Moving To Oneness

Ep. 27 ~ Meilin Ehlke - 19th World Sound Healing Day

Episode Summary

In honor of Jonathan Goldman's vision on his 19th World Sound Healing Day, Meilin Ehlke dedicates this episode to sacred sound of love. Feel uplifted and facilitated to voice your sound by all the beings who came together to create sacred sound symphony.

Episode Notes

Feel uplifted by all that came together to create a magical tapestry of sound.  Meilin dedicated  this episode to the 19th World Sound Healing  Day that Jonathan Goldman brought  to life. To heal our planet, to heal our waters and  to raise our vibration. Sound is a fuller word for you from today on. Enjoy.

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There you have the opportunity to request a topic of your choice to be spoken about or a song to be sung for you on a future podcast. 

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Episode Transcription

Moving to Oneness, Nourishing  Curiosity, Embracing Differences, Becoming One.

Meilin Ehlke  0:24  
The sunshine brings the snow to sparkle in the beautiful rainbow colors. There is an amazing energy blue sky, a vibrancy. It is at the moment the time that brings you whatever you desire. Take in the next few minutes we are together, here on Moving To  Oneness podcast, to pull in and to reflect on your wishes. Whatever you want to create in collaboration with everybody existing and everything existing.  So welcome, I'm Meilin Ehlke.

Meilin Ehlke  1:26  
And it is the weekend of love. Tomorrow is the 14th of February. It is a special day for  me, not because it is Valentines day. I send and live love I think every single day. Maybe there have been a few sad days in my life. But as a sound healer, tomorrow, Jonathan Goldman started 19 years ago, the vision of celebrating sound worldwide, global, on the 14th of February. And, as you know, our podcast goes always live on a Sunday. Sometimes in the morning midday, sometimes with the last hour. Yeah.

Meilin Ehlke  2:16  
So I'm dedicating today's show, to sound, and love. So what sounds beautiful to you? In English, you know, we can play with the word sound. Sound, what sounds comfortable to you right? That is something where you can open up and expand in any situation or whatever, someone else tells you to widen. Or you can agree, you sense, a little bit of truth. You can trust it. And you may sense that it comes with a little bit of love. Whatever the person is bringing to you an idea, a design, a poem, an invitation to do something together, the list goes on. And how do things sound to you? In your ear when you hear something? Right? So this snow outside has been on the ground already for a few days, so it crackles when you walk on it Were as a few days ago it was silent almost  when you walked through it. Unless it was very deep and you had to pull up your legs and pulled up a lot of snow, and then he could hear it falling. Can you hear the wind, where you are? How does that sound to you? In the back of me in the room next door, there's water dripping out of a faucet, in its own rhythm. It's a boiler. So after I just drank some warm water before speaking, and afterwards it takes a few minutes for the pressure to regulate. So few drops come out. What sounds let you regulate yourself? Feel comfortable to you?

Meilin Ehlke  4:39  
I remember there was a band, it was in the 80s Art of Noise. They created interesting music rather tech oriented instrumental music. And that kind of music could have made you aggressive or wild to dance. There were also songs that made you calm. So what tones, change you? Bring you into the mood that you desire? Meditative music, do you listen to that? Do you prefer someone singing? You like the synthesizers tone? Do you prefer the sound of opera singers? What kind of music do you love? That was just a tone created from my earphones dropping onto the marble table,  before they fell further down? Or I hear the crackle. Do you hear it, too? Of my favorite couch, I sit down, when I record the show for you. You may hear the sound of your head moving, clothing that you're wearing. Which sounds disturb you?

Meilin Ehlke  6:19  
Many questions right? And when do sounds to disturb you? Like a second ago there were children laughing outside they're throwing snowballs and pulling their sled, and their laughter. Some people get ignored. Not ignored. Yeah, some can really ignore them because they're so focused in whatever they do, and others get disturbed by laughter of children. And if so, why? Are they very dense, are they upset about something so they're not totally relaxed? Or sounds disturb you? I can hear the sound of the birds outside. Even as they're picking their food. I put out seeds out this morning for them. Maybe you are the ocean and you hear the waves, this beautiful rhythm.

Meilin Ehlke  7:34  
But the same waves, I remember I had a boyfriend and his father had a house at the ocean, long time ago. But he said he had to sell that house, because he when he was sleeping at night the waves would hit against the walls. Where the house was built on. And that created such strong more violent tones and noise, all night and he couldn't sleep there, because it was not soothing for him. So where are we going in this conversation, it's really interesting right? You all know me I just start speaking and see what is desired in the moment to come through.

Meilin Ehlke  8:21  
There, is no really a right or wrong sound. It depends on how you feel. How I feel. How we feel within the group. What emotions we have. What we're celebrating. Do we want to move our body or not. Are we outdoors, or inside. Do we desire quietness, or do you want the stimuli of everything that is surrounding us? Like in a large city right to go to market, outdoor market. So find what you love to hear. What kind of music is perfect for you? And nourish yourself with it. I think that is the most important. And to see if the tone, a sound is not soothing for you, or disturbs you. What is the underlying factor? because it's a beautiful energy at the moment to dissolve this. Two days ago we had the new moon, the Chinese New Year. All right, so many things can be wished for. So what I wish for, is that we, again, all of us can hear more and more. Get fine-tuned, get quiet enough, soft enough in being ourselves and then hearing the sacred sounds of this cosmos. That we can get more fine tuned in hearing the natural created sounds. That when you outside, when you're aware you can hear ready birds wings, long before you can see the bird, even of a small one. That you can hear the rustling of the leaves that you're playing in the wind. That you hear your own breath and hear the song of all existing. And to realize, that it's a choir, a beautiful choir, that you are an important part of. And that your voice is important, the tones you make, the sounds you make are important for yourself, and everyone else. So, the next few minutes I would love just to sing and sound with the intention of bringing love to more and more instances. And that you also get more fine tuned to feel your own love for yourself.  To feel love from others. To extend love to others. And to have this love, within your voice for everything existing, for anyone, for anything you speak to, you sing to you talk, to you mumble, to read you read to, you hum to. And also that sound that you hear in your own brain in within your own body, your own sound, also maybe if you hear it on a recording, that you hear the love, the existing love, the light, the brilliancy, the warmth, the embrace of your voice. And what sounds voice can create.

Meilin Ehlke  12:36  

Meilin Ehlke 24.03
That was an ending. Wow. That was a symphony. A  sound symphony for you. Sounds for love. Bringing your voice to be heard.
Sounding out who you are. Stay with that  vibration. I don't  know if you can feel it? But my body is vibrating from top to toe. From my head down to my fingers. And there is the bell. So, I wish yo u a wonderful day. This is Meilin of the Moving to Oneness show.  The best to you. Bye, bye.