Moving To Oneness

Ep. 46 ~ Guest Tom Rauen - A T-Shirt Tells A Story

Episode Summary

Drawings speak faster than words, build community and much more. When our guest decided to support people envision fulfilling experiences T-shirts were not on his mind.

Episode Notes

Providing enriching experiences for people was Tom's vision. The last thing on his mind was a T-shirt as a tool to achieve it. During our 46th Episode interesting thoughts arose of why T-shirts are more than a fashion statement. Enjoy... 

You can reach Tom Rauen at his company: where he listens to your vision and helps you bring your brand out into the word with merchandise and branding that suits you and your message.

Watch the video of Episode 46 with Tom Rauen on our YouTube channel Moving To Oneness:

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In Love and Light, 
Meilin & Denise 

Episode Transcription

Moving To Oneness, Nourishing Curiosity, Embracing Differences, Becoming One.

Meilin Ehlke  0:45  
Bringing out your vision into the world has many different facets of possibilities. And today, I would love to share a whole new direction with you. So stay tuned, stay curious of what it is. How you can bring yourself, your movement, your ideas further out in to the world.

Meilin Ehlke  1:12  
Hello everyone, I'm Meilin Ehlke your host of the Moving To Oneness podcast, and today I have a fun guest. A person who loves adventure and loves to be outdoors. And the best part he loves everyone to envision them fully, from deep within, out far into the world. So, let's welcome Tom Rauen sitting in Iowa today. Hello Tom.  

Tom Rauen  1:44  
Hello. Thank you.

Meilin Ehlke  1:47  
Yeah, it's great to have you. Everyone can see, if you're watching or if you're listening I'll tell you right behind Tom is a big logo or brand whatever you want to call it. It's his new company name. 1-800 So you're thinking, what do T-shirts have to do with moving to oneness? Many things. Right? Clothing is for example, our medicine. You have to feel comfortable in what you wear, in the material that you wear. It has to fit the occasion, if you're doing sports, if you want to look a little bit more fashionable, or if you need to keep yourself warm, there are many different ways. But let's start, Tom, with you because before you had this new name, you had the name envision, and I love to speak a little bit about this, how you have envisioned living your life. And then, in a way finding the path in supporting people to envision, there's and bringing out their mission, or again, vision out into the world.

Tom Rauen  3:11  
Yes, so, you know there's a lot of different ways you can go and as always looking for how I can get my message out in the world, and also kind of where it was gonna fall. And T-shirts was never, you know, the intention I don't think but just a medium of getting there. And I've always been a huge fan of experiences and sharing those experiences with friends and family and community and everything else. And I believe those experiences are what helped shape us as we kind of go through life in you know maybe scarce on one direction or another. And I always say that every t-shirt tells a story.

Meilin Ehlke  3:55  
I love that.

Tom Rauen  3:56  
With shirts we help tell stories, and that is the story of any event that you are part of, a team that you are on, a company or brand that you represent. Maybe it's a saying or something you're passionate about whatever it is, every t-shirt has a different story, and it's a form of expression. So, some people, you know, if they're introverted, they're not very, they're not very you know, outgoing in a crowd and stuff like that but if you walk by that person at the supermarket or at a festival or somewhere else in the community, and they've got a t shirt on. And what that T-shirt says is, you know it's got, whether it's a logo, or maybe it's a saying about cats, or about plants or about baseball, or whatever it is that resonates with that person. That's their form of expression by wearing that shirt with that message on it. So they're able to have that communication without even saying anything, just by wearing that as a form of expression we also see this, you know, with people that are wearing, whether it's darker shirts are more muted colors, versus these super bright colors or a tie dyed shirt. It really just like gives that expression in that different meaning to it, and helps communicate, kind of, about the person a little bit without even saying anything.

Meilin Ehlke  5:22  
That is so beautiful. And you're so right while you were speaking the idea of, you know I am a landscape architect, so we've drawn a lot, and a drawing can speak much faster than 10,000 words. Right? You can bring over a message, very quickly, and for people to understand. You're right. You know you can really read a character, what people want to wear because it's a statement. Sometimes it's fashion like now all these bright colors are coming back. But for others, they want to make a statement by let uss say, wearing only organic and you can see it using natural colors. Right?

Tom Rauen  5:23  

Meilin Ehlke  5:28  
Or having a voice, you're right, it is a voice we have, if we use images on our body. Similar to tattoo, right? But that you can't change so quickly.

Tom Rauen  6:24  

Meilin Ehlke  6:24  
But I really like that, that it tells a story, and I think everyone is then courageous enough to do that. I remember my son, you know, he was very picky of what he wanted to wear on his T-shirt, when it should say something and when not.

Tom Rauen  6:50  
Yeah. And the other thing is, it creates a memory. And so sometimes it's not just for yourself but sometimes it's reminding you of an experience that you had. It creates that memory for yourself. The best example of this would be, when you go to a concert. So you know a T-shirt is a T-shirt, but when it brings back a memory and a positive experience in something like that, then it's far more valuable than just a piece of cotton. Which is why when you go to a concert and they're charging 40 or $50 for a T-shirt, people are willing to pay that, because they're not paying $40 because it's a T-shirt. Like a T-shirt isn't worth $40, what they're paying for is that memory in that experience that they had. So the next time they wear that shirt and when they wear that shirt, a year later, two years later, it takes them back to that time of that experience at that concert are listening to the music, the people they were with and everything about it. So that's part of the story, too, is it's an experience. And it's a memory and it kind of brings it all together with with an example of that.

Meilin Ehlke  8:02  
Yeah, it creates also community, if you think about a concert. Right? Everyone can see that you like heavy metal, or you like more hip hop or whatever your band is or your singer. And I had to think about soccer, for example. So I've to take my son again as an example, when he was four he wore like one Brazilian T-shirt every single day. I washed it at night sometimes really quickly, so he could be happy, and it had his coloring on it already because it was so important for him to be part of that Soccer vibe and put out the support to the Brazilian team. And you know already a young child like that can feel that there is a belonging, that goes with it, and I think many of us we do look for community, and that's where that helps as well, are created automatically.

Tom Rauen  9:10  
Yes. Another great one is people always ask what my favorite T-shirt is, and it is when it tells a really neat story. An example would be Jack. So Jack is an 11 year old who is diagnosed with cancer. And immediately, you know people are looking for, like: "Oh, how can I show support? How can I support Jack in encouragement to everything else that he's going through and even his family and stuff like that. And so sometimes people will do a fundraiser of some sorts whether it's, you know, getting together an event, or maybe selling T shirts for a fundraiser, and we're able to raise some money for Jack to help with medical expenses and some other stuff that their families enduring. But raising the money for Jack isn't where the power is, the real power in this is, once we do these types of campaigns, and all of a sudden, all of his friends and family, and then others in the community pick up, and they're wearing a T-Shirt that says, 'Live like Jack', or 'We've got this, we'll keep fighting against cancer' type of thing. Then all of a sudden like that community becomes his support and he sees that in the visual of all of your friends and family and community wearing a t shirt that is supporting you and what you're going through, then it becomes more than this T-Shirt for Jack.

Meilin Ehlke  10:48  
Tom Rauen  10:48  
It becomes this superhero cape, and he loves wearing it and it reminds him when he wears it and when he sees others with it on that they're supporting him without even saying anything. And, you know, doing those types of things are my favorite T-Shirt. Not only the amount of money that we're able to raise for these types of charity thing, or someone personally going through some sort of illness, seeing people's family, friends and community rally around them and show that support and they continue to do that is just super impactful and then seeing the person get the impact on an emotional level from it is just unbelievable and that that fulfills me a lot.

Meilin Ehlke  11:40  
Yeah, this is amazing that you're doing that, and I also know about you, you really feel people, you sense them, and they don't have to be able to express it, and you can lead them in the right direction of what to do, that's what I like about you. You go out a lot in nature to connect and to get your inspiration and to figure out what the next move is. Right?

Tom Rauen  12:09  
Yeah, so I'm a huge fan of nature and trail running. We're very blessed to have some beautiful wooded areas conservation trails and stuff in, in my local areas. So, I typically go on a run every day between eight and 12 miles on the weekends, it might be 20 or 30 miles, and just get out on the trails to be part of nature, watching the sun come up every morning and kind of see the world come alive through the different sounds and nature and everything that comes with it, this energizes me. And then it also on the business side of things, helps me clear my head, helps me gather my thoughts for the day and you know really come into focus on my intention for the day what needs to be done, what direction everything's heading in. On days that I miss, I don't do that, I just seem like I'm a little foggy, a little off and I don't have a clear direction. So, the more I get out the more I connect, it is also just like a super stress reliever and helps me unwind from everything, you know, the previous day as well.

Meilin Ehlke  13:23  
Yeah, because it is understandable. You put out so much energy, even if you create, and you don't just do T-Shirts. Everyone he does have an array of merchandising beautiful glasses, and Tom goes more and more into also organic material, woods and cork. You can find whatever you need. Right? Tom you educate people on different solutions. So these messages, carry energy, so that goes out into the world and if you already care so much your energy is more or less than each piece that goes out into the world. And in a way I'm very thankful to you, that you put so much heart in it, because each particle or piece of merchandise with all these different items made out of many particles, right, goes out into the world, and in a way, I always sense, it brings a little touch and love of you to everyone.

Tom Rauen  14:32  
Yeah like that, you know it's a ripple effect. And I always think like, you know, every ripple creates another ripple and it just keeps getting out there and the more positive energy you can put out there the better. And like you said, it starts in the morning, getting that ritual done, getting outside, getting in touch with nature and getting that kind of recharge in. It helps lead the rest of the day through. And I also feel that around me, you know, with the people that I surround myself with and when I'm running with others, I can feel that as well.

Meilin Ehlke  15:10  
Yeah. When did you notice that you feel so much? Can you give a tip to others, to bring it together. So really there are two questions. First one, did you notice as a child already that you're so connected to picking up the energies of outdoors, of nature? Right nature helps you to raise your vibration. And then, also, that you were putting that energy into your work, and that vibration.

Tom Rauen  15:41  
Yeah, my grandparents lived on a farm and we grew up just right down the road from them. So we were always outside, whether it was playing sports, playing in the yard or outside at the farm and things like that. So, I think at a very young age being outdoors and being part of everything it formed me. And then as I get into adulthood, I am out more and more and then, you know, finding the trails, getting to know the woods and just every part of that I love. I really enjoy sunrises and sunsets, it's just beautiful from every perspective, whether you're on the coast or in the Midwest or anywhere in the world. That's the other neat thing like, wherever you're traveling, you see the sunrise and the sunset and it's just always a really needed perspective, and I think there's just so much energy from that as well, in being able to witness that. So I've always been a big fan of waking up early to watch at sunrise and then watching the sun set at the end of the day. There's a lot of energy from that and then I see my kids right now as well, where they love to be outside and just radiate from that energy. And now they take some of the energy out of me, because they're so active, but I absolutely love being outside with them and going on hikes with them as well.

Meilin Ehlke  17:08  
Yeah, to children, they're so in tune right they don't have these boundaries yet on them, so they sense everything. They're always moving with the energy, with the energy lines out of nature. And I love that. I understand, I had the rebel, he was always running I was running after him. He was in the forest, in the woods kindergarten, they are outdoors all day, and when I picked him up at 2pm, I still had to be with him outdoors the whole time until more or less the sunset. That's how he was, and it's very inspiring to feel that, and the umpf you get from that, the liveliness and the vitality. It just sparks and flies over what they pick up in nature and that they give it to us parents, yeah that's really cool.

Tom Rauen  18:10  
Yeah, I think there's also a connection with just the earth, and being barefoot, but my kids never want to wear shoes. They love their feet in the grass, and in the dirt and everything else, and they never want to keep their shoes on and I feel like there's a great energy there as well.

Meilin Ehlke  18:33  
Yeah, it's very important, I was like this, I'm still like this, I'm now even barefoot, independent if it is cold or hot. Even in the winter I go outside and walk once in the morning through the snow, if snow is out there or if it's wet. My cat is meowing, he woke up. Oh, he has to say something. And, but it is important that we feel the magnetism of the earth. And too often nowadays our footwear has changed. Right? Once we walked a lot barefoot all of us, or had leather shoes with leather soles on and more and more plastic has been creeped in. Yes, let's put it this way, it's very hard to find shoes with leather soles. Through leather soles, the energy can fly through but through plastic, it can't go. And in the same way we cut ourselves off now. We have these wood floors, many of us, it's fade. Then you don't feel the magnetism. And also on asphalt is where you can't really feel it. So everyone, a little tip, wash your hands often, maybe that's with COVID that fits perfectly now, because that pulls out stagnant energy and connects you. You get a lot of ideas in the shower, right? And go outside and touch nature a lot, because it's more and more difficult to pull in that energy otherwise, if you don't walk barefoot. So, Tom thanks for reminding everyone that it's important to feel what is below us and I think that also creates a respect, right, for everything that exists, if it's rock, if it's a leaf, if it's earth, or even the creatures that live in the earth.

Tom Rauen  20:30  
Yeah. So, my kids are three and five, and you need that perspective sometimes because society hasn't taught them any rules yet, or any influence yet. Right? So they do what feels natural. And so naturally they want to be outside, naturally they want to be barefoot, naturally they want to go on hikes, you know, through the woods and stuff like that. So, I think, you know, looking at children, and seeing what they naturally want to do kind of helps remind you to bring you back to some things like that.

Meilin Ehlke  21:05  
Yeah, it reminds us to do it. Right? To stop maybe turn off the computer and connect and do these things and go outside, because then we are in our natural state, then we are most creative, we're calmer, we're more peaceful, inside, right, and we shine out the love to everyone and anything that we do, even if it's a creative art, it's what you do, right, you are more precise. There is more focus in the work and also in your printing work. I love that you take the time to make it look perfect. You decide on making things perfect, by maybe moving things a few times but, so at the end, it has a beautiful ending, that it touches the hearts, even if it's a brand, because everyone puts so much love and emphasis into the brand, into a logo, into a saying, into making people aware of a different thought, the list goes on and on. Right? What, already comes from others that wants to be put out into the world, and in a way, then we're able to respect that and take it in, with love. What our clients bring to the table, and then we put our medicine into it, we put our wisdom, you do that really well, and make it even better. That is so important.

Tom Rauen  22:47  
Yeah, I like that perspective, it's when we say envision as our name the customer, you know, has their vision of what they want and we take that and we take our creativity and our collaborative effort of envisioning the right product, the right design elements the right colors, the right message to ultimately come up with the end product that's going to achieve the message that they want to get for whether it's, an organization or a business, or just for them personally. So, you know, it's that energy of everybody working together to come up with that end product.

Meilin Ehlke  23:36  
Yeah, then it's because then it's a celebration of the beautiful minds that came together. The beautiful beings that came together to create change, right? To create transformation or create a celebration whatever is is needed, or a recognition, or a community.

Tom Rauen  23:56  

Meilin Ehlke  23:57  
So share maybe with is what are your favorite articles, or what would you say people love the most, as well. And what do you think is the future, what do you think, what is going to come, so people can think a little ahead as they create now something beautiful for them to bring their vision and their mission out into the world? Or they may be still building it.

Tom Rauen  24:29  
I think, you know, at the forefront. People are being a lot more ego conscious of the materials. Are we using organic cotton, are we using recycled materials. Right now you know they're making cotton's and different things out of recycled plastic bottles and just however they can reuse it to reduce some of the waste in it. So the textile industry, traditionally has had a lot of waste. And, you know, some of that comes from, you know, different parts of the world and things like that so I think, ultimately, people are looking at how can we reduce this, how can we make it in environmentally friendly and sustainable industry, so we can still get the messages out, do what we want to do with this form of expression, but yet at the same time be environmentally conscious of everything else around us in the world. So we're seeing more and more that from the manufacturers and also more from the consumers as well as the people that we work with. So it's great to see that evolve, and you know go in the right direction.

Meilin Ehlke  25:46  
Yeah, so there is again everyone, the power of the consumer, because the merchants may come with ideas they want to bring something and bring even awareness of  different ways to present. Now, you can get bamboo T-shirts, you can get hemp T-shirts. There's a whole list of different materials. We can use recycled materials or a mix is being created as I said, not so much plastic but then you come out with much more glass, and I always like that, and other ways. I remember I looked for a new USB stick, and I looked for one out of wood, and there were not many of those, it was a long time ago. And then I wrote someone, and they said: "Oh, what a good idea" and he started creating one. So it's also important that as a consumer we voice our ideas and provide new ideas, or go into conversation with manufacturers or the designers or the in-between people, right, so that we can find a better solutions.

Tom Rauen  27:05  
Yeah and it's all based, you know, the more that we are showing the demand for it, and  the popularity of it. The producers are going to adjust to what consumers want.

Meilin Ehlke  27:22  
Yeah, so that's good, because if we bring it back to the title, moving to oneness, so we have to sometimes move together or maybe you have to do and go out and branch out and think way ahead what comes and then bring it in to what has to be done right now. And I think if we courageous enough to do that to think further ahead and to bring the future into the presence, things will transform rather fast, more quickly, the transformation. So, any last words you would like to share, wisdom that comes maybe from your runs or from your production of merchandise where people bring out their vision into the world. What do you have for the world out there?

Tom Rauen  28:23  
Yeah, so, you know, I think we're shaped by our experiences and the people that we share those experiences with throughout time. And, you know, creating those experiences, and then being able to tell that story through a t-shirt or, you know photos or whatever the medium may be, it is super meaningful and then to be able to look back on those and relish in those experiences and the people that you did them with, things like that. That's just what makes life really exciting. So, you know, share them with the ones that you love, and creating new exciting experiences. Exploring, seeking out new things that's what I strive to do that as much as possible and just love being part of it.

Meilin Ehlke  29:17  
Yeah, that's beautiful. Yeah. You said you love exploring people and hearing more what makes them move forward in life on a single day and that it in vigorous you right that it gives you a lot of new ideas. And in a way it's stimulation, right, that we have a more vibrancy in our life. So how can people reach you best, to work together with you? So that you can help them create a beautiful logo, T-shirt, cap, or glass?

Tom Rauen  29:56  
Yeah, the easiest way would be at 1 800 T shirts. So, go to the website 1 800 T shirts dot com. The Instagram, Facebook handles, all social medias at 1 800 T shirts. Same with phone number just call 1 800 T shirts, and we'd be happy to help you. Personally, my Instagram is at Tomrauen247, and just happy to help wherever I can.

Meilin Ehlke  30:25  
Oh, super. So everyone you're in good hands. Also just for advice so if you're just starting out and you're envisioning, similar to us here at Moving To Oneness with the logo and it will be on T shirts, going around the world, or glasses because it's medicine. Symbols are medicines, they do code the water, as your symbols that you carry on your T-shirt, they provide energy for you as well. So don't underestimate that. If you don't have an idea to print it, just paint it yourself on a T-shirt or on your glass. So become creative, see what can be done, go to Tom ask him or connect with me, I've painted so much I have dine so many logos on so many different things, to bring out who you are and to find out more of who you are and to build your community around your mission because you come with love. And maybe you want to share all of this, a little bit with us on the Facebook group, Moving To Oneness, you're always welcome there. And otherwise, I thank you Tom, for taking the time to speak with us this morning, for me it's in the afternoon, and everyone around the world, I wish you a wonderful time. This is Meilin the host of the Moving to Oneness show.