Moving To Oneness

Ep. 33 ~ Guided Guest Holly Steffen - Spring Growth

Episode Summary

On the first day of spring our guided guest Holly Steffen is interested in the most speediest growth for her self and her landscaping business. Enjoy...

Episode Notes

Growth is important  for our guided guest Holly Steffens on this first day of spring.  She desires it the become faster and faster for herself and the plants she installs. Enjoy...

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Episode Transcription

Moving To Oneness; Nourishing Curiosity, Embracing Differences; Becoming One.

Meilin Ehlke  0:34  
Today spring is starting you can see I got my flower blouse on especially for this recording to celebrate this. And I'm going to look really forward to what arises, that the timing and moving the times a few times, Right, and play with time. Ooh, it's gonna be playing with time, that Holly and I came together. So let's see what arises.

Meilin Ehlke  1:04  
Hello everyone, I am Meilin, and I welcome you to the Moving To Oneness show and today is the special guest here, so I call it the guided guest show. My guest who's sitting today in Wisconsin, really, the place where my ancestors, from my father's side come from, and then, you know, used to go 150 years back, they did come also from Germany, a region, which is now a Poland. So really interesting link that is here today. And Holly has the opportunity to ask me anything she desires whatever is in the moment.

Meilin Ehlke  1:50  
Holly, you can do that for yourself or for others, or even for your animals, because I see you have your cat behind you, and let me know what arises for you in this moment, even though we spoke a few minutes before, to prep you and to familiarize you with me. Share with me and the listener what arises, because I think what you're bringing is going to impact many others who are gonna listen to this show.

Holly Steffen  2:28  
Sure. So, I am new to becoming spiritual myself, and I have recently developed quite a few gifts I guess, and I'm trying to develop, it's though not fast enough for me. We were laughing about that earlier, because I would like it quicker of course, like I think most people. I have some very good, very extremely strong intuition. And I can tell things and feel them in my stomach all the time. If somebody is lying to me I can tell instantly and I can feel it. I can feel different energies I've been meditating, a lot. I would like to open my meditations up a little bit more as well. But I met Meilin through the goddess group that we're both in and she actually did one of these without like a me or anybody with her, she just kind of did her own light language which I would like to learn.

Holly Steffen  3:31  
So it was basically a whole two day seminar type thing about light language. It was really beautiful and all of these different people came in told about their light language and spoke it to all of us. And it was fantastic because I could feel it from every single one of them. In the meditations that we're doing and it was awesome. Amazing. And I just felt so fantastic afterwards and I thought, I want to learn how to do that. So I would like to grow that way.

Holly Steffen  4:03  
I own my own business right now and it's a landscaping company.

Meilin Ehlke  4:06  

Holly Steffen  4:06  
Spring is perfect for us to be talking anyway. Right?

Meilin Ehlke  4:09  

Holly Steffen  4:10  
We can talk about whatever. I'm trying to grow my business, expand my business in a couple different ways, and maybe you can push me and tell me some insightful things. Because it's also very hard sometimes to hear about yourself and find your own, or hear your own messages. So that's part of my own. I have green fingernails from St. Patty's Day so, it needs to come off it's starting to chip finally but I have green toes too. I match.

Meilin Ehlke  4:45  
Yeah, everyone who is not from the US, let me share with you St Patrick's Day is a celebration that the Irish brought to the US to celebrate their heritage, to bring luck into their life and so much more. But it is a fun day in the US. It's the day to also party. And to wear green and we celebrated really in offices, at night you go out for lunch.

Holly Steffen  5:21  
You eat corned beef and green cabbage.

Meilin Ehlke  5:24  
Yeah, corned beef and green cabbage, I was just thinking from the time when I was still in Atlanta. I remember then if I would go to Savannah and we would do some studies about the landscape or city design, right. A lot of Irish also moved in the early, what's the word, settlers came also from Ireland. And then later when there was a big phase again when I think the potato famine hit and a lot of people went to the US, again. You can find a lot of Irish names there. And one time I was even in Savannah, by chance because we had an excursion, to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. So and it is fun day to celebrate and what I love about it and it fits perfectly into moving to oneness, if you think about it, Holly. It is the idea to celebrate it all together, and even to highlight one's own heritage, and to educate at the same time, and to play. A discussion starts then, and we learn more about each other. Right? Would you say that as well, Holly?

Holly Steffen  6:38  

Meilin Ehlke  6:39  
Yeah. And this is really interesting this is something that you're really interested in. You in a way you have a landscaping business. And yes, we have our plants today and it's spring which symbolizes for me, always growth. And what is really interesting, you want really speediest growth, if there is even the word speediest,

Holly Steffen  7:03  

Meilin Ehlke  7:04 
but really you want to be like Speedy Gonzales, move forward, and fast. And I had to chuckle, and many others too, Holly, and many of us probably also recognized it. You said you're brand new to the spiritual realm, but then you hinted to all the things you are good in. First off all you've learned really quick, or become aware of, of what you already have been doing all your life. So you are, what I sense, you've always been spiritual and sometimes I don't even like to use the word spiritual, that's our natural being, to feel connected, to be in communication with everything that existed. We've been numbed down in our societies, cultures through out history. And now, especially this spring it is the time, in a way, to take away the shackles. To really push through,

Holly Steffen  8:08  
To grow.

Meilin Ehlke  8:08  
to use a strong energy, you know like a seed you will recognize it right? When the seed opens in the earth, we need a lot of power, we need a lot of concentrated energy or the seed does, to pop it.