Moving To Oneness

Ep. 22 ~ Guest Wild Mystic Gabriel Cousens M.D. - Into the Nothing

Episode Summary

In a fun and light manner Gabriel Cousens, M.D. brings you mysticism closer, with anecdotes out of his wild life. Enjoy the vast experiences as you connect with his energy to bathe in it.

Episode Notes

During our time together Gabriel Cousens shared in a fun and light way a few nuggets out of his vast life's experiences that will enrich yours for ever. 
As a holistic physician, rabbi, yogi, spiritual mystic, psychiatrist, family therapist, vital-@-any-age advocate, humanitarian and peace ambassador, walks the planet in the state of Eternal Presence seeing the emanating light from all things, and yet living in the very real world where his good works and spiritual guidance change lives daily. He lives, as he says, in the world between Nothing (the world beyond time) and Something (the temporal world)-and experiences a fully integrated life in multiple dimensions-happy, joyful, grateful, loving and peaceful without any exterior reason (non-causal) because that is the nature of the primordial consciousness. There is found the true freedom.

Connect with Gabriel Cousens, M.D. on his website: http:/ 
His online community website:
His latest book title: Into the Nothing - A Spiritual Autobiography

Watch the Episode 22 video  on our YouTube channel Moving To Oneness:

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Episode Transcription

Moving to one; Nourishing Curiosity; Embracing Differences; Becoming One

Meilin Ehlke  0:51  
Hello everyone, welcome to the Moving To Oneness podcast. I am Meilin your host today. Sitting here in Germany, enjoying the winter weather, cuddling up, reading some fantastic books. And I just did read a great book written by my wonderful guest, Gabriel Cousens a mystic, so listen to the wild mystic.

Gabriel Cousens  1:12  
The wild mystic.

Meilin Ehlke  1:12  
I love it. Yeah, and your book 'Into the Nothing' is fantastic. It is a wayshower, Gabriel, for many that are stepping exactly in to those footsteps of revitalizing, remembering their own way of being. So first of all, thank you. You are sitting in Israel, connecting with us. This is seldom, that I have a morning show, a recording in the morning everyone. So, enjoy what comes to you today. Hello, Gabriel. How are you?

Gabriel Cousens  1:56  
I'm great. I'm very happy to be sharing with you as we talk we're on the same line, you know from the yoga perspective, Native American, you know biblical. There's a coming together off creating a new world, a new vision. In my book 'Into the Nothing' there is that new vision of us being our authentic self. We're all born originals, most people die unhappy, and our job is to bring people back to be an original.

Meilin Ehlke  2:30  
Yes, yes, exactly I say the words into our natural state, in the one where we don't feel so tight, where we feel expanded, where we are connected to everything with the world, right? Plants, animals, other human beings, and we feel this. In your book you use the word liberation. I like the word freedom, and what is most important for me, fun.

Gabriel Cousens  3:03  
Yeah, I've been there multiple levels, and I talked about the Six Foundations and Sevenfold for peace. So the seven for peace. We have peace with the body. Healthy body, so we can be a superconductor of the Kundalini energy. Okay, peace with the mind, that we get with meditation and also actually grows our brain, believe it or not, literally grows our brain. Our brains shrinks 0.4% per year, and meditation actually grows the brain, literally. Service and charity, part of my work is spreading it out. I have programs, organic beginning farming and Diabetes Prevention Program through our Africa, Mexico, South America and with Native American tribes in the United States. So, we're bringing that awareness to as many different peoples as possible. And then, peace with the family which is sacred relationship. And I see relationship as a spiritual path. Okay, that's it. And I'm not just talking Tantra I'm really talking about relationship as a spiritual path, it's very important, as is peace with the family and the peace with the community. These days it's a little complicated. Peace with all cultures we call it in Native American xxxxxxxxx, which means peace with the Living Planet, peace with the plant people, peace with the walking, flying and swimming ones, and peace with all the human cultures.

Meilin Ehlke  4:46  
It's beautiful.

Gabriel Cousens  4:32  
Yeah, but that's a Native American teaching. Okay. And then we have peace with the ecology I call it spiritual ecology, and finally peace with God. And spiritual ecology, a way how I think about is, we are one with a living planet. We're not an ecologist working on the planet. I experienced the planet as part of me and I'm part of the planet. So as I take care of myself I'm taking care of the planet as they take care of the planet I'm taking care of myself, because it's One. So it's a different concept than working on the environment as if it's separate from us if that makes sense.

Meilin Ehlke  5:30  
It does this is so beautifully said, I have, since I'm a little girl. I always ran into the woods, and then I lived up in the Alps and I always run through the woods. Not so much anymore, so now I walk and I go off the path so I could really, I can sense, what is there and I believe so much of our truth and understanding we'll find when we're immersed in in this environment, in this landscape. So not everyone has the green plants, I even have one here every one. You may have where you will live, you have a desert, maybe you have an ocean, or you know, a different landscape, but even there we go and see what you can connect to, to provide an exchange of wisdom, especially maybe stones or something. And that will broaden our awareness, our perception, right? And it will broaden the understanding of everything existing in the environment, but also within.

Gabriel Cousens  6:44  
Yeah. And that's, that one it's the dance of the Divine in the physical world.

Meilin Ehlke  6:50  
The Dance.

Gabriel Cousens  6:51  
That is right. I do a lot of dancing. We are not going  to doit right now. I mean I could, but we have to have great music. But it is a way of living in the world, where we see the dance of the Divine in all things. I've also lived off the grid totally without electricity, running water for three years and it was wonderful. It was in Northern California, Mendocino, literally no free water, no electricity, no telephone. So.

Meilin Ehlke  7:31  
Your life has been really fascinating to me as I read through all those different parts, you have explored. So different regions. social levels, interactions. You also are a medicine in the modern world, I would say right.

Gabriel Cousens  7:57  
Medical doctor, right.

Meilin Ehlke  7:58  
Right. So where you have always questions. That's something What I love about you. You keep on questioning. You sense, always that there is more, the researcher with you is awoken. When did you notice that you're this pure researcher? Would you share that this please?

Gabriel Cousens  8:24  
It's kind of the way my mind is put together. Okay? So, when I was four, I knew I wanted to be a doctor, but nobody my family ever been a doctor. That was like a different concept of a different world. My older brother was killed in a car accident when I was,  when I was 16 he was 22. And then I began to spontaneously meditate. And this is in the 1950's, so I built a heart one machine. Okay, they didn't really have those in the hospitals then, and it actually was like creating life. But that is when I took out more about researcher part, because obviously I had to study to figure out what I was doing. And then, I did publish in biochemistry and biophysics in college articles. So, it was just a natural part. But the key is question everything. Okay? So, I kind of learned that and when you question everything you get guided in the right direction, because you see through all the mythologies. And that's how I got to create the course Zero Point, which is to clear all the thoughts in the mind, negative but also thoughts so we have a clear mind that we can transzend. So that's part of the intuitive method. So, I would say, at an early age I mean least as a teenager, but it was really before that.

Meilin Ehlke  9:53  
Yeah, you mentioned that and I experienced that myself. I was quieted often because I spoke the truth. Yeah, and adults don't often... It's difficult for them to live with a child that tells the truth, especially if they have group of people around. And, but this state, and I would love to give that to everyone who's listening, right in your life, you may be drawn then if you can't find it from other people. You may be drawn to books and Gabrielle you read a lot when you were younger.

Gabriel Cousens  10:33  

Meilin Ehlke  10:34  
There are many beautiful secrets in books, where you can sense the truth of words, the truth of a paragraph, and what is behind. And Gabriel you also said the right people came into your life, I was gifted this one too. So when you start questioning the right people come to give you a level, next step for you to discover. Right?

Gabriel Cousens  11:00  

Meilin Ehlke  11:00  
But we have to go through experiences of discovering, of looking, taking in the thought again, analyzing, and you did that in all of your work in in your social you did a lot of social work, you also were interested how the body and the brain functions. You are fascinating. But one thing, I'm sorry. But yesterday I had to share that with my husband because I have a son who's 14, you were speaking about also being a football player. And that, in football, you came through the, the way you move your body, you are where you pulled out of yourself, extra strength to be more in tune, to be aware of what is around you. Right? You got into a very meditative state and you said you found that there. And I said to my husband, "it is so sad to see for me", that's what I said, "that there are not so many things for young men anymore, where they can have that feeling, where they give all of them, and more comes out of them. Where they can be surprised, of what is within them". Would you please, please, please speak about that, for all the parents that are out there.

Gabriel Cousens  12:21  
So, as I say in my book, all I ever learned was from meditating, playing football and sacred relations. So what happened with football? Because I played it the from the age of 10 to 21. Because I played football in college, I was in the National Football Hall of Fame. Now we're not talking soccer. This is American football.

Meilin Ehlke  12:43  

Gabriel Cousens  12:44  
So what was the key? The key is, I push myself beyond my limit and went into meditative states that I hadn't previously been aware of. So it was when I wouldn't beyond my body that I began having that. And so that was what happened. And it happened all the time, whether the peak of the football game or even in practice, I always would find myself going beyond. And that was very valuable to me. I didn't really get into meditation, till after college football. Because it is wait, there's nowhere else to go here, how do I go access those things. You see, and that's how I really got into meditation. It's like okay this is how you do it. You don't have to play football. You don't have to do skydiving or climbing mountains. You just go inside. So that's kind of because I was familiar with those states initially. Now, what I do want to say, I met Swami Muktananda in 1975. And he's a fully enlightened being. And I receive Shaktipat which is the transmission of energy that basically awakens the Kundalini, which is the spiritual force in all creation but within us also. And it took me into nothing for the first time which is more than just meditation. Because you dissolve. There's no you left. So you have a you, kind of in the silence and then you have where there is no you . There's no you there is nothing. When I came out of that, a little voice rang out and said you should learn to eat and live in a way that feeds the Kundalini. That's how I got into my work about spiritual nutrition. I didn't think about that before, but it was a directness. I spent seven years with him. And in that process, because of me being a psychiatrist or whatever he assigned me to people who had imbalances in different ways with the Kundalini. So I became pretty much a world expert in the whole issues of Kundalini. Kundalini psychosis or transcendence was a key concept in my and others physician I work with, at least know actually know that I wrote such a book. So I meant to tell you how I began being in that position to work with that living energy in a way that's a little different. I was living in Nashville and traveling, that way for seven years but actually, my wife and my two kids, my daughter was five or eight so it's like, it works. One of the things I tell parents. Okay? Is all life is an experience for you to wake up. So, raising a family is part of that experience. So no excuse saying, "Oh, I got a family. I don't have time". No, your family is your spiritual practice. So all that life comes to us is from waking up the best we can and that's one of the key message in the book. Every experience we can transform into another spiritual place of awakening. So that is how I got started.

Meilin Ehlke  16:25  
I really would say too, the family, the one we're born into, and the family, you create, or if you don't have children with your partnership the relationship. You learn so much about yourself and whatever you learn or desire to do, if you're able to live that every single second in your family or be who you are in your family and they respond to certain way to you, then you've made it.

Gabriel Cousens  17:00  

Meilin Ehlke  17:00  
Yeah. Because they show it and the patience, the peacefulness, the openness and Gabriel for me I think one of my biggest shifts in life. There were many, but one really big one is when my son was born, and I knew that moment, I had to live my truth even more. Fuller, so that came up.

Gabriel Cousens  17:31  
Beautiful, I get it.

Meilin Ehlke  17:30  
Then this opened up so many pathways, directions of unfathomed things, because I believe you know we can't even fathom what comes next week.

Gabriel Cousens  17:44  
Right, right.

Meilin Ehlke  17:45  
Right. And this. I'm really happy about to have made that one choice because I wanted to walk my talk, especially in front of my son, so he could become who he is. I already tried to look for a name where he could be who he is and I would not dictate that within his name. So that was in a way I'm very thankful that I had this experience of bringing a child onto this plane.

Gabriel Cousens  18:16  
So, in India we call guru tattva 'the world is the guru'. So all our life experiences, childbirth, parenting is there as your guru to help you wake up spiritually. And then that way you're getting supported in all directions. And no matter what's going on its like this is an opportunity to wake up spiritually, to take the next level, spiritually. So, that's kind of what I'm talking about in the book about how to live is very specifically. That way, you know. All my experiences are all about awakening. Even when I talked about the Sun Dance, the Eagle Dance. Each dance you dance from a different direction. There's four years. And there's an awareness of each of the directions. And it's like waking up to those awarenesses so it's very powerful. So that's key teaching. It's just your life, your life experiences, is the spiritual path, is the teaching. Our choice is to make is to look at it and draw the spiritual essence, out of it.

Meilin Ehlke  19:28  
In a way, very simple.

Gabriel Cousens  19:30  
It's very simple, but very hard to do.

Meilin Ehlke  19:33  
Yes, your simplicity. If I could understand one thing you approached everything with simplicity. This is really a gift, you have or a talent. And I think this is not to be neglected. What you're sending out to the world. This beauty of being. And that it doesn't have to be a big tata, tata, right? That each single simple step, movement, thought, word spoken, is what forms you because it builds up and widens.

Gabriel Cousens  20:20  
That's an excellent analysis, because I really don't talk, I mean I had many, describe many spiritual experiences, but it's the accumulation. At some point that you wake up. Though, the truth is, it was so undramatic. My second guru, Swami xxxx shared my experience which were obviously pretty out there. He said, "Wait, you're liberated. You don't even know it". And actually, I had a hard time accepting it. It took him telling me three times and looked at it once, before I could actually accept it, because it was so like on undramatic, which is what you're talking about, so very insightful. Very good.

Meilin Ehlke  21:08  
Yeah, it also comes from my life experience. Because you know people always ask. "Oh, what was the big event". And I thought was there one. No, there was not one big event. Yeah, and in fact to come thinking about it, I did ask for a big event, so I think I'm really good materializing, I said, "I want to have also one time, a big event". You know I ended up under a rock in the mountains. I was born this way and I believe, not enough of us are able to believe within ourselves that this is already sufficient.

Gabriel Cousens  21:48  
Yes. The light of God dwells within you, as you. The Self, that big Self, is within you as the essence of who you are. One thing I talked about in the book, a little bit connected to that is not everyone is motivated to access that. You know, Freud talked about sex drive and the death drive. But the drive to merge with God is more primal than both of those. And so, this drive was activated within me. Maybe when I was born, I had TB and it was at that time 1943 people died TB kits, there was a no medicine. Whatever was okay, it was a drive to understand what's the mystery of death, what's the mystery of life. It was like I was activated. My switch was turned on, you know, when I'm having TB and expected to die. Like, what is this going on here? Right? So, and I pursued that. I mean in election we can say there's no birth or death for the soul I mean, we can say that right? But to experience it. I didn't really experience it until I was 33. When I first received Shaktipat from Swami Muktananda. Then I got it. You know what it is. It's very simple, but it's a knowing, rather than a knowing about.

Meilin Ehlke  23:29  

Gabriel Cousens  23:29  
And that was the big driver. What is this? And I was pursuing it. So, the drive for  merging into the one is the primal drive of all life. It is a primal reason in my world why we're put on the planet. Deeper than sex deeper than death, drives a no god. So that's been my motivation. I can't tell you exactly when that switch got turned on. As we say it's gradual. Maybe when I was a few months old and had TB. Maybe it was activated with Shaktipat, but then again I already chose to find a spiritual teacher, so obviously I had to have it before. I don't know for sure.

Meilin Ehlke  24:17  
Yeah, and what also is interesting in you, you find ways to support this journey of discovery, right? You observe, you make your body fit this was something else I thought that is important your beautiful example and you shared that, that you can hold these vibrations that are so simple.

Gabriel Cousens  24:43  

Meilin Ehlke  24:44  
You do, I need to let everyone know, a 1000 push ups. Still.

Gabriel Cousens  24:52  
Yes, I do actually about two times a week, sometimes three times a week.

Meilin Ehlke  24:55  
This is powerful, because this is also a very beautiful example of a practice to hold up the vibration, but also to show, that we are able to do so much more than we think we can, that this energy when we connect to everything can keep on flowing through. And we can play with it. And for me, this is also a way of playing with it, and knowing we are a part of it. And that we have the ability to work with it and we're not just someone who's observing and watching. And this is something I love to give people along always Gabriel, is we have the ability to do so much, and to do so much more than we think is possible. And I would like for you to talk into that too, because they are coming, new times now, where many are being asked to become more, and live more of who they are. The words we don't have enough new vocabulary. I have only the feeling that it's like a way, where we all suddenly live in this higher vibration constantly, where there are not these deeps, where we don't have the chatter mind that you were speaking about it when you bring people into the soul.

Gabriel Cousens  26:31  
It's like being driven. I have. So, poems, you know, there are a lot of poems in the book. But the point is, I don't know what's going on, all I going to do is keep showing up. So the drive is to keep showing up and let God play to wake up. So the primal drive is to merge with God, to dissolve Into The Nothing. And I discuss, "Hey, you're going into the unknown. Hey, you're giving up your illusion of control." Okay? There's a Taoist teaching that says the master does what she can, and then lets go knowing it's for ever out of control.

Meilin Ehlke  27:14  
(giggle) I like that one.