Moving To Oneness

Ep. 5 ~ Water

Episode Summary

Everything is energy. As Dr. Masaru Emoto conducted experiments on water, Denise & Meilin discuss how using Dr. Emoto's experiment can apply to the human body. Listen as Denise and Meilin discuss how to use your energy to shift molecular structures including your own self.

Episode Notes

Dr. Masaru Emoto's book spoken about: The Hidden Messages In Water

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Episode Transcription

Music Overlay  0:00
Moving to oneness
Nourishing curiosity
Embracing differences
Becoming one

Meilin Ehlke  0:43  
Hello everyone this is Meilin speaking from Germany inviting you to a wonderful Moving to Oneness show. And today, Denise sitting the US is joining in again after my few Single ones, and we had so much fun and today I have a feeling it's good be bombastic. So,Hello, Denise, how are you today?

Denise Hansard  1:09  
Hello, Meilin. I am doing fabulous, just doing fabulous. And I am so happy to be on this call with you today. We have a lot to talk about. Definitely. So let's kind of get into it. Meilin and I were talking earlier before we came on this program, and really aligned with what we wanted to talk about today. And it's really about the energy that we are putting out into the world. And as we were talking, it kind of brought to mind something that I have always been interested in, which is the Japanese researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto. And his experiments on water. And Meilin told you a little bit about this, where we're talking about how he did water experiments to see if the vibration of what we put toward that water could change its molecular structure. And that's what he did. I mean, we look at it and we see that our planet, even our body is 70% water. And depending on what type of energy we put out there toward this water within ourselves or within our planet, is exactly what we'll create. I love this because as we know, everything in our world is energy. And it's vibrational. So what are we wanting to put out there in the way of vibration today?

Meilin Ehlke  1:12  
Oh, yes, the water we have so much of water on this earth, right and it's all in the air, in the ground, under the mountains, within us in lakes and oceans, and we touch it every single day, if we drink it or we bathe in it.

Denise Hansard  3:07  
Definitely any water is the source of our life. I mean, think about it when we get cut off from maybe a food supply or something like that. As long as we have water, we can last for a much longer time. And as probably you've seen, even we have more creative thoughts when we're bathing or showering. It is the water essence that gives us life. Definitely. And so I want to talk a little bit more about Dr. Emoto's experiments that he did. Because he did. I mean his book is called the Message of Water. And what he did was he would align his own vibration of music, thoughts, words feelings, dance, any type of vibration in the most positive way, and direct it specifically at water molecules. He would look at the difference between the two, you know of one of which he kept saying, and a glass of water, he'd go, I love you, you're so beautiful. You make me feel so good. This is a beautiful thing who you are. And then to another glass of water where he would not have his positive words. You know, You disgust me, you're ugly. Why don't you go away. And then he would scientifically look at that water to see the impact that his energy and vibration had toward it. And as you can imagine, the more positive words, thoughts, even music, loving kind music would have a molecular structure that had it bursting out almost like a snowflake, you know, and that brightness and whiteness and everything along those lines of light. On the one that had the most positive vibration to it, and on the other glass of water, those molecules that have ugliness, negative energy applied to, it would be shrinking and it had a brownness to it and a negativity. It was like going into a dark hole. And I look at this and I think wow, think about what we do in our own life. We have that type of vibration pointed inward to ourselves, or even outward to others. Can we make a difference based on this type of vibrational energy? Since our bodies are pretty much 70% made of water? Yeah,

Meilin Ehlke  5:43  
I love the whole idea of water. You know, I also program water, sometimes I let water be programmed by the sun. Some times I lay bottles of water into the full moon and If you leave it there for five hours, it takes in the beautiful energy even if it's cloudy. And it is the life force, right? If so if it's the sun it is takes the life energy in the water. Sometimes I draw just like for myself, I had one as a spiral I had drawn, and I wrote gratitude on love on it in every language that I knew. Yeah, to program the water for the whole family. Sometimes when I had did shamanic journeys, and I came back with symbols, I will draw those down and put my glass of water or my water bottle on it and program it. I even painted my cups or glass bottles with symbols that arose, right. I bring the wisdom because in the way we can feed ourselves with our own wisdom. And that's important, right to everyone we have time now draw at home maybe a symbol whatever your hand creates. Or maybe it is a beautiful landscape, a photograph or image that you see. Put your waterglass, put your water bottle on it, or maybe paste it on to a bottle. Here in Germany we have a company that has bottled life water, water that has seen the sunlight and they have always this beautiful image of the spring itself on the bottle so we can see where the water comes from. How else can you program? You can take a water bottle, I did that a long time ago when I was working with the Koreans together.  You put your hands around the water bottle and you send in energy, healing energy for a loved one. Or maybe we have now the elderly that or parents or you have an aunt or whoever you can think of and you want to send them healing good vibes. That bottle in your hand. Yes, meditate with that bottle in your hand. And that bottle will get warmer, that water will get warmer and you can really see how suddenly you have water. Yeah, because it gets hot, the water drops are inside. So you can see that even your intention, your energy, your thought, your vision for this person, this healing you're sending it is working. So we were holding it for 45 minutes up in the air. That was a little was really interesting. But at that time I did it for my mother. And you can send it but I was there in Arizona, my mom in Germany, so I couldn't send it. But what I did then, I used that healing water, walked into the landscape. Found a beautiful plant. I poured that water with intention on to the plant to send it to my mother.

Denise Hansard  9:05  
I love that. See everything is a vibrational energy. And in today's world and what we're going through, everything may feel a tad frightened. A little frightening right now because the energy that is being put out there is somewhat of a dip, a dip and not as positive as what we would like it. I mean, we are human, we're going through some very difficult times at this moment where we're being asked to social distance, where we're being asked to stay home or we're being asked to be mindful of others, and also kind of being asked to wash our hands. And I want to bring this in because you know, washing our hands. We do that we've always done that. At this time. what they're asking us to do is to do it with intent. And this is where, yeah, this is where we can really begin a healing process. Not just for ourselves, we can also do it for the world and for everyone else around us. So I think about it this way, I look at it and I go, Okay, so I'm going to count in my head very, very slowly, the 20 seconds that they want us to be intentional about washing our hands. And while I'm doing that, I'm going to send loving, healing, compassionate thoughts, energy, joy, excitement into that water and that process of washing my hands, because I know with that, that that energy that's touching me, is also touching others, and it just floats through the air of whomever and however far I can send it out. And that's what we want to do, guys, we want to be intentional about not just as they're telling us to do to wash our hands, but on our thoughts and what we're putting out into the world. Whether it's through our conversations with people, it's, you know, phone calls, video chats, loved ones that are around us or even on social media. We want to be able to hold the energy of pure love. Because right now, that's exactly where we want to be. It's that law of attraction of a universal law of whatever we are thinking about and feeling within our body, we are emitting out to the world and creating our lives. So it's with that pure thought, the love, the generosity, the compassion, the being of service. That we can find the joy and excitement of what's going on right now with us. And I will tell you, it's normal, if you dip down into fear or scarcity just create the awareness of when you go into it and then stop and pause and say, "What can I do to shift this one moment, this moment and my thought to something more positive? Where's the silver lining in all of this?" Meilin, as we're talking about this space, this time that we're in in which to create and even with sending intentional thoughts through our body, through the water and the essence of everything in the air and our oceans and our planet. I look at as we've been allowed to have this space and time to review, to reset, to relax into it, of how much healing is going on with Mother Earth. I mean, we're seeing it. We're seeing it in the news of the waters clearing and becoming clear blue and you can see fishes and dolphins and swans within the Venice canals. You can see over China. You can really see the sky. You can see the cities and not the smog and the pollution.

Meilin Ehlke  13:29  
This is so fascinating. We can see how quick transformation can happen. If there is love, intention and yes, everyone. It's Denise. It's so beautiful. Just wash your hands with love. And that love for you is the love for everyone else in the same moment. You don't even have to meditate for a long time. The water that you touch takes part of you into the world. And shares it with everyone. That fits our topic, right. You're moving to oneness because this drop doesn't matter where it has come down, that you are touching will go far, far far away from you again. And when  I love that we don't know where it's gonna go and who's going to feel it and how it will impact the next person. And that's something that is so fascinating and it brings healing because the other person can feel it right away and, Denise, you said also so beautiful. The world changes so quickly. It goes back into balance very fast. When it has has the opportunity. We, ourselves, our body goes quickly into harmony. It finds its way if we give it the opportunity, if we listen and we observe. So observe how you are today and how you're reacting and maybe you have noticed the last few days. The energy in the air in around you. Underground is changing. People are becoming soft and gentle.

Denise Hansard  15:19  
Yeah, right you Yes. And that's what we want to continue. Definitely because as we hold positive thoughts, love, compassion, that energy, the joy, the harmony with everything having that type of vibration within ourselves, then that builds our muscle for being stronger in vibrational change and not seeing it as something negative but seeing it as something extremely positive and exciting in our lives. And I know a lot of people are going to go exciting. Oh my gosh, Meilin, Denise. These aren't exciting times. These are a little Scary.

Meilin Ehlke  16:02  
It's because we're not used to in the unexpected. Yeah, our whole world is set up to live plant. And it was the last 2000 years, we've been in a world where everything was dictated, we were put into fear. And I see a beauty of restructuring, a memory of everyone after a few days. I don't know if you can ever go back to what you've been before. It's like this muscle memory, the cells change. And if you get healing, sometimes the body workers will know very precisely what I'm speaking about. Right? If you shift something in within the body, the body will notice that it's easier. It has facility ... No, that's not the word but that it works more gentle that there's less energy needed. So yeah, this is gonna happen to many, many people. Will you become more creative? Many of you wanted out there I think time for yourself to look within "Who are you" to have the opportunity to look again at your partner at your child, at your friend and your surrounding. Where are you at the moment? Why are you at a certain spot in the world now. I think this is also fascinating and feel loved by the area, the landscape you are in. We understand that sometimes.

Denise Hansard  17:35  
We do, we do and it's kind of like we - it's like going to an even more practical level of what you said. It's like once we learn something, and that's what we're doing now. We can't unlearn it. You know, we can't unlearn how to walk. It's always deep inside of us. We can't unlearn how to talk. Events could happen that would cause us not to be able to walk or talk at times, but yet, we can remember that function, that ability. And that's what we're going through now with these changing times because guys, these are changing times. Sometimes people want to resist change, and that's where they stay stuck in fear, scarcity, sometimes anger. With everything I look back on, I used to live in Houston, Texas, and I was there at the time hurricane Ike came through pretty much devastated Galveston, and it totally shut down Houston. Texas was flooded beyond belief to where the systems, the technological systems, we didn't have electricity. We didn't have gas. We didn't have internet. We didn't have anything because we were practically underwater. And it took months in which to get the systems back up. The water receded, we were cleansed. And yet we were in the energy in the beginning of being compassionate and having love. But as time wore on, we wanted to go back to what we had before ... with all of our comfort and all of our conveniences and I can remember going out to where there was no electricity ... on the road so you didn't have your lights going your red light, green light, yellow light, whatever traffic on a four way stop. And, at first, people would do the compassionate thing of what they were to do is to allow someone else to go through ... to to have that compassion to say, you're here, you go, then I'll go, you go, then I'll go. And but as the week's wore on, and we still weren't quite there, people became quite impatient. And they would just say "No, I'm here I'm going, I don't care about anyone else." And I want to say that that was not being in a compassionate nature. And it was a little fearful to feel that others felt more privileged. And what we want to do from this experience, because this experience is changing our world for the better, is to stay aware, consciously aware of what is going on within our thoughts within our feelings, within our behaviors and our actions. We can sit back and we can judge and we can criticize and we can feel sorry for ourselves. Or we can choose to see the positivity and the exciting changes that are coming toward more communion, toward more compassion, toward more unity and moving to oneness, which is why Meilin and I started this and started talking about it months ago. With this group, with this podcast, with this energy of basically embracing that we, as one, can create a different world. One of gentleness, of compassion, of love, of always being enough ... for everything, for everybody, no matter what.

Meilin Ehlke  21:24  
That's so beautiful you know Marita and Julie out of our group, Moving to Oneness, on Facebook group ... everyone if you can, do join that group and bring your questions with asking. And I think, Denise, we covered all those topics instinctively before me reading now those questions. You know, if the compassion, speaking about compassion, bringing energy to that for all humanity, and I'll add even to everything existing out there, and surely was asking for some healing energy So everyone, it can be more peaceful. And I think if we look outside, everyone will feel the peace and how the support is and people are shifting and changing. And it will take some time. Be patient and give people the time to, to balance. Right, to shift from one extreme to the other until they find themselves and then they can feel their own joy, because it's something new. They have to get used to it. Many of you were listening you already in a very high vibrating state. So let us bring and I'm gonna bring a song to embrace what is arising now. And I think a few weeks someone else said that adventure that was coming and we did a song for that. Denise, pretty spooky but a group is always a little ahead. Right? But let's use that zone in and open your hearts Sit down. For a moment, lie down and listen to how you've loved even though what's ever going on and go with the flow. Open up, open up heart. We spoke at that episode where you open the heart, listen to that if you want again and feel that you are loved, and feel that you are loved by all others around you, and that you are loved by yourself. Bring us on, just for that ... for you and everyone out there so we can move to oneness together in a way we could not have fathom any moment prior than to this moment.

Singing ...

Meilin Ehlke  25:31  
Singing came and Amanda also rode in a deep healing ... "This was a fun, exciting tones to bring lightness into this situation". But at the same time, we can let arise whatever is in your body out of you. Let it flow and in a playful way. Create new ways you live every moment and new ways how you're going to be together with the people that are surrounding you now and in the future.

Denise Hansard  26:07  
Yes, I love that and think about it like this guys ... to raise your vibration, move your body ... to put on some music dance and sing it out, dance it out, it'll be great.

Meilin Ehlke  26:24  
Oh, wonderful everyone wonderfully. Denise, that we have each other and everyone that listens. You all do such beautiful work.

Denise Hansard  26:36  
Yes, thank you, Meilin and to everyone. Let's move to oneness.

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