Moving To Oneness

Ep. 41 ~ Meilin Ehlke - Rose of Pentecost

Episode Summary

A flower carrying the name of todays holiday pentecost in Germany sets the mood of contemplation which leads to guided spoken meditation framed by a sacred song (min. 14:34-17:10) to move you to unify all of you. Enjoy...

Episode Notes

Moving you to open up fully and colorful as the buds of the peony, which is called the same as todays holiday in Germany, are a sequence of contemplative questions, a spoken meditation and a sacred song (min. 14:34-17:10). Enjoy...

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Episode Transcription

Moving To Oneness, Nourishing Curiosity, Embracing Differences, Becoming One

Meilin Ehlke  0:26  
It is an interesting day today. The sun is shining, the church bells are ringing, the children are laughing outside they are playing, the sun comes through there, the clouds, the beautiful wind, the leaves are dancing in the wind. Right? And why are the church bells ringing today? At this time, just as I started speaking. It is because it is Pentecost. Here in Germany, we celebrate that, we also celebrate not just on a Sunday, we also have a second day where we celebrate that and consider it's a holiday on Monday. If you're Christian or not. It is a holiday throughout the country of Germany.

Meilin Ehlke  1:34  
And before when I was in the garden, to really nourish myself before I start this episode today and speak to you, I could hear the traditional music. Right here are a lot of horn players. They have a little band. A lot of villages here in Bavaria. They have groups, traditional, not traditional, where they dress up in their costumes and come together to celebrate life, and to celebrate tradition. Some traditions have been taken over by the church but some of them that have roots in our history, are also still celebrated. There is one, which is a funny one, they steel, a May tree. So in May you have a tree built up in the village to celebrate also the growth, right? That has happened in the middle of the spring time, and Beltane, right? So six weeks after when spring starts. And then they have a little fun thing, where they steal each other the tree of the village next door. And you have to find it. And sometimes it's really not a tree it is just a stem that has been painted over the centuries with beautiful imagery, colors of the state, or of the region, and symbolisms. And here in Bavaria and even further down south of Bavaria, you do that. I'm not Bavarian so I don't know exactly why and how they do it, but I think it's a fun tradition, and for all this is always showing for sure the strength of the men, and also Pentecost, right? If you look more closely at the ancient wisdom, it is still the idea of growth.

Meilin Ehlke  3:42  
So, before I go on,  I need to welcome you to the Moving To Oneness podcast. I'm your host, Meilin. And in German we have a flower that is blooming now at the moment. It's a little behind because it's been a little cold and it's called the peony, Pfingstrose, right? Today also the holiday is called is Pfingsten. And so we call the flower. It's a lush, beautiful filled blossom and it's one of my favorite ones. If I really consider to have a favorite one, but I don't know it always has attracted me. I should say that not because of its size, it has to do with its energy. So what flowers are you attracted to? What colors attract you? What form? What scent? Do you touch them? Do you smell them? Is it multicolored? Yeah, the flowers they have this sparkle about them. Very in a way stimulating I believe. They bring joy. I think then it is nice to have Pfingstrosen. And almost every German has things towards it in their garden. And what is maybe so important is, that it dies off in the winter and it goes underground and each year it has to come out. And each year it comes out larger, wider, higher, and with more flowers, with more blossoms that have been produced.

Meilin Ehlke  5:24  
So, what are you producing this year more? Fuller, with more width, with more strength, that is more of you? Right? Because you're right with the energies that are outdoors and especially you can see the change this year, everything is filled. It's filled from the inside out, there's a thickness, a plenty-fullness, but also a softness. I think that, especially with the playing of the leaves in the wind right now, and the reflection of the sun. So how can you see that in your life? And I know some of you are on the other side of the equator, but there's a similar thing, there is now the energy of... What are you going to hibernate about? What are you going to think about? There are new ideas being created that you're going to bring out in six months, right? That you're contemplating on. And also you who is bringing things out, like me more in the Northern hemisphere. It is important that we bring things together. That everything unifies. Now we are on the Moving To Oneness podcast. What is it about? That we move to our oneness. That you move to your oneness. That I move into my oneness. That I pull together all of my parts in a way to recognize them, to acknowledge them, to understand them, and to create then with them in a new way. And we've spoken about new ways, a bit this spring. Right?

Meilin Ehlke  7:15  
But now there is a certain speed, I believe, behind it. A certain push. You can see it out in nature. Take a look. It's like when you put your arms and hands together and you take your fingers inward. Right, but you still have the bottom of your hand together and in a way a little bit of your knuckles. And the energy comes out of the ground through your feet up into your upper body into your arms, but at the same time there's this energy coming from the skies through your head also into your torso, shoulders and  into your arms. And there's a light squeeze against your fingers, but then suddenly you're pushing the bottom of your palms together. Right. And you open your fingers and you push that light out, that new creation, this ball of golden love. In a way you could open up your arms, exposing more of you, but in the same time you're showing yourself and inviting everyone else to play with you, to create with you. This is now the time. And when I have recognized myself, you have recognized yourself, we have recognized each other. Then there is a lightness, a softness to our creation, to our being with each other, and to seeing each other.

Meilin Ehlke  8:56  
So, I want to take you for a moment to feel that energy that I just spoke about. That is coming together from the ground into your body, from our beautiful blue planet and lush green, brown tones, the grey of rock, and there's a multitude of colors in there too, right. There's also this interplay of different materials, all these different greens and red tones, brown tones in the leaves. The new flowers that are popping up everywhere. You can see the wild strawberries here too. The white flowers getting everyone happy about the flavor they're gonna taste on their tongue in their mouth, once they eat a ripe strawberry. And the wild ones they're small but really tasty and full, like an explosion, I believe, in your, in your mouth. So, what, when these energies come from the heavens from the earth, and they come together within you. There is a circulation happening right? It goes up your spine forward and down. You invite light into your body to do the same movement. The meridians move your energy this way. Your blood moves around and has an interplay. There is this interplay of these two forces. Right? Even in biology we have red and blue blood depictions. But there's always this moment of interplay, of inter mixing, of understanding each other. And then you put your essence, your knowledge, your wisdom into all of that. And it's the same with your breath. You take in your breaths, and you exhale, there is also the air that goes out. You send your energy out into the world, it flies off with the wind. You open a window maybe, but it goes out moment you open a door, and you move outside. Maybe you are outside. It is this beautiful exchange and the creation. So concentrate. I invite you to concentrate on what are you creating, and what are you bringing to the table? What dish, are you bringing for a festive coming together and celebration? Like it the musicians coming together with their instruments. And then on top, not just the instrument, some of them have the same ones, but the different power or gentleness they put into it. So a tone comes out. The beauty you put into your voice. Observe if you sound different. Ask your partner. Ask your children. Ask your parents. "How do I sound? Has something changed with me?" I would say yes, because you being filled out more. These energies that you're playing with now, you can fill out your body, you can expand more, your muscles get fuller. Excitement builds up. Right? Energy builds up. Energy that wants to create. Energy that wants to flow and invites you, it will flow anyway. But go with it, that your movements become very fluid, smooth, elegant, harmonious, in a way balanced. Observe yourself how you walk maybe now. Is there a tingle within you?Then you can feel that all these things are having an exchange. At this moment, and then maybe breathe a little quicker, or invite the blood to move faster, or invite the energy to move quicker within your body. How does that feel? More energy, more in and you are building up and building up and puhh. Out it goes into the world.

Meilin Ehlke  13:24  
Because all of you have a desire to be who you are, to have an impact on to the world. To live a legacy. To create something magical, something beautiful. And that's pure love. This desire is filled with love, filled with happiness. And whatever vision you're following, that you have set for yourself. Or are setting now. It's grand. It's vast, it's all encompassing, like you are.

Meilin Ehlke  14:34  

Meilin Ehlke  17:13
There is a peaceful feeling within me and outside, because that's what you're bringing with your love to all of us. I celebrate you for doing this. For following your heart. For becoming more of who you are. For becoming more visible. I celebrate your courageousness. What is so beautiful is feel embraced and supported. Feel how you're being filled out now even further. The energy within your body, the calmness, the serenity that is settling within you. Soak in it. Gently move with it. Like a gentle dance. Or you may want to lay down and just feel the flow. That is you, playing with all existence. Playing with all of you. Playing with all that exists. With all beings, humans, entities, the trees, animals, the air, the water, your breath, your blood, your voice, and your beingness.

Meilin Ehlke  19:33  
So I let you drift off. As you gently move your intention. Or, your energy, I should say, along your intention toward your vision and letting it unfold. Open up to the world. As flowers blossom, right, the bud that opens up now to show all its beauty, colors, softness, scent and flow. All of us, this love that you're bringing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Meilin Ehlke  20:39  
Enjoy, the way you're growing. And do share it in the Facebook group with us, the Facebook group Moving To Oneness, you gifts, what you're creating now. Let us know, so we can be here for each other, support each other.

Meilin Ehlke  21:07 
This is Meilin, your host of the Moving To Oneness podcast, and I send my love to you. Good bye.