Moving To Oneness

Ep. 35 ~ Meilin Ehlke- Uncover

Episode Summary

The turbulence of the April 2021 weather energies are here to uncover our brilliance and bring new sight onto our cultural history, Enjoy the spoken and sung wisdom channeled to be moved into beingness in this episode.

Episode Notes

We are uncovering new sites that are shedding new light on our historic journey. the turbulent energies of this April month are also supporting the washing off what hinders the brilliance to fully shine in its beauty. The sacred sounds arose as support (minute 21:19 - 25:39). Enjoy...

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Episode Transcription

Moving To Oneness, Nourishing Curiosity, Embracing Differences, Becoming One

Meilin Ehlke  0:25  
There is a gentleness outside. The leaves are being moved with a soft touch and it is more playful. A moment to take a deep breath. To find your breath. To find your own rhythm again after this turbulences that have been happening since beginning of April. So for me here in Germany, there was warm weather and then came snow, wind, rain, snow again, even snow that stayed on the ground for a while, sunshine, right, so the typical April weather for us. But also this may has happened within you. Did you notice maybe that within you, you had similar turbulences of falling maybe a little into, not a depression but into dampness into a sadness? You cried a lot, and the next day or two days later again, you had energy and became creative, and we're jumping out into the world? Yeah. So, that is reflecting at the moment what is outside. Right? We're being tumbled in a way around like clothing in a washing machine.

Meilin Ehlke  1:51  
And before I go there I would love to welcome you to the Moving To Oneness show I'm Meilin your host, and welcome to this early April episode in 2021. I have spoken about it, it is the time, right, that predicted that these turbulences are starting.

Meilin Ehlke  2:36  
But in a washing, if you take the washing machine, you're seeing yourself as clothing, right? The water is coming in, you've been put into the washing machine, the door is closed, your in a new space and the detergent is added in a powder or fluid form and maybe washed nuts, and then you're being tumbled or spun around depending what kind of washing machines. But you're taken along with the next swoosh of water and turned around, folded together in a new way, unfolded in another way. In a way, fully covered in water, the next moment maybe parts of you are not, and always another part is. Then maybe warm water is added a little bit more and maybe there's a cold water, right? You've just gotten adjusted to one way and then it the spins all the other way around or the water is taking off and then the clearing water is coming to flush and rinse everything out. But at the end you come out of it and you feel refreshed. You feel clean. Anything that is not yours has been taken away, washed away, moved off, rubbed off, scrubbed off, dissolved off, washed off with the water, right, and you may feel softer and replenished. As with a good drink of water, or with a nice cream on your skin. And maybe you also feel more flexible. Because of that, right maybe some thing that was stuck to you or maybe it was something sticky you couldn get off made you a little bit more rigid. So see a notice. What good is being brought to you in and recognizing where you have been maybe a little rusty or things had been covered up and maybe you weren't ready yet for it to be washed off. But the times came anyway or the people supported you in washing it off, or other beings out in our cosmos.

Meilin Ehlke  4:44  
So this is happening all over the world at the moment. This uncovering, the wind blowing away what's on top of you, the dirt off you, and a  good example is Luxor, right? At the pyramids of Luxor they were looking for graves came in with an idea of maybe there was something and they found a whole new city. That was a few days ago. So for everyone who's gonna listen to this episode a little later, there was about the eighth, seventh something about that time of April. The interesting part, when I heard that in the radio, that this was happening I  thought, "oh my god. Four years earlier I was there with my son. After he had a very turbulent time in finding ways to breathe. Right. He had problems breathing. He had been in the hospital for a while, and I had the nudge to bring him to warm weather. We could take in a deep breath again. And it would feel good, and where it was also a little drier. The place we went to was in Egypt, the Red Sea part. There, he decided, I didn't know he would do that, he wanted to go scuba diving. He was 10 at that time, he wanted to find his own rhythm. And he did it in his tempo. Luckily there was a very beautiful and fine-tuned instructor, he was also Egyptian really honing in to the energies and the ways of my son. To see what he wanted and what he was ready for and to follow the curiosity of my son. Yeah. They walked in from the beach and went deep. Instead of falling in and tumbling in front of a boat, and I really loved that, to study and so he could enjoy exploring and seeing what is in front of him. As well as he, in that comfort, immersed in this beauty of the water with a fish, with the sand, with the mussels and algae, and in the sun rays that hit into the water, could feel part of everything right he's became very aware of himself in that beautiful world.

Meilin Ehlke  7:19  
And there was another magical thing that happened. So when I stood there one evening or late afternoon in the water I looked westward, it was a Tuesday can remember that, because on Tuesday is always at my radio show and I did speak about that on my radio show. I have to re-listen to that show. And I spoke about that, there's something new will be uncovered at that time again and they did uncover that day at Luxor and in Giza things. And again, there is this movement, this year. So right? They took us the tombs in Giza and drove them around for the people to see their own cultural gifts, again, to have a memory of it in these times of COVID. But also at the Pyramids of Luxor they found a new city, while they were looking for something else, right, for more graves. And what is so fascinating, that the sand has been taken off the rocks, the weight. There is a certain way of removal of giving more clarity of the newness that is coming, while removing what is the history that has been taught that didn't have the view of or the width of inclusion, of unity, of harmony.

Meilin Ehlke  9:03  
And more and more sites are coming to the open. Right? We had, a few years ago, in Brazil, where the crystals rose out of the ground. Here in Europe, people are finding caves, old tunnel systems. Other cultures as well, Japan and China they are finding old temples, South America, right. We're finding so much more history of Societies that have lived here in harmony, in unity, in respect, in awareness with all. So, again, this uncovering of the city for me at this moment, in this time of uncovering our politics, what is not working. Uncovering within ourselves what we are living that is not ours. What you're living that is not yours. What I'm living that is not mine. So we can step into what we truly are. To bring that out into the world. To live that. Right?

Meilin Ehlke  10:13  
A beautiful question I was given is, "how can I support you. So, you can do what you do best and with more ease and the most fun?" And I thought, wow, this is beautiful question. So I had to also go and uncover what is, and take maybe a, you know like Sherlock Holmes, the glass, the enlargement glass to see to look more at myself. What is fun for me? What do I love to do? What comes easy for me? And this is to bring them to our communities, and then also to ask for others who see that, who feel that, will recognize, understand that, to provide support, so I can even do more of that. So the question is for you. What do you do yourself best, where you have fun, which comes with ease? You don't even think about it, it does not use up any energy of you. Right. So what is it? And so maybe you've been asked directly this question or not but it is in our field, it is in the energy on our planet. It is the cosmic energy that is bringing out more of you. And things are being washed away. So like the sand has been beautifully taken away and I'm so happy that so many of us are now more interested in what was there really? So it's not just in a certain relationship where we ask, what is my partner, really want to convey, or live, right, or my son or my parent, or my brother, or myself, or what do you want to uncover.

Meilin Ehlke  12:16  
So, we've learned over the last few years to hone in what is behind, right, you can feel it more and more people are really interested what you're bringing to the world, what I'm bringing world, or others. They're honing in. The Listening is changing, where they're being listened to too in new ways. Maybe you've recognized that and if not observe and really see that it is happening, it's a beautiful thing. So, but now it goes also on larger topics. Yeah, they're multi, multi, multi faceted parts within us that being unfolded, recognized, discovered, or rediscovered. And the same is happening here on Earth where we finding plants, the importance of certain plants, the healing properties of certain plants. We're finding at the moment how animals are providing information, how we can optimize. We are respecting them more we're listening more. We're starting to treat them much better, and seeing where we need change as well. Right? Young people are being listened to. A lot of young people are invited to bring also their creative genius into the world, then they do a lot of beautiful saving of the ocean, saving of the desert, saving of society. And not saving but questioning and saying, "Can we do it in another way, are there different possibilities?" I like that even better than the word saving. So finding in looking for new possibilities. What can be done? What can be created or how can we be more open? So, the unfathomed can arise.

Meilin Ehlke  14:24  
Also in that. I believe it's so important that you exist. And I want to thank you, that you exist, and I want to thank myself that I exist and I do this beautiful work and you do this beautiful work. And we're doing this together, as a human being, as a friend, as a light being with nature, with animals, with the Cosmos, right, with elements, we can go on and on and on there. This collaboration, so this is unfolding, more and more and we're feeling free and I hope you feel that even though maybe it's one moment the tears may run. But the tears are washing away. Exactly like the sand is being washed away in Luxor, and suddenly there's a new city.

Meilin Ehlke  15:21  
Because what the really interesting part is, we as humans we know and feel the truth. So when there were legends, look at your own legends in your country, in your city, in your region. How true are they? What is there? Go on this adventure become an explorer during this time, to provide answers for you. To provide answers for others. Move in, of becoming a little bit more of the teacher by sharing your experiences with others. In that moment you become the inspiration. And invite whatever is out there to support you. Yeah, and take the time and energy to connect, and it is hard at the moment we are most all of us are very separated from others. But one other person you're with or maybe two depends where you are, you can connect with, or even more if you're lucky in some regions, in some countries, in some areas. Come together to weave together. What uplifts you, makes you feel safe to throw yourself into the washing machine and ask them to put a beautiful detergent of in, like an organic one with love and you know, and turn on the water so that you're not alone, while you do this. Yeah, and maybe that they nudge you a little further and then you would go alone. If you're more of the, you know gung ho person. And if you'd like to go very gentle. Do it gently with softness, with finesse, step by step.

Meilin Ehlke  17:18  
Yeah, so this is important I think for this year to thank yourself, that you're here, as I thank myself, as I thank all of us of being here right now, for each other, as you are here also for yourself, as I'm here for myself. And saying, yes, also a little bit to this uncomfortableness of moving into new territory. Saying, yes, to new opportunities, to staying expanded even more, longer, further.

Meilin Ehlke  18:08  
So many things are changing and hone in to the energies of your what you're bringing, of what your work is bringing beautiful to this world. What do you beingness is bringing beautifully to this cosmos. I invite you to see your beauty. I invite you to see your importance of being here right now. And whatever you think, do and act on, that this is of importance.

Meilin Ehlke  18:43  
Oh, I have to bring a song and sound for you to take this within. To bathe in it. To maybe even also be washed, let's see what comes. Right? We never know what support comes with these tones and sounds. And so that you, maybe do an extra washing, or an extra scoop of detergent and an extra swoosh of rinse water. To have this a little bit more cleaner brilliance. Because you know, it is bringing out the brilliance of you, bringing out the optimal you, the true you, where you can live, you knowledge.

Meilin Ehlke  19:46  
Hear the birds outside? I have learned, when I don't talk, the microphone turns down. I remember the last time I spoke, you know when the storm was. So maybe you do hear in between once in a while, the birds singing outside supporting us in this unfolding, in this becoming You, in this becoming us in this becoming me.

Meilin Ehlke  21:19  
Sacred song...

 Meilin Ehlke  25:40  
I am gonna leave you in this energy, this vibration of the songs and songs just for you. I wish you a wonderful time, day, week, month, year and beyond. I am Meilin. Have a wonderful time.