Moving To Oneness

Ep. 21 ~ Future Times

Episode Summary

Meilin welcomes 2021, the wisdom of sacred sites as the Druide one close to her home and much more. Enjoy...

Episode Notes

How to become more free through exploring yourself when creating are just a few topics Meilin touches on when she welcomes in the future times. Enjoy...

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Episode Transcription

Nourishing curiosity, embracing difference, becoming one

Meilin Ehlke  0:42 
Wow it is a double "Welcome" beautiful isn't it. Life is just so fascinating. Hello how are you? Welcome to the Moving To Oneness podcast. I'm your host, Meilin Ehlke, sitting here in Germany. And it's funny I just heard the rhythm of dripping water in a boiler that drips once in a while. And I thought, wow, it has a new rhythm. And that's the other welcome, happy 2021. So we've been a few days now in this magical speedy energy with this new rhythm. It's your new rhythm, it's the rhythm of our planet earth that has changed. Look outside how the energy fields are changing constantly. It's not just the few last few days, but there's been so many portals so many gates that are moving forward everything and then anyway there's the whole cosmos behind this change that has been propheted over 1000s and 1000s of years ago. And we're right midst, in it. And it may feel a little bit upsi tourney for you, but no worries. Right? Change is fascinating, change brings new ideas, change brings new insights. Transformation is I think, a very fantastic thing. It's fun I think that's why I live it. I look outside, I don't know if you can hear it again there's no someone hitting on stone building a wall or a retaining wall. I live here in Bavaria, Germany, our native rock is very light, the kind of limestone, because where I live on is an ancient. I don't know how many million years ago, coral reef, reef. And that was what attracted me to this region. I spoke about it, this region I'm not far away from the city of Nurnberg, where the Emperor has spent always at least one night, or one day of his reign, the first one, before he would travel to other places where he lived. So there are a lot of structures larger structures, stone structures being built out of this material, and they use chiseled rectangles of stone and rather big, maybe a foot high or taller. And maybe one and a half to feet the long. Yeah. And so they've built the last 1000, 1500 years, buildings out of this material. And this ancientness is what I get to attracted to and maybe you too I don't know, but it feeds me. It gives me something. It provides support for me to do this forward movement, right? It also connects me. We have here in this region, a very old ancient Druid site where, as I was speaking, these  reefs coral reefs have reasonable, the software in between has been washed out through the rain and the weather. And it has so many different gates, and it has so much moos, also beautiful wisdom carriers and Beeches growing there. A magical place so if you ever come to my region, it's called the Fränkische Schweiz, the Franconian Switzerland. Right? Because it's a little hilly. And explore that a lot of climbers come here to climb. But there is a softness and wisdom that you receive here calmness. There are many ancient sites, people have just few years ago. Recently, a Peruvan Shaman came. He saw a vision that he needed to come and find those old places again, mostly hidden in the woods, maybe there's a church built on or a small castle. No, I don't want to say castle it's more of a Ford, we say Burg we have two words for castles we have Burg and Schloss. Schloss is really more than the larger extravagant buildings. Yeah, and the Burg is was more functional smaller of buildings. But, built on rocks, connected interwoven with the existing rock. And I think that's why people always knew where these energies that ware good for them, are. So this is an invitation to you. Where do you live. Yeah. And where are your sacred sites, those sites that provide energy to you, so you can find support now especially rassant is a German word that comes again sorry it's so many German words but again this speediness, where movement, transformation happens so quickly, but a place where you can let yourself fall, so you can remember, or take time to sense of what you are made of what you're bringing to this planet what you're bringing to the world what service what message you have for others. And you may, especially now, right, we're still in COVID feel a little lonesome. But when you go there, you'll notice you're not, that you're supported by spirits, plants, one of your most ancient ancestors right, the rock, the stone and connect with them maybe you'll find a fungi if you're in the woods or moos. But maybe you're in a hotter region where you will have sand. Ja, sand from rocks or sand made from shells, they're so important for us as well this exchange with the water. Maybe you up high in the mountains the snow crystals look at them, or. Then you have more of the conifers. Yeah, maybe in a flattened area where you barely have trees because it's so windy, then connect with the wind, feel the wind on your skin, how it blows through your hair. If you have hair some guys don't have. But I think this is time now to see that we belong together.

Meilin Ehlke  8:22  
Yeah, It's a very interesting thing sometimes I think about language, and even we have sacred languages right in in many cultures, they were developed through the environment they live in the microclimate the micro environment. They have what animals, what plant sounds yeah right are you in the jungle? Are you in the meadow? Are you at the ocean. Are you in the desert. Right, so that's also how language is developed. So connect to that. It will support you with communication, in bringing out those words that you desire to speak, because it's time to bring new vocabulary to the world. Most of you always feel the truth. So look for the truth in the vocabulary, even in a written letter. Play away when you write, the scribble draw, know that any thing, you put on paper, if it's a painting, a word or nowadays even in the computer right, bringing what you've materialized. In the non material world here are, manifested right in the non material and bring it here to be materialized. To make an impact. So see the strengths of all these little actions that you take, do.

Meilin Ehlke  10:17  

Meilin Ehlke  10:18  
So just to bring that swing into you. Maybe get a little journal or write on a piece of paper. I sometimes love to use blank sheets of paper, so nothing is provided so I can be even more free. Or maybe you use marble paper because you begin to see new forms. So explore. Or maybe you write into the sand. And maybe you dance when you write, maybe you put big pieces of paper onto the wall and use a fat pen, or maybe a brush and do large movements, small movements, play, explore. Try out what feels right for you? Get some music that supports you. I remember the first music where when I you know I'm a landscape architect. So, we played, I think it was the Moldau by Dvorak. And we just painted for an hour or drew, and explored with thick pens, thin pens, small movements, big movements and that has inspired me so often, and it is also a way to loosen up thought processes, so I did that, a few more times in my life. So one time was when I was done with college and I had worked a few years and I, I started to look around for a studio where I could paint. And I remember because you know I was just at the transition of handwritten design on huge pieces on paper on huge light table, right? Because you had to overlay those all these different pieces to find, for new forms to evolve, for the complexity of all these different disciplines. Right? They all brought their desires their structural things. And out of that we had to create something beautiful for a human being, for nature and animals to harmonize with, to unify with. Naja, but I noticed then that I barely moved my wrist when I started painting, and I still have some of those, on the truck. When I moved from unit here to this region after I had came back from Atlanta. The truck with all my paintings, atelier, my history has burned. I do have now, all of it in my heart and I have embodied it. The memories are very strong to it so then over time. You know I also lay down then on the table the canvas, and my hand movements became larger arm movements. Then I hung something on the wall or laid it on the floor and the movements became bigger because I involve my whole body. Put super music and dance, right, and more and more of those energies form, the flow of energies what I put down on the canvas on the sheet of paper. Yeah, but what it does it loosens you up. It lets you be more free or freer. And this is what is so important. I believe for this year to find the things that still create density within you that restrict you that pull you together and see what makes you open up. And also, I think what is of support the last few days I unraveled a few boxes I still had not opened, a lot of stones to muscle muscles yeah shells, coral here and there. Then sand, feathers I have brought from around the world whenever there was an impulse for me to pick something up and to take it along for myself or for my son, or for someone else. So I have unpacked it and it showed me again how much support I have from around the world, different countries. Gifts by people of, you know, a stone or what they've created out of nature to provide support for me, the love that's in there, the compassion. So, look what is in your life that you have maybe tucked away somewhere in your home, and pull it out and see what doesn't fit for this year into your home, and bring those pieces of medicine into your room into your house, integrate them. Maybe makes something new out of them. I put some of them on a little silver dish, they're still from my grandma, but I don't use them anymore but I use that. And then they have like something made out of glass above it where sacred geometry lines are etched in this way I put my water on or my fruit or my food. Right? so create something for yourself to strengthen you and to feel supported. Become creative because these moments where you create more and more new things, those are also where your mind, your connectivity to oneness, to the one spirit, to the one light, to the one sound, right? You go into this creative flow, where you create. And these ideas that are needed now will come out because another thing I believe very strongly in. You have to bring or you're here now to bring something brand new. So there are really no examples out there in the world for you, that you can go to you really have to depend in a way and yourself. And this is also a practice. So start with five minutes and 10 minutes as maybe there is no hustle out there right there is not so much a movement of others, you can concentrate on your own movements. Whatever you can do with your fingers because many of us I think we underestimate what power lies within your hand. What energy flows through your fingers. What energy comes through your palm. What energy comes through your eyes. Really all our body, this skin, each single hair, utilize it to create something new for you. To create something new for your environment. To create something new for others, where you bring your service of love, of light to provide impact, to provide hope, to provide compassion, to provide for someone to feel your love. Surprise someone with a little gift. Maybe there's a shell or a stone that desires to go to someone else now? Put it in the mail and feel the smile on the person who opens an envelope. They have not anticipated on to arrive. Yeah. Maybe there's a glass for you, that you've tucked away maybe from a grandma, or even older. Maybe you go out and find one, and celebrate with it, put your water into that and cherish what you drink. And maybe it's a wine. Maybe it's the mixed fruit cocktail in the morning, herb cocktail, you know, that you blended up, smoothy. But take the time to savor the beauty of every little thing that you create and take into your body.

Meilin Ehlke  20:03  

Meilin Ehlke  20:45  
Take in this deep breath.

Meilin Ehlke  21:00  
Of curiosity and the celebration of what is arising. With the new times are bringing. I don't know if times is really the word. The future time, the future days the future months, the future hour, breathing this energy. Breathe in this environment, soak in this environment, the sunshine. The light of the stars of the moon, and the love of everything around you existing. Thank you, for listening to the Moving to oneness podcast. I'm Meilin wishing the best success to you in finding, exploring yourself and shinning out into the world what you are. Kisses.