directly. And so, their message was: Keep on planting your peace trees, because we heard from our communicating with the heart of Northern earth that she's, she really loves it.

Matthias Walter  5:26  
Not that she just loves it, but she can really heal out of this. Because you're remembering what you're here for, which is keeping Mother Earth alive and become the keepers again of Mother Earth. And the indigenous tribes and the wisdom keepers, and the grandmothers, all over the world we are collaborating with. Everybody says the same, you know, we have to give back something to Mother Earth. We can't just always grab what we need, without saying thank you. We get to fulfill the sacred service. And for that, when we receive life for example, we plant a tree, and the Waitaha from New Zealand, which we also work close with. We were six weeks together with Billy TK Senor, which is the peace ambassador of New Zealand. We were six weeks together with them on a tour from the North Island to the South Island and planted several peace trees there. Also one for the whales, because they lost their orientation. Because of the grid, and the magnetic field of the Earth is like changing, shifting.  And they are orientating themselves, with the frequencies, what we know. And they have an old very old story from the piece people of the Waitaha. These are the keepers of the waters of Mother Earth, and they have that old story that a whale is connected with a certain family of trees. So we planted a Kauri tree, where the whale, the whales can orientate themselves. So, and after that, I got a message after one year, that there are not so many dolphins and whales stranding anymore.

Meilin Ehlke  7:47  

Matthias Walter  7:48  
So, we can see that we have an impact. And right now we see that a little virus. No matter if it's man made, or if it's natural or whatever, you know, I don't want to get into that discussion because you have always been the right and wrongs and you know. Because we are talking about oneness. Oneness is when you leave your judgments away, you know. Everybody can, you can give the right to be right. Because they are from their perspective and from their consciousness. So you don't have to go into this fighting anymore and you can also have peace with that. Yeah. And yeah and so the Mamos came and said keep on planting your peace trees, because it helps Mother Earth for her own healing. Like what I mentioned with it, acupuncture needles and this new grid we are planting all over Mother Earth. So out of that, it was also in a radio interview here in my little light fire tower in my garden. We had a radio interview and somebody was asking of the public listeners and somebody was asking, "What can I do? What can I do to help, you know, to help Mother Earth thriving and healing?" And they said, plant a tree, like the peace tree families is planting. You know, we're not like just digging a hole and putting the tree in and leave it alone. We were given a certain ceremony, because we had that vision out of the Sundance in 2009 we received this vision. My wife, Isabella on the woman side, dancing, me on the man side dancing. And we were not allowed to communicate. And in the first Sundance four years prior in 2005. I got connected with my spirit guide, which is the white Buffalo Calf woman and she's very, very famous with indigenous tribes in Northern America Kosti. She brought the peace, pipe to their people, which is still existing and got moved on from family to family. So this pipe is still existing and stands for peace on Mother's and he came into my vision on the very first Sundance, and under certain Sundance she gave us that vision for planting peace trees all over the world. I was not allowed to communicate with my wife, just after that four days when the Sundance was over. And she said, Oh, my God, I received a powerful vision. I said me too. What was it? Planting a peace tree network.

Meilin Ehlke  11:21  
Wow, fantastic. You know too often. Many of us get these impulses and get visions and hear our sense or get thought of what to do. And we hinder ourselves. We think, oh, who am I ? I won't be able to change the world and me. You're a very beautiful example of no, you can. I know a little bit about your history. You and your wife, you started out and with your own fans and first supporters, you know, very close friends planting a tree here in Germany or there. Then, wherever you got invited to, but then even you manifest and materialize or manifest the dream. You materialize the funds to go with your family to New Zealand to plant and to get to meet people and to build up this network. Later you have to tell about the beautiful movie you filmed. You went to North America you did plant there a peace tree. You came to Berlin where we were doing the peace march, Margret and I. You came and planted a tree so it could materialize even better. Bringing in allies. So as I'm a landscape architect nature is part of me since I'm a little girl. Wherever I live there are a lot of trees big trees. And there is a support, there is a grounding. And there is, as you said so beautiful, a web. And the more you everyone goes into connection with a tree, right, the more we can bring that wisdom that ancient wisdom that these trees still carry, connect to it, bring it into our lives. But what I think is really important and I think it's neglected too often. Everyone, your wisdom is important as well. You are a fantastic being here for a purpose, you're not just a person living and breathing air.  Delve in deep and pull out why you are here. And now this time is a magical time to take a little deeper and bring out more of it and start with your vision. Even it's tiny right, as you said so beautifully. It has an impact that goes very far.

Meilin Ehlke  11:31  
And in our group, Moving to Oneness Facebook group, everyone, if you are interested join us, there also you can always bring in your questions for healing, or sound healing in our interviews. Amanda had a question for you  Matthias. She wants to know what is a peace tree?

Matthias Walter  14:25  
Yeah, it's a great question. Because when, we reached out to the people. Everybody was asking us, that question. Why a peace tree? What is a peace tree? Isn't every tree in peace? So every tree is a peace tree, or can be a peace tree, and the vision, which we receive was about co-creation. Sometimes when I have people which are just stepped on spiritual paths or never heard about it, probably know what what's the spiritual journey is. I often help myself, explaining it to the people by movies, you know. I love. for example, the hobbits, you know, and I think the second or third part of Lord of the Rings. The trees are waking up and can move and helping the hobbits to win, you know, yes, against the darkness. So very, very often I felt like the same you know like I can communicate with threes, and since my childhood. And so, they are kind of like telling us that everything is love, you know, and that we are love and that we can awaken in that state by reconnecting ourselves into a oneness feeling with that tree, more with the tree network. And what we are doing is in that special ceremony where we invite the seven directions. Some of some of us might not have heard about seven directions because we have four wind directions. All right? And we invite the heart of Mother Earth, and we invite Father sky as the greatest spirit around us, and we invite the seventh direction. What do you think is the seventh direction?

Meilin Ehlke  16:54  
Probably a person, this is the center from where it goes out. From me where it goes out from, or you.

Meilin Ehlke  17:00  
Exactly, it's the highest power in the whole universe. It's love. So we invite that love, and from, the fifth direction, from the heart of Mother Earth. She's like, is returning our love, which we sent to her. Like she put us in a light pole, you know, and when we call upon father sky in the greatest spirit. A light pole. Come, his pole is coming down. And they marry, they marry. So, the female principle and the male principle marring each other. And we're sitting in a big ball of light. Right, we are, we extending. And I will, I will record one of those meditations for you. So, which I do anyway in German and I can do it also as well in English and we'll send it to you. So, this can spread out into the world about our fantastic techniques here.

Meilin Ehlke  17:57  
Wonderful. What a beautiful gift. Thank you.

Matthias Walter  18:19  
Yeah. And so everybody can connect with the PC network which is already established, which is stable, which is working, and which is helping you to get on another level. And that is what we heard what would help Mother Earth, through the plantings in co-creation with the spirits of the tree. And then there's a lot more. We put in crystals, which are like prayed with, you know, and blessed crystals for that special tree. We put them under the roots. Sometimes if somebody around has received life as a baby. We use the very ancient knowledge of our own people, which were the Celtic, which were always giving back something to Mother Earth as the thank and as the graditude. Thanks Mother Earth that we received live, we give you back the mother cage.

Meilin Ehlke  19:24  
Right. Sounds Perfect.

Matthias Walter  19:28  
And we put it under the tree. So this little child, has a tree for its life. Yeah. And that's a that's a, that's a big protection. And that's a big blessing. And it is a reconnection for the child with that tree.  And the Waitaha, they were very special and we received a lot of knowledge from them. We were touring with the peace ambassador, so it was a big  six week tour. And we had to special pounamu, which led the Waitaha from the Easter Islands to New Zealand, that their Sacred Stone with it they carved their boats out. That's why this little...

Meilin Ehlke  20:18  
I see the little indentation and where it gets narrower at the edge here.

Matthias Walter  20:22  
And so, they are keepers of the big pounamus like big babies. They are big like this, you know, and they are talking to their keepers, the stone is talking to the keepers, and they have very very very ancient knowledge, also about trees. So they have not like graveyards. They have woods, they have holy, sacred woods, because they are foreseers in their tribes, hundreds, maybe thousands of years ago. And the Waitaha are connected directly to Lemuria and still have that knowledge from the Lemuria, and therefore seers can see similar like the mamos.

Matthias Walter  21:16  
When a soul is coming in. And when a wife is getting pregnant they, can see this. And they are planting the tree already before the child is getting on  Earth. Because they have that knowledge, that's a child needs, the soul needs a tree to incarnate on Earth. So that's why in that ancient knowledge of the Waitaha, and of course, not many people are following it. But there are still a lot of people left who are following that knowledge. They have that trees for. Yeah, for the people there, their whole life, connected.

Meilin Ehlke  22:11  
This is fantastic so this is something good that you're bringing that information this knowledge, these experiences, because you have experienced it, to us here in Germany, to wherever you are in the world and into the US, and you where in Burma. Many, many places.  And you have two children yourself and you've planted for both children I bet a tree. Right? And what I really like when I saw you, I didn't know you so well when I saw your movie at that time. But what I was fascinated about was during the ceremony, you had children, and everyone was dressed beautifully, and there was a liveliness, and a serenity and a celebratory feeling with it. And I love that, I love that we include in that you include children. I miss that a lot. That it's very separated, and I believe very strongly, every child doesn't matter how small they are, brings already fascinating information, fascinating movements. We as adults may even not understand what the newness is within a child that they're bringing. Right? We can also learn from our children. And, yeah, I just, that's, I love seeing that. And, Yeah. Tell me about your movie I know you were even in Los Angeles, getting an award. You can share about that.

Matthias Walter  23:50  
Thank you so much. It has been an amazing trip. We are on. First of all I would like to mention that, at the beginning, when we received that vision. It really seemed too big for us. And I was like, you know, okay creators thank you for that big vision but it seems too big for me, and I don't have a clue how I can bring that on Earth. I'm, I feel too little to carry such a big vision, and I said that, you know, like Jesus did I guess. May this glass just go buy, and maybe you find somebody else who has the money, who has the power, who is not becoming a family daddy. You know? And was really ready for that big vision. And, Yeah. So we followed what my medicine man was teaching me. He said: Whenever you feel insecure about visions, you can ask for signs.

Meilin Ehlke  25:09  
And so, I asked for a sign. And we should receive that's such a strong sign from that communication with Mother Earth in the sun dance. And before I was feeling weak you know it's like very very hot sun was at noon, in the middle of of the Sun dance tree, and there was no cloud, and it was so hot and I couldn't get rid of the heat and I blacked out. They carried me in the medicine teepee and put some ice on me and I came back and then that time I had that vision. And so I was asking for a sign if that vision is made meant to be and meant to be through me? And so we got out again in the Sun dance and I was totally refreshed. I felt brand new you know like more powerful than ever before. And I saw how spirits are going in the tree, through the core of Mother Earth around Mother Earth and having this torus field very very powerful also for healing. This frequencies and energies, and all of a sudden the sun came. And it was a big, huge large sun ball around the sun. Not like a rainbow like this, but around the sun. There was a big donut of bright light rainbow colors, and not just for minutes, but for hours. And we were all dancing like this and the stiff neck after and the natives, never saw this and I told the story of a couple of times. And people said oh my god and what year was this. And I said yeah it was 2009 summer solstice, you know. Yeah, I was in Denmark and saw too. I was there and saw it too. You mean that big circle around the sun? Yeah. And, yeah, it's it's fascinating how how nature, the universe, Mother Earth is communicating. I could tell you, so many stories what happened. Cause when we invite that seven directions and open this very sacred room, which we enlarge around the whole earth and into the universe. We are connected with everything. And so, also inside and outside and outside inside is melting together. Also universal laws are melting together and then you can immediately understand what Rumi said, between light and dark, between good and bad, between high and down and whatever, you know, between all this paradox scenes. Is that right, paradox.

Meilin Ehlke  28:34  
Yeah. This is the one... Why is it now, this one not the other.

Matthias Walter  28:38  
Yeah, there's a room where I gonna meet you. And this is a room, that we are creating with every peace tree planting. And that's why the mamos said in that movie. Now I'm getting with the rainbow to your questions. What the mamos said in that movie, is that we are not just planting this peace tree in the core in the heart of Mother Earth thru that very special ceremony. But we are also planting it into every participant who is planting the peace tree with us. And in the beginning, some people felt it. Not everybody felt it. It depends on where everybody stands in his own development and if people can feel and things. But now, after eight years planting, it became so strong that network that almost everybody can feel this. And people come out of this ceremony, totally changed in a one hour ceremony. You know, some said, Oh, I received my, my personal plan for my life in that hour. And most of the people are deeply, deeply touched, because they can feel the peace tree in their hearts. We also digging a hole in the heart, before, because there is a new space in the heart. Yeah, we are digging this with a very wonderful ritual from our Hawaiian brothers and sisters. With the Ho'oponopono we included this in the peace tree ceremony. We are digging that hole into our hearts by forgiving, everything and everybody in our lives. This opens a new spot in our heart, where the peace tree can grow his roots into.

Meilin Ehlke  30:47  
Sit up straighter a little bit and show the audience who can see him and I'll describe it for people that are just listening. So he has a circle on his chest that's a design he did. And it's two trees coming together and you can kissing each other embracing each other, and you have a top spreading out are the branches and in the bottom all the roots. And then the outside you have several lines that they come together and bring together. So this is the beautiful circle of life, you could say. It's very ancient symbol for Shamanism. You can find it in many many cultures and I think that was also so beautiful what I heard, out of you. Speaking about what you include into your rituals is very encompassing bringing together all different cultures and religions. Ways of how they hold ritual, because in a way, we all go for the same, right. And you unify it, and the unification is so important and again everyone. Do start, and do know that you're never ever alone. Doesn't matter where you are, what you do if you really really sad or you're happy. Know, you're never ever alone. Feel what is there around you. Just look into the sky, if you can if it's the sun or the blueness or into the stars at night. Feel what is below you, what is growing and moving right and left, right. It's an ending, and then invite. Do not hold back to invite people to listen first to your ideas, to your visions and invite them to come along and to do these things together because it's more fun. Right? And even Matthias you don't know that but when I, we started out thinking about moving to oneness first Denise and I said let's do something together because it's more fun. Right? We don't have to do it alone. First there was the idea of a Facebook group, where we would hold sound celebrations to raise each other's vibration and other people's vibration. Then suddenly came the podcast, out of it. And then the nice part is that sometimes she does it some times me. It doesn't matter, it's an easiness, it is a flowingness.  For me what is important. I can just lean back and I said oh if it doesn't work she doesn't. I'm not so good here, but she is good in that part and making that decision is very liberating. So everyone do create a community for yourself. Reach Out and with Matthias even here you have a wonderful man with a great vision you can even invite him wherever you are in the world. He'll find a way to plant a tree with you or maybe you join him wherever he is going to plant one. Matthias what is a good website or how can people reach you?

Matthias Walter  34:02  
Yeah, you can reach us on For that we are still looking for wonderful people who are supporting us by translating it into many languages. So unfortunately, right now it's just in German. But you can see our movie which won eight International Film awards, three of them in Hollywood, Hollywood. I made Holy Wood out of it.

Meilin Ehlke  34:34  
Yeah. Fantastic.

Matthias Walter  34:36  
Now it's getting cleansed, anyway. Maybe it comes becomes now Holy Wood. So we leave one l away. With all that. Yeah. I don't want to talk about this.  What I wanted to say is, that we are reaching out now, also for becoming this worldwide movement for peace, and we invite. Yeah, ritual, people who would love to come and to hold sacred spaces in rituals. For helping us to reach our new aim which is to plant 1 million peace trees on Earth. Because the mamos said, if everybody on Earth would plant a piece tree like you're planning it, and how we are planting it, because they found out that we are doing it in a very similar way. And, like they have from that very ancient old teachings, they received from family to family from generation to generation. And they, they found hope when they saw like Western people like we are planting trees in the same sacredness like they're doing. You know, and so right now we developing, we are into developing a book, which is called "How to plan a Peace tree". We are reaching out for people, which we can teach and initiate into that special ceremony, so they can plant trees in their countries because right now we are not allowed to travel anymore. And we as little family with my two little kids. We can't travel so much anymore. And, but also we are still open for invitations. And, but we with our family we are doing like very very big ceremonies. This year we are asked for three peace trees in Switzerland, which is going to be the first peace tree in Switzerland, which is in the neighborhood of us, because we live very close to the Lake Constance which is connecting, Austria, Switzerland and Germany. And, yeah, we didn't plant the second tree for Siam which is our youngest boy with three and a half years, the placenta. Now I have the word, it is still in the fridge, cause I had the vision to plant on our new own place.

Meilin Ehlke  37:37  
Piece of land.

Matthias Walter  37:38  
Yeah. Right now we are living on a wonderful piece of land, but we found a place with an own spring, and it is very large. Where we can plant a lot of peace trees and also we're dreaming about a geodesic dome as a garden peace tree school planting.

Meilin Ehlke  38:02  
Like a nursery.

Matthias Walter  38:07  
Where you play music. Very good music the whole day, they are getting the best through nutrition,

Meilin Ehlke  38:13  
sing to them I bet. And, give energy, yes?

Matthias Walter  38:18  
Yes of course and then we want to put them all around the world. And I just got together, with a good friend, who is a close friend of you and me, which is Dancing Thunder, and he called me a couple of weeks ago from Florida.  And he said that he had a dream about me and about peace tree. And he said, what about other people which are living in in flats in big cities, you know, how can you connect them with your trees. And I received in the dream that was that we are also giving out like this those little beautiful but also old Bonsai trees, you know. Which we want to bring to the people, because right now, people having fear, you know, they don't know how it how their life will develop. Many of them are very, very unsecure, unstable situation right now. And a lot of people are reaching out and looking for anchors you know like for getting grounded again, you know like, and also moving the views to the inside now when the outside is breaking away for them. And this is a very deep dimension door we are going through right now in that golden age, you know, and this is in the heart.

Matthias Walter  
We are going through right now in that golden age, you know. And this is in the heart. Because, as you said I was traveling also to Burma following my dreams because I'm a lucid dreamer, since my childhood and getting all this informations. A lot of information through dream time. I met the Mamos before in dream time. After that I met them in this reality, you know. And my three white wolves I met before in dream time and then in life. And also the monks in Burma, which are having and holding the sacred knowledge of the stone of wisdom.

Meilin Ehlke  
Right your big wisdom carrier. Seeker, I think you're done. And now it comes all to you. And trees really hold this ancient wisdom, as I said before many cultures we speak about trees. When you were speaking I had this vision I remember you know, everyone, observe, where the birds sit they sit on top of trees, they prefer it there. It's like an antenna the energy just goes up. And so touch sometimes a shrub or small tree to feel that energy, right, if you can lean against it. But if that energy that goes this light goes up, connect to that and what can you do at home then? If you have a house with the garden, and you can plant a tree with your family. If you are two, three,  plant a tree by yourself. Put crystals in or another idea I love to do, you were speaking about pulling in connecting, working together with the seven directions, create something in your home. I have by chance four big trees, in each wind direction i brought a crystal to and have one in the center of my house, I did my own little ritual place. And maybe you have a place in the garden, or if you live in the city as Matthias and Chief Dancing Thunder spoke about, then maybe there's a spot you love to go to and create a little grid or plant a little tree and let it grow big. Yeah, I remember one vision I remember when I was a student in living in Atlanta and there was an alumni who had gone out and every I think first Saturday in the month you would plant trees that he would into the center of Atlanta., because when he started there were not many trees and over time it became greener and greener because it adds up every one, every tree adds up. So give yourself the gift of planting a peace tree and be part of bringing all of us peace. Would you say so Matthias?

Matthias Walter  
Yes yes yes, of course. And, yeah, if you want to do this in connection with us, as we're carrying this vision. I encourage you to get in contact with us we have a little, we created a little a planting set, and we give you all that instructions. It's like a red line you know you can follow. And then you can put in your own songs and whatever you like to put in this ceremony, but that you have the red line to do it and connect with us and please send us if you want. He sent us the. How do you say, the place where you planted. Like you can check it out with every handy, you know, when you stand it you see that place and then we can put it into our map of peace trees all over the world. And I always in my visions sees that map growing.

Meilin Ehlke  
Beautiful see everyone is making it so easy. And I think that is what is, as we come together everything becomes easier and lighter to do. And you, you feel that connection. So thank you very very much Matthias to be in with us here at the moving to oneness show and because this is a video everyone. We did start a YouTube, Moving To Oneness YouTube channel. And because I didn't have a name and subscribe everyone so we have these hundred subscribers so we can call it Moving To Oneness, I would love that. They're also it's the easiest place to put all that information Matthias will give me and has already given me and you can read up and pull out that information there as well. As well as on our website, Moving To Oneness. So thank you very much, Matthias again. Keep on planting, keep on holding that vision, keep on bringing all these beautiful wisdom cultures together and changing our world, to the better and to the more beautiful.

Matthias Walter  
Thank you so much and I want to invite everybody to our big International Foundation, which we gonna found in October, on a very very beautiful place where planned last year already the first peace tree. It's the biggest cultural Art Center, created by the famous artist, Friedensreich Hundertwasser., from Austria. And we will have like 88 founders with us. And if you, if you have feel a resignation in your heart about that vision, because we're going to extend it now to this 1 million peace trees. We need a lot of money to do that and we need some co-founders, to get the big foundation going. And we're gonna extend this vision for saving the living rooms of old trees, of ancient trees, because this is the lungs of our Earth, you know. And we are extending the vision for saving the living areas of indigenous people by buying the land back for them.

Meilin Ehlke  
Oh good.

Matthias Walter  
They are holding a very important rooms for us and for Mother Earth, which we are most of us are not able to do that because we are lacking the knowledge, which we want to bring back with our peace tree University. Yeah, so this will happen from the ninth to the 11th of October there. We gonna plant a peace there of course and there's a big gala show going on Saturday. We're all dressing up beautifully in white. And, yeah, so feel welcomed. Get in contact with us on  I will send you my email, and you can get in contact directly with me to receive an invitation. We have already made a wonderful booklet. The Peace tree Ambassador will come Billy TK Senior, he will come. This is my wife planned last, last year. Yeah, there on the seventh of seventh of 2019, and we will continue to do the good work there and thank you so much for your time for your attention. And, yeah,

Matthias Walter  
Wonderful, wonderful, beautiful vision, keep on moving, everyone. Do start planting a tree, connect with Matthias, touch your tree whatever feelings come up in you act on them. Please act on them act. Thank you everyone.

Matthias Walter  
We are all related.

Meilin Ehlke  
How is that beautiful.

Matthias Walter  
Everyone, this was my first interview in English.

Meilin Ehlke  
Wonderful, two Germans speaking English. But the world is big and it is one of the languages it's rather easy.

Matthias Walter  
For me it's a big sign that it's reaching out now to the whole world you know. So, thank you very much for your and invitation and a big hug for you, my heart sister and a big hug for everybody out there. And, yeah, keep on going on that spirit pass, because this is the ancient prophecy we heard from the Hopis that in our time of mother earth is cleansing herself, there will, we will reach two ways, and the left way is the material way, and the right way is of spiritual paths, so I can really encourage everybody to go on that path with us. Thank you very much.
