Moving To Oneness

Ep. 14 ~ Guest Morry Zelcovitch - Brainwave Entrainment

Episode Summary

Something tucked deep inside wanted to be born and kept on sabotaging Morry's suicide attempts. I am happy it never gave up and to prompt Morry to begin his research to find ways to heal himself and then to go on to create tones for humanity. Listen in to this fascinating story filled with vast wisdom.

Episode Notes

If you are looking to stay sharp, improve your cognitive function and revitalize your everyday life, then you will absolutely love this conversation with Morry Zelcovitch the brainwave Entrainment Engineer.

Here is the link to the alpha flight download for you.

Watch the Episode 14 video  on our YouTube channel Moving To Oneness:

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There you have the opportunity to request a topic of your choice to be spoken about or a song to be sung for you on a future podcast. 

As mentioned during to show go see the video of our conversation to get a glimpse of the brain depictions next to our guest Morry. You will find it on our YouTube channel Moving To Oneness.

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Episode Transcription

Moving to Oneness, Nourishing Curiosity, Embracing Differences, Becoming One.

Meilin Ehlke  1:16   
Welcome to the Moving To Oneness podcast. I am your host Meilin today. Sitting in Germany, there's a loving color outside, beautiful bright you can see it in the back on my wall, because the play of the leaves in this fall of the Sun is very beautiful. And everyone, I am really miss the colors and the play of colors from the US, and I have today a special guest with me, who has outside, if he looks outside a beautiful play and color of all those reds, oranges, and greens, at the moment. Hello Morry you're in Ontario. Right?

Morry Zelcovitch  2:04  
Yes, I am Meilin. Thank you for having me. I appreciate it and yeah actually most of the leaves are gone now already, but a couple of weeks ago it was stunning. I'm actually a drone pilot as well and I got some absolutely beautiful scenery shots of the fall colors.

Meilin Ehlke  2:22  
And I saw those you showed them to me and I was mesmerized and very inspired by your images, and I could feel the love you have for nature Morry very strongly and you pick up on that. And it was like a you had a conversation with the trees.

Morry Zelcovitch  2:45  
There was not just that, that I'm grateful to you because many of my clients will be grateful to you. Because of you, I have a new product, which will be coming out soon. Yeah, just because of your inspiration with the fall colors and the smoothness of the drone. It's a very relaxing view. I'm going to be creating special brainwave entrainment incorporating those videos with it, to help people to get in touch with nature and feel more grounded.

Morry Zelcovitch  3:14  
Oh, everyone you need to listen to Morry's brainwaves entrainments, because I think he is a brainwave magician. I admit, I heard Morry, wow, maybe 10 years ago, for the first time when I was starting my adventure out into the world, learning as much as possible about spirituality, of how to create interviews and I heard an interview with you. And so that's why I'm extra happy to have met you now, it is really like having met as a not like a brother, but in a way, yes, like brother because you have such a fun way to you. And when we spoke last time and also now there is a liveliness within me and I don't know everyone if you can hear that at the moment or please do also check out the video because today I had to make a video, because the images that Morry has on his screen behind him say more than 1000 words I believe so if you hear this. Now on a podcast, maybe take a few moments, and go look at Moving To Oneness, the YouTube channel, and look at those images. I'll try to describe them for a second to you. He has two brains drawn, that I can view from the top down. And that's my also I am wearing a T-shirt in his colors because, you know, I love to play with color. My artist side right? And where he shows so beautifully and I'll ask you about this also., so you can share a little bit about you are really passionate, it's more really a calling for you to bring the chaos that we have created as human beings in our brain through maybe cultural structures, social structures, experiences traumas, or maybe even wrong nutrition, and you have found out a way to breathe calmness. And what is so interesting about the image from the calmness, the chaos from the calmness, it is the balance and the harmony, it is like you exhale, of a relaxing into your own being, when I look at the image, you have a created Morry. So I would like you to go further back in your life and share with the audience what brought you to even think about the brain and then maybe even how you started with this magical sounds to create this beauty for people.

Morry Zelcovitch  6:11   
Thank you, I will just to clarify, I want people to understand that when they do check it out on YouTube, they're going to see a topographical representation of the brain on my left side and my right side and one side will have the word chaos the other side calm. I want you to understand that the representations of color and pattern are representative of states. They are not actual brainwave topography scans. That's not really how the, you know, the electricity moves in the brain, how the activity moves in the brain. It's designed to give you a conceptualization a visualization of what you can expect in terms of what makes sense to our minds. So, one side over my left shoulder will be kind of disjointed and uneven. And then on the other side, the right side it's more serene, it's it's more stable it's more balanced. That isn't actually how the brain looks in those states, but it's a representation that we all can understand because very few of us are neurologists and can actually read brain scans. So rather than showing real brain scans which wouldn't have any meaning to anybody. I've given representations that would make sense to people.

Morry Zelcovitch  7:35  
That is like a minimization, right? So even as an artist, a landscape architect right? we have this big visions there's so much going on but the more complex it is, we find a way through minimum strokes of painting, to really get the message abroad, and I think you did a fantastic job with that. Because I can sense right away the calmness and the expanse and the expansiveness.

Morry Zelcovitch  8:08  
So, so now that I've gotten that out of the way. It's just that occasionally I have someone who's done a little neurology, a little biology say, "but that's not a real brain scan that isn't what it looks like". So I just wanted to explain that it's a representation, it's not actually a scam. So, how I got involved in this in the first place is interesting. The first 40 years of my life over 350,400 hours of my life. I lived in deep dark depression. And if you're anywhere where you can see the color black, I'd like you to observe that for a moment and think about it as being my Brightest Day. That's pretty much how my life was for over four decades. And, oh don't feel bad for me it's, I'm a happy happy guy and it's all because of lessons I've learned from it all. So no need to feel bad. Yeah. At the time I wasn't too pleased because I wasn't too smart. And I wasn't seeing it for what it was a lesson as opposed to, you know, something that I should be judging is good or bad. But basically, I used to wake up every morning. Literally cross my fingers stand up on my bed, draw my curtains and hope I would see mushroom clouds. And if I didn't see mushroom clouds, it meant I had to live through another day and that made me sick. I tried to kill myself a bunch of times, but let's face it, if you want to kill yourself it's actually pretty easy to do. And the fact that I wasn't doing it meant the more me wanted to live than wanting to die. And that kind of sent me off, understanding that it's time now for me to learn, like to go get help, because I went through a lot of years thinking everyone was like I was. So I didn't do anything about it. I just assumed everybody was like that. But then I started seeing people smiling all the time and I'm thinking. Well, why are they smiling and when I smile I'm faking it, but they don't look like they're faking it. And I'd see them laughing and having fun and being successful and all these things that I wasn't. And I like most people, I just got even more depressed thinking you know what did I do in a previous life to deserve this. You know, and, or even in this life for that matter to you need to do to deserve feeling the way I felt. I researched, I researched, I researched, I did everything I could do and I couldn't find anything to help me. But then I came across this thing called brainwave entrainment. And it was kind of like two roads merging one road was my research, which was realizing and slowly, forming in my mind that there must be something wrong with my brain because it struck me that well if I feel bad where's that coming from it's coming from here. And in my research as I'm researching physiology and neurobiology and neural chemistry and quantum physics. I'm realizing understand I have no training in any of these things. This is just some desperate individual who, who is losing hope, fast, if he ever had hope. You know grasping at straws trying to find something to hold on to, to realize and get something out of life get something quality out of life. And I realized that there must be something up with my brain. So I started researching the brain, more than psychology and I started learning about neuro chemistry and, basically, I conceived of the idea that our thoughts create brainwave patterns. And then our brainwave patterns, create chemistry, and that chemistry creates the feeling we've decided to feel so for in my case I decided to hate life and feel depressed. You know among 1000 other things. But, so my brainwaves were creating this chemistry, this soup, that when I drank it made me feel like crap. And then feeling like crap made me think more negative thoughts which made more negative chemistry and so on and so forth. It's a cycle of depression.

Morry Zelcovitch  12:26  
And it made sense. And I got hopeful, because then I thought, well, okay if my thoughts are creating the negative chemistry, what I call negative chemistry is not really negative chemistry, but what I call it. Then, if I change my thoughts, and I'm right about thoughts creating the you know the brainwave activity, which then creates the chemistry. Then if I change my thoughts that should change how I feel, because that should change my chemistry and I should feel better. So I went about trying to change my thoughts. No matter what I tried I couldn't change my thoughts. They just kept coming back and coming back and coming back and coming back. And I'm sure many people out there can understand that feeling of knowing what they're thinking is not serving them but not being able to do anything about it anyway. And I tried everything I could find I was like I said I'm researching, researching, researching. I am being my own guinea pig on many things and nothing's helping me. But then I came across this thing called brainwave entrainment and at that point. You know I'm not a bad researcher at that point. And it seemed to me to be my answer. Because if I can't change my thoughts. I have to figure out a way to change my chemistry, because if the thought creates the chemistry and then the chemistry creates more thoughts, while the thought was hopeless for me I couldn't change that. But if I could change the chemistry then conversely that should change my thinking, which would then change the future chemistry and, you know, that way. So, I was further disappointed when that didn't work. But it struck me that maybe I needed, instead of getting further depressed that this isn't working for me. Maybe I need to take more control I need to take more action. So I started really delving into neurobiological research. And what I came up with was that the actual frequencies, depending on the region of the brain that they're exposed to create chemistry, and in my mind that was scattered and all over the place. I wasn't producing enough of a stable brainwave state to produce enough neural chemistry, because remember my philosophy is that if you get brainwave activity in certain rate in certain regions, at certain frequencies. It produces endorphins, hormones neurotransmitters, these are all different brain chemicals. And when that happens, that allows you to feel, however, you've chosen to feel whether that's good bad, indifferent excited, unexcited turned on, turned off, happy, sad, whatever that all comes from your brain activity which creates the chemistry. And I thought, okay, maybe the whole reason for me going through all of this is because I'm supposed to innovate. So I started innovated and I started creating. Now one of the symptoms I had one of the many symptoms I had were thousands of voices in my head; all the time. So imagine you're at a rock concert or any concert for that matter or a sporting event and you're in the intermission. And everybody's talking all at once, and you hear that den of noise while the same volume, you might hear my voice at now that's how I heard thousands and thousands of voices, every waking moment of my life for over 40 years. Well, I created my first recording, which was a beta version. Back then I didn't call it a beta, it was just tester. And when I was listening to it. I really didn't notice anything. But then when it ended, about five minutes later, and I'm estimating here, it might have been longer it might have been shorter. Suddenly, I noticed the volume on the voice is going up, which meant the voices were gone. For the first time in my life. All because I listened to one 30 minute recording. And that got me scared. First, because you know, you get used to it right and then all of a sudden, but then I realized, wow, this might actually help me, and I started working harder and harder and harder and developing new techniques and new ways of doing things, and eventually the voices are gone. I mean, I used to be at the point of even a few years ago, where I would recount this story and I could start hearing the voices building in my head and then when I finished the story the voices would dwindle and go away again. Now the voices don't even come back,

Meilin Ehlke  17:01  
That is really interesting.

Morry Zelcovitch  17:02  
when I talk about it. Yeah, and that's just one symptom of what I was going through everything changed when I started listening to these. One thing I noticed, and I noticed this with my clients all the time, is that, you know, when was the last time, Meilin that you noticed your big toe on your left foot.

Meilin Ehlke  17:22  
Every single day, I fall over my toes.

Morry Zelcovitch  17:25  
She falls over her toes, but that's my point. When you stub your toe when you do something that's when you notice it. And if your toe hurts because you have arthritis pick another part of your body that you don't notice unless you hit it, because we have been brought up in our culture, not to notice when things are working perfectly. But we are taught to notice pain and disease.

Meilin Ehlke  17:48  
Yes from small on right in school and anything I can't remember when I was younger from many teachers I never heard anything or other people they always see what to criticize. And so say what we can improve, and I also see it as a mother how, even nowadays parents speak to their children. And even sometimes I pull up an old saying that you know just comes out that I had heard so often and I said, "whoops. What do I speak? What am I saying to my son or another person or my partner?' Yeah. Is this with judgment? But this also has dissolved there is rarely judgment now. But that's so people are so trained to receive, in a way, acknowledgement or Aufmerksamkeit as we say in German, that someone gives them, attention, through criticism, and so we train ourselves probably to be more alert for that as well.

Morry Zelcovitch  18:51  
Sure, it's criticism, it's pain, it's all these things but when you know one trick I use with my clients is if you have pain. Just put your attention on a part of your body that doesn't have pain and you'll likely notice the pain level you feel in that area that was hurting go down a lot. Just because you're not giving it attention.

Meilin Ehlke  19:09  
This is like being at the dentist, or if you get an operation and you are afraid of feeling something's think about something else.

Morry Zelcovitch  19:16  
I actually have an 80 minute recording, which is used specifically for dental appointments.

Meilin Ehlke  19:22  
See. Perfect.

Morry Zelcovitch  19:22  
Yeah, I think what's funny is I've never released it to the public, I think I will maybe I'll give it as a bonus.

Meilin Ehlke  19:30  
Now is the time.

Morry Zelcovitch  19:27  
I'll give it as a bonus for people. I don't think I'll charge them for it. Oh yeah. Yeah, but that's the whole thing. So, once I realized that something could actually change. I started really going crazy into this and I started going, you know, doing a lot more research and in a specific area. And I started designing newer, and different types of stimulation, because I want to have something for everybody. And a lot of people's alarm bells are going off now saying but you can't have something for ever body.

Meilin Ehlke  20:04  
Yes, you can because we all understand each other.  That's why you know I invited you to the show because I see so much more in you than just creating something for one person, for your interest in improving and supporting humanity.

Morry Zelcovitch  20:23  
Now. In the beginning though it was totally selfish. Because whoever my world was only me.

Morry Zelcovitch  20:28  
But what made you do that? Even for me I think, I was selfish too. I remember you know I was more quiet girl, I had shut down because I was too much of a channel when I was a very young girl. So I remember when I went back, I think through the Korean? Whatever. I just wanted to have more energy. I wanted to feel it. I did this, I even practice going in front of the room after the yoga session and speaking what I felt because all said, "oh, if you that you'll have more, get more energy. You know it's really the higher vibration right? I did that, so in a way that was for me also selfish but it was a way of remembering of what all the things I can do and that come easy to me. So now energy, that's what I live for. You can give it different words for sending frequency values the words or the sounds that come or if I use the warmth, or the coolness that comes out of my body if I lay it on some person or even paint. Right? So this interest of going, and really the energy at the end was to go, into a different state and your work does the same. I have been on many plateaus. I also went like you through things of a depression, and a little way. For me then, I'm alone for a long time and I don't go out into the world until I have digested something and then I go out into the world. And that has come over and over.  Or I have always said, "I've never experienced this. How can I speak about it?" Boom. I had a new experience. Painful, right? Or sad. And nowadays I even say bring it on, bring it on. The more sad I am the happy I can be afterwards. Oh, and that gives me an idea as well. When I loved to listen to 'The Infinite Mind' it was about the brain when I lived in Atlanta. On NPR American, that was an American radio station everyone. And I loved his show and he spoke one day about Schumann, and Schumann was manic depressive. And the important part I took out of that story he told on the show was, so when Schumann wrote his beautiful music. Before he could write he fell into this depression, but when he came out, he was able to in a way to be higher than the criticism of other people. And then he wrote and he didn't care what he wrote because he was always ahead of his time. Right? And so this gift gave a movement. So there is something where we come out of something and have this like an extra energy maybe if you can call it this Morry, or that catapults us into this different heights. And I think your music, no I don't even think, I know your music supports bringing all of us into a higher vibration, into a certain state that is similar to our natural state where we all really, I think, have a drive to get to, right where we connected again with nature and everything out there and your sound to it in a very very quick way. So, everyone do explore his music.

Morry Zelcovitch  24:13  
I'm not sure I call it music, but don't don't expect to hear music it's really pulsing tones. And, you know, in some cases, pulsing and flickering light imagery as well. You see, what my stuff does. And it's interesting the way you were wording these experiences. But for me it's and we're probably saying the same thing, but for me it's not a matter of you're being brought down, you're being brought up. It's a matter of when you understand something as an experience for a lesson. You don't judge it as bad. When you judge something as bad or evil, you back away from it. And you resist it. And you don't learn anything from it. That's why it took me 40 years to figure it out. Because I was backing away thinking everything's bad.

Meilin Ehlke  25:05  
Think about where you're gonna go. So, you know, you're probably gonna write for 120 years, you're gonna enrich us and it's just going to go incrementally higher.

Morry Zelcovitch  25:16  
So that's because you learned your lesson.

Meilin Ehlke  25:18  
Why was is such a long time? So what are you bringing to us. What are you bringing to the world? What are you developing now at the moment, that is, I still believe it's unfathomed at the moment. Right. But really, this is gonna be a gift to all of us. That's what I sense, really deeply inside.

Morry Zelcovitch  25:38  
Well, thank you, I appreciate that but really I'm unimportant, in the formula. What my work does is, it helps to bring you back into your normal state. Thousands of years ago when we were you know cave dwellers. If we were cave dwellers, you know, however you want to believe that when we were still in lower in the evolutionary chain but still human, more or less, we still had a brain, we still had a nose, we still had eyes, we still had ears, we still had a mouth and a tongue and all the basic body parts were the same. Our lives were much easier.

Meilin Ehlke  26:10  

Morry Zelcovitch  26:10  
We had no concept of the past or the future, we just lived in the now, or exist. I mean everybody lives in the now but our consciousness existed in the now as well. We basically woke up. We went to the washroom. We ate. We drank. We hunted we gathered. We ate more. We had sex, and then we went to sleep. And it started all over again. That was our life. And the thing about having a life like that, is that it's pretty stress free, really, When you get down to it, especially compared to what we go through now. So I can see that, that's how the brain was designed, even though it's evolved since then it hasn't evolved that much since then. And it was designed to experience stabilized brain frequencies over periods of time, the longer you're in a frequency, the more of the neuro chemistry your brain is going to produce. Also consider the fact that back then, we didn't eat genetically modified foods. Everything we ate was fresh everything we ate was natural and normal. So we're putting in nothing but healthy material, and our brains are producing stable frequencies. I'm hypothesizing I obviously can't prove any of this, but so what happens is our brains are producing stabilized frequencies for longer periods of time, which means we're getting more production naturally of various endorphins, hormones and transmitters. As a result of that, that's how the brain is designed. Now flash forward to now. Especially with what's going on now. But even before. Our brain patterns are all over the place. We don't have longer than a few seconds probably at any one frequency being dominant in our brain. As a result, as soon as you know, the chemistry is starting to be produced, you're already moving on to a different frequency. And because of that you're not getting the proper quantity, literally the proper quantity of different chemistry that your brain, by the way, and your body, by the way, is designed for, because even though we've evolved, it doesn't mean that basic design, you know, isn't still there.

Morry Zelcovitch  28:31  
Imagine riding a bicycle, and the front tire is flat, the rear tire has half the air, the brakes don't really work say the left side of the brake works the right side doesn't. The steering is all wobbly. That's kind of how we're expected to live. It's the same idea. And it's not a wonder why we're stressed and why we have a hard time staying happy and even being happy. In the first place, and why we don't function normally because we're being asked to function and operate in a way that is incongruous with how we were designed physically. And that's why we're like that.

Meilin Ehlke  29:11  
Yeah, and I think that's exactly why your entertainments brainwave and treatments are so, I would say even, powerful because you can just listen to them, you don't have to worry.

Morry Zelcovitch  29:24  
You don't even have to listen to them all to do is get exposed to them.

Meilin Ehlke  29:28  
Yeah you could just sleep.

Meilin Ehlke  29:29  
Just put them on, put great headphones on, so you can hear the vastness.

Morry Zelcovitch  29:34  
That's the one thing I want to clarify. You don't need great headphones I got these on Amazon for 10 bucks. See, just ordinary stereo over the ear headphones that's all you need. And that's my point, because when you get exposed to these frequencies it trains your brain, retrains your brain, how to behave naturally. You actually get depending on who you aren't, and whether you use it regularly or not, you can get 5, 10, 15 even 20 or 25 minutes of stable dominant brainwave activity, which means you're getting more of the natural neural chemistry that your brain produces. You're not taking pills. You're not taking an injection. You're not smoking anything. And it creates these natural chemicals that your brain is designed to function on well. So it's not surprising that your car operates better after it's tuned up. That your bicycle works better when you pump all the tires up with the proper air pressure and you fix your brakes and you fix that wobble in your front wheel. Everything works better when it's in tune when it's in sync.

Morry Zelcovitch  30:35  
And luckily your music helps us to bring our body back in tune and it doesn't matter if it is, you know if it is to concentrate, to be more creative, to restructure just the body can find itself again how it wants to function more optimal.

Morry Zelcovitch  30:40  
It is called homeostasis.

Meilin Ehlke  30:55  
I do this for my body too, right? I connect up, so then when I do get sometimes, and my body is not in alignment with my optimal condition, then I start shaking. I can sense that the brain is functioning and changing. And then I, my body shifts, I can feel it all over, I walk different when I'm more in tune and the brain is alert and filled. I sense it's like filled and in harmony there is no contraction. When we have no contraction, we're in the flow. That is, we're connected to everything it's like all going out you're in a good mood and you can dance. So, everyone take Morry up on his work. Go and research him a little bit, explore his beautiful tones. I can have to channel once in a while to get beautiful beings right to help me bring those tones through, but these tones do change. They have a very precise mission. And so, open up your mind everyone, open up to what can be, what it's to be, and see what happiness. How those tones, in a way, co-create with you. So, Morry, how can anyone reach you the best or reach your work the best?

Morry Zelcovitch  31:30  
Well, the best way to reach my work from this point at least to be introduced and you'll even get a special recording called Alpha Flight. It was actually designed, I was okay I'm kind of getting ahead of myself here. I was asked by a doctor in the United States, who has a large group of clients, Executives who fly a lot, or at least used to fly a lot. And they had problems with jet lag and you know various emotional issues that crop up for being away from family. So she asked me to create a specific recording that could help them with rebalancing after their flights, so that they're not disjointed, they're not kind of out of time and out of sync with their families, with themselves and with their work. So I created this recording called Alpha Flight. And basically it takes them into a specialized alpha frequency that allows their brain to calm, re-center and re-energize.

Morry Zelcovitch  32:40  
And you know, we give that because I understand I'm not selling apples and oranges. So you need to be able to test drive, what I'm offering. So you can see if it's going to work for you. And the idea here is that everybody has a brain and because you have a brain. There's a feature in your brain called the frequency following response, and you all know what it is, whether you're aware of it or not. It's simply the matter of you hearing music you like and you start popping your head. You don't even know you're doing that but you're doing it right, or you're tapping your foot or you're moving your arms. That's a form of entrainment. So you're already familiar with entrainment anyway. What happens is these recordings will help to entrain your brain. Once you try out Alpha Flight we will let you know about something that's more involved, more experiential and more life changing. And then you can try that and see how that goes for you, as long as it resonates with you. The thing that I require from everybody is, don't do something because you feel desperate, do something because you want to. And in my experience, when you want to, things always work better for you.

Meilin Ehlke  34:51  
Ah, beautiful.

Morry Zelcovitch  34:50  
And if you're desperate and you want to, that's fine because my desperation helped create this technology. So there's certainly a benefit to having desperation as well. But understand that the same person can use Alpha Flight or any of my systems, frankly, exactly the same way, at exactly the same time, in exactly the same room, and everybody's going to get different results, because the most important facet, the most important function of any of my systems is your brain. Without your brain my systems are useless. Without you using them properly, my systems are useless. The minute you do anything, the minute you do yoga, the minute you go for a bike ride,  the minute you go for a walk; that's you doing it. You have made the decision to use something or do something properly. You need to pat yourself on the back you need to feel good about yourself. It doesn't matter who creates what. Doesn't matter how brilliant my stuff might or may not be. It doesn't matter how brilliant anybody else's products or services or philosophies might be. When you adopt them and make them your own, that's when they have power. So you need to understand that you're the one ultimately with all the power anyway. And all these things are tools. Look, the last time you used a hammer did you consider being grateful for whoever invented the hammer or a screwdriver or the toothbrush, or toilet paper, you know? I don't think it's important that you know who did it but I don't know who created any of these things, but I can tell you I'm very grateful for all of them. And I'm make sure that I'm grateful when I use these things. And that's what you need to have an attitude of gratitude so that you appreciate. you don't need to appreciate the people themselves, but you can appreciate what they've created. Because what they've created when you use it properly, and that's really important. When you use it properly, that's when your life can change. That's when everything gets better for you. So please understand that you are the one with the power, you always have the power. And if you feel like you've given away your power or if you feel like somebody else has stolen your power. That's simply going on in your head. No one can steal your power, no one can take it away from you. You, if you believe they've stolen it, if you believe you've given it away, then you don't look for it, and you feel like you don't have it. But rest assured, you always have your power. You're an individual, but you are also part of a collective. you are a cell in the embodiment of humankind, of all life for that matter. And the more we love each other, the more we trust each other, the more we take care of each other. The more we are making for a healthy complete organism. So, if you feel like disliking someone, if someone does something to you that just ticks you off all the time, wish for them to be happy, don't wish for bad things. Because trust me, I have yet to meet someone who's happy who does anything that is destructive or anything that's wrong. If you truly want someone to stop being that a hole that you think they are. Then smile and help make them feel good, make them feel better, because when they feel better, that trait that you perceive in them will go away.

Meilin Ehlke  38:16  
Yeah. Yes. Oh, thank you very much, Morry and for you listening it's Morry Zelcovitch.  I'll put more information anywhere I'll post our beautiful podcast. So thank you everyone, thank you, Morry for sharing your wisdom.

Morry Zelcovitch  38:35  
My pleasure.

Meilin Ehlke  38:35  
You have to come back.

Morry Zelcovitch  38:36  

Meilin Ehlke  38:36  
You have such wisdom, we can talk more about the cosmic magic that you carry. So everyone connect with us on Facebook, in our Facebook group Moving To Oneness. You Morry will be in there as well. And thank you again, I'm Meilin, and I wish you a beautiful day....