Moving To Oneness

Ep. 124 ~ Guest Brandon Beachum - Unlocking the Path to Abundance and Oneness

Episode Summary

The episode explores the interconnectedness of all beings, emphasizing the importance of embracing contrast and intuition over logic. Brandon Beachum's wisdom on abundance, creativity, and trusting in deeper forms of intelligence offers a fresh take on personal growth and resilience.

Episode Notes

Meilin Ehlke and her guest Brandon Beachum explore the theme of oneness and connection. Here are three key takeaways:

1. **Creativity and Collaboration:** Brandon emphasizes the importance of creativity and collaboration for success, inspiring a sense of community.

2. **Empowering Others:** The episode highlights the significance of empowering others, reinforcing the interconnectedness of all beings.

3. **Intuition Over Logic:** Brandon encourages trusting intuition as the highest form of intelligence, leading to personal growth and resilience.

The episode's central message is about unlocking infinite abundance through recognizing interconnectedness. Listeners are urged to shift their perspective towards unity, creativity, empowerment, and intuition. Brandon's book, 'The Golden Key,' serves as a guide to embracing these transformative concepts.

Timestamped Outline:
(00:02:43) Unlocking Infinite Abundance: The Golden Key
(00:05:52) Universal Interconnectedness: Shared Essence and Wisdom
(00:12:20) Synchronicity in Creative Inspiration and Teamwork
(00:17:28) Creating a Ripple of Joy Through Empowerment
(00:25:56) The Power of Intuition in Decision-Making
(00:39:03) Embrace the Unfolding Evolution in Life
(00:43:18) Vibrational Alignment and Worthiness Discovery  

Here you can find Brandon's book: 
Listen to one of Brandon's +2200 episodes of his Positive Head podcast: 
Find Brandon Beachum on Instagram:

Episode Transcription

00:00:07 - Meilin Ehlke
Moving to oneness, nourishing curiosity, embracing differences, becoming one. The color of gold is everywhere in your life, mainly in the sun when you look outside, that nourishes you deeply. So stay tuned for what will bring this color more into your life, more into your being, in, into your everyday action. Hello, everyone. I'm Meilin Ehlke, your host of the Moving to Oneness podcast. And I have a fantastic, interesting guest from California, Venice Beach, if you know where that is. That's where all the wild people are that are, in my view, changing the world, are trendsetters and also voice themselves and bring new ideas into the world. So, everyone, please welcome with me Brandon Beachum from Venice, California. Hello, Brandon. Wonderful that you are here..

00:01:48 - Brandon Beachum
Hello. Thanks for having me. It's great to be here.

00:01:52 - Meilin Ehlke
Yes. You know, something about you, it's your whole demeanor. It is artistic, creative, and that's what I like about you. Also a popcastt host, as I am, and there you bring out also creativity in a lot of people. That is something about you, that you don't mention enough. I think it's how you spurt the creativity in people to become the artists, the artists of music, the artist of painting, but the artist of everyday live, and how to be more creative in bringing them out into the world. So thank you for doing that, Brandon.

00:02:39 - Brandon Beachum
Ahh. Thank you for saying that. That's a wonderful reflection.

00:02:43 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah, you wrote a. A book, and we'll talk about that more. And it's called the Golden Key. It is like a opener to the treasure box of creativity and bringing people to a more abundant state and abundance, meaning everything. I would love for you to talk about what you see and understand what abundance is for us personally, but also in the world.

00:03:21 - Brandon Beachum
Yeah, sure. Yeah. The Golden Key, the subtitle is modern alchemy to unlock infinite abundance. And what I did in the book is I've been waxing poetic, discussing the ultimate nature of reality and spirituality in my ideas on these subjects for. For many years, you know, nine, almost nine years with my podcast and 2300 episodes or so. And what I decided to do with the book was something where I could distill my concepts and my sort of, you know, we all put our unique twist and taste on things and, you know, here's my distilled version of how to create and unlock abundance in your life based off of 25 years of deep exploration of these concepts. And, you know, I'm pretty verbose. And the idea was, okay, how do I create something that's really concise, that someone, you know, in this case, the book's about 100 pages. You could read it in a little over 3 hours. Or if you listen to it, you know, it's about a three hour listen. And so that was the idea. You know, let me condense myself and sort of what are the, you know, I laid out eight key keys that I see as far as tools to help unlock infinite abundance. And yeah, it is something that I feel really good about and proud of and even be happy to share it with the audience. I can tell people how they can download the audio or ebook. Well, I'll just go ahead and throw it out since we're talking about and use the code love at checkout, you can get the audio and or ebook as a gift. So I kind of approached it from that perspective of how do I just spread this information as well, you know? And so, yeah, that was part of my journey over the COVID Chrysalis, as I put it. I worked on the book for about six months or so.

00:05:27 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah, that is nice. You bring together several keys and they're all principles of the cosmos, of the world. And I love that you started in the book with  oneness, right? See the oneness of the world and that's one of my topics. Talk about what you understand about oneness, please, Brandon.

00:05:52 - Brandon Beachum
Yeah, well, you know, the way I like to put it is everywhere you go, you're there waiting for yourself. And so once you and I really start off sharing a lot of scientific perspectives to help anchor in the truth that the reality of the situation in which we find ourselves is the consciousness that animates my form, I believe is the consciousness that animates your form. The separation between us is illusory in nature. Then I point to a lot of evidence in science, you know, in our physical environment. I mean, you know, I'm literally the atoms that make up this voice that you're hearing at this moment literally come from a star that lived its full life cycle, I mean, and we're not talking a hundred years, we're talking, you know, billions of years lived out. Its full life cycle had its own death, which was, you know, a somewhat violent explosion that then the particles are spewed outward and at some point they reformed into me and you. And so here we are, it's all the same stuff. So when you can look at that from a physical standpoint and then sort of take that one step further and say, okay, if it's all the same stuff physically, perhaps it's all the same stuff spiritually or from a consciousness perspective. And of course, there's so much, excuse me, evidence to support that as well with showing that consciousness. It's like, who was it that said Nassim Haramain, who I had on my podcast a while back, said it, looking inside the brain for consciousness is like looking inside the radio for the host. There's so much evidence that shows that this is something. Consciousness is actually non local and connected. And so it's, you know, that's kind of how I start the book, is laying that groundwork, showing a lot of evidence and supporting ideas surrounding that.

00:08:02 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah. It's so important about waters. Right. And that everything is connected with you. Everything is connected with me, everything is connected with us, everything that is existing. And as you said, it's this big bang billions of years ago, 15 billion, maybe even further, but somewhere around there. And so there is an understanding of each other. The particles have a memory, and they can converse with each other. And maybe that is a way for others to see that. So I can converse with the plant that is next to me. I can converse with. I have a marble stone table. Yeah. The stone I touch, I converse, even when we are now here. So they're bringing the wisdom to us, and we're in a constant exchange, and we can be changed with everything.

00:08:58 - Brandon Beachum

00:08:59 - Meilin Ehlke
And this is so important for us, I think, to understand again and to inhale and even the breath. Right, that we take in, carries information from everything out there. And then it helps people to feel not alone. And I going back to your abundance, the word abundance, we feel full. Right. So that is in my way. The first thing when abundance comes into my mind is feeling that fullness of not being alone and having support everywhere. And I think the moment I know, you know, and we all know that I'm supported when I'm sad or I need a new idea. Brandon, sometimes I have a thought, and I thought, oh, my God, is that really doable? And then suddenly, the moment I think even, is it a doable or a good idea to follow through the birds talk with me, or. And then I know, yes, it is. So there is support teams out there and to voice it.

00:10:13 - Brandon Beachum
Yeah, it's really wild when you. I had an instance where I've had a project that I've been ruminating on launching for a long time. I mean, I did the first version of it ten plus years ago, and then I had the vision of bringing it back, but more in an updated fashion. And I started really going deep a year and a half or two years ago on doing that and then sort of got sidetracked with other things in life and, but I had some people that I was, I was going to collaborate with on this project. And then a couple days ago, maybe, well, a week ago, let's say I woke up with inspiration around it again and a new idea that kind of helped me to overcome a barrier that I had had before, like, ah, this is how you'd fix that barrier. And I got real excited and started planning, you know, okay, I've just cleared the path. It's time to really focus on this thing again. And within an hour or so, my friends that I haven't talked to in six, nine months about it at all, text in a group chat. Okay, guys, are we going to do this? Let's do. And it's like, literally, if he had texted it the day before, I'd been like, oh, I am still stuck. I don't really see a path forward, you know, and so it's a great example of, you know, how consciousness is. It's connected and how, you know, when something also, you know, has its season, you know, there's nothing more powerful than, you know, when you're the season for your time for something has come, you know, and it's learning to sort of read these cues and ride these waves. And just because some, something is no now doesn't mean it's no forever. And it's actually pushing you to something, you know, even, even better. You're being protected oftentimes.

00:12:08 - Meilin Ehlke

00:12:09 - Brandon Beachum
It's traps. There's something even better for you if you wait and, you know, that kind of thing. So it's, it's, it's really fascinating to learn how to just follow the, follow the flow, you know?

00:12:20 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah, you, you do that often. You, you're really creative. You started, you know, the podcast, you did a TV Late show, right? It didn't last so long. Right. And I, where you brought together creatives, you brought spiritual people together, you had musicians, you spoke yourself, shared your wisdom and had musicians there and really created an event, again with fullness and abundant event. So everyone who probably sat in the audience was able to connect or get something from someone that touched them deeply.

You have a way of knowing when there is the right moment. Often I think, as you do when it's needed, it develops in my life. I notice my body gets pushed or pulled and suddenly I end up somewhere or prices change if I need a certain flight, where to really? Tell me where to go, because also, sometimes we have already ideas if we are right. Often we already know what's coming in the future. But the surrounding the environment also needs to be ready for what you are creating. And, so, you have fine Händchen, we say in German. Like, you have the hand for it when the right moment is. So it's nice to hear that you also just wait and you observe and dictate. And when then the outside world helps, shows that it's ready, that you start on it. That's good. Is there another trick? Another trick, but another thing you notice when the time is right?

00:14:19 - Brandon Beachum
Well, yeah, I appreciate you saying that because I've certainly had my moments of feeling like I've missed the wave or done things that, you know, like, oh, I didn't fully capture the momentum of something. Or, you know, hindsight, of course, is 20 20, so, you know, and I think that's an important lesson for all of us. There's always another chance, you know, it's not over if you haven't won to some degree. And I think that's a really important thing. You know, it's really easy for us to look back with regret about, like, you know, our execution of something, if you will, and how we did something or. And so, yeah, I appreciate your reflection on that, too, because I certainly have my moments of feeling like, oh, I could have done this way better, you know, and I think it's really important not to get too caught up on that. Right. Which I think. I think, you know, a lot of times we do, we can get very caught up on, you know, be tough on ourself, if you will. Right?

00:15:22 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah. How do you get out of not being tough on yourself? Because there has to be a moment. You know, you're very successful. Everyone. You have to look at his home he has builded. Sorry. Brandon.

00:15:40 - Brandon Beachum
You're perfect.

00:15:41 - Meilin Ehlke
Brandon really is a creative, a trendsetter, and it is important the material you use. So there is something. You talk so much about regret, but somehow I think it's not even regret. It's maybe your surrounding doesn't understand yet what you're creating. So if it was maybe in the architecture, right. It's like a beacon. It's a beautiful form of flow. It has roundness, it has movement to it. So you're so much about moving, which is also, in my word, abundant. Right. And being connected with this golden flow. For a moment, we had the sun shining in here through the curtain, creating a golden glow. So everyone soak in that sun from the screen. And you bring in, you create not just for yourself. And I think this is something really important. Everyone, Brandon, also, you create for others that they can find themselves. You invite people to your home. It's like a think tank where they can come together, experience each other, and exchange wisdom. Right. So it's. So you're more.

00:16:59 - Brandon Beachum
Yeah, yeah.

00:16:59 - Meilin Ehlke
I mean, it's in your podcast. It's in your house. Bring that out more because I would love to see that more in the world. And you have a key. It's not just in your book, it's in your person. So that's why I'm trying to unlock your key, to speak it out for others so they can, in a way, replicate it or get inspired to do the same because it's so needed in this world. Brandon.

00:17:28 - Brandon Beachum
Yeah, I agree. And once again, I appreciate your reflections. And, yeah, I think the way I kind of think of it, I call it the good kind of selfish. If I've heard enough near death experience stories about life reviews, that's what's fascinating to me about a lot of these near death experiences, is they have these similar experiences a lot of times, you know, and a lot of them. And, you know, if you go to this life review and you get to see, you know, where you got it right and where maybe you got it wrong, and you get to, you know, it's not a judgment thing. It's like you get to actually experience it as the other person. Some of them talk about, like, you come together with your friend or your boyfriend or girlfriend or whoever in this life, and when you're experiencing what you learned and did together, you're actually both sides. And, you know, which goes back to the idea of this, it being oneness.

So imagine, you know, an experience that you have, and then when you're reflecting on it with this quote unquote, other person, and. But then when you actually go and do the reflection, you know, the integration of the lifetime, it's literally, you're them as well as you. And see, you know, I did this to myself, you know, whatever it is, good or good or bad or, you know, if there was such a thing. And so I always say it's the good kind of selfish.

I want to help as many people and empower as many other people as possible, because I think that is the ultimate measure of success for ourselves on the other side. And I've also heard it said, you know, you'll get to feel everyone that you impacted and see how it impacted them and live it in, breathe it and feel it and everyone that they impacted. And so, you know, for me, it's like, okay, great. I want to have a really epic afterlife life review welcome home party.

00:19:27 - Meilin Ehlke
Yes, celebration.

00:19:28 - Brandon Beachum
And as many people as I can help as possible, it's going to benefit me and them, and there is only us. And so it's really, I think, the ultimate. You know, Gandhi said, if you want to find yourself, lose yourself in the service of others. And the reason I always add to that that holds true, I believe, is because there are no others. So what I do for you, I do for me, and therefore, I must feel the energetic repercussions of that. So I think this is a really great way to, like I said, I jokingly say the good kind of selfish, because it's the only way that you really win. Rising tide raises all ships. And so how can you raise the tide?  It's the only game in town when you understand the ultimate nature of reality. And from my perspective, in my opinion.

00:20:17 - Meilin Ehlke
So this is you, you spoke so fast. And I want to hint on that once more that this selfish, because, you know, whatever action you do for others comes around. Right. Shamanically, we speak about the impeccable act. Always it comes and it unfolds even more. Right. So this is the beautiful thing of being helpful and being kind and being compassionate and having everyone else along with in mind. I think also, then it's easier and more fun. Again, the party alone is not so.

00:21:02 - Brandon Beachum
That's right.

00:21:02 - Meilin Ehlke
We have to invite each other. And I think we lost that a little bit, especially in the western culture. Maybe we had too many wars over too many thousands of years. Right. This trust in ourselves and the trust in others and where we can lose ourselves in others. And I think that is what you are creating in your spiritual work, but even in your other business. And everyone here's one of the top five podcasters in the spiritual realm, your show.

00:21:38 - Brandon Beachum
Yeah, for many years it was. For many years it was.

00:21:42 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah. But still, you know, this is important because then you have intention. I think everyone, this is also the intention and focus of dedication. Maybe that's the other word that speaks what is in you. You're very dedicated to others in your life. Yeah. Even in your vacation business, you're dedicated, that they have a beautiful experience. And I think that's why it took off so well. And it's blossoming, and growing. Yeah. That is the selfish. If they have a good time, I will have a good time. And it is going back and forth like in a relationship. This is everywhere. Or that if I treat my plant with more love, it grows ten times faster. Everyone just did an experience really interesting for three months. A plant that took five years then. And in three months.

00:22:40 - Brandon Beachum
Oh, wow. You did an experiment yourself with it?

00:22:42 - Meilin Ehlke
Yes. Yes, I always do.

00:22:44 - Brandon Beachum
Oh, wow. And it grew to where it would normally go in five years and three years.

00:22:48 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah, it was this big after five years, and if I look over to it now, I think it's even bigger and has more leaves in the last. Okay, now four months. I started in December the 10th.

00:23:00 - Brandon Beachum

00:23:00 - Meilin Ehlke

00:23:00 - Brandon Beachum
That's amazing. And that's actually something that I share in the book as well. You know, these. These experiments where they've sent energy to plants. One plant, you know, sending love and beauty to and meditating in positive music and toward another, negative energy. And then the difference is, like wild. Night and day how one blossoms and the other sort of withers. It's really interesting.

00:23:30 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah. And that's how we, you know, again, you as a podcaster, you bring out that love, you send out that light, you send out possibility. You did that in your show even though it was four times, but still, I pray you'll do one again.

00:23:48 - Brandon Beachum
Yeah. You know, I really. I still have a bunch of episodes of that I have not released, actually. So there is talk of doing something. Getting back to that, Covid kind of threw a little bit of a wrench, if you will, in what I was doing. But, yeah, that is the ultimate aim to get back to it.

00:24:08 - Meilin Ehlke
Get back to it, because it, for me, it shows this beautiful collaboration and the highlighting of each other and not just the feeding. You know, we feed of each other in a way. I mean, that's maybe the wrong word, but we energize each other. We give energy to each other. So even if in this one show and you have these different kinds of people with these different perspectives, it kindles. They kindle each other. Right. The artist paints something that is inspired by your words. The musician is inspired what he visually sees and puts it into music, and it just gets bigger and larger. That is what is so fascinating. And I love the title. Optimistic, right? Was it for the show?

00:25:01 - Brandon Beachum
Yeah, it's a fun. I love plays on words. So that was. That's a good one. Optimystic.

00:25:06 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah. You put your dedication that goes back. Right. You put your dedication in the words and love and send that out into the world. And that is so fantastic. And, you know, when I was reading your book. Yeah. Brandon, I did notice you used a german word, and I would like to speak to that as well, because it goes back to the goldenness, I think, of the golden mind or the golden key. You use a word which is a German word, you use "innerstand". You pronounce it maybe innerstand? And I'd love to hear a little bit about it, and then I'll say what I understand it or how I understand when I read it in your book.

00:25:56 - Brandon Beachum
Got it. Got it. I did not realize that was German. How cool. So, yeah, the reason I use that, of course, as I just mentioned, I love any play on words. Like with my Late night style show I did optimystic spelled like mystic. And so to me, it's like, you know, innerstanding something versus understanding. We always say we, "Oh, I understand". But when you innerstand, it's like that comprehension at a deeper level. I feel it in my soul. I feel it at a even, you know, they say intuition is the highest form of intelligence. Right.

00:26:35 - Meilin Ehlke

00:26:35 - Brandon Beachum
And so really bringing those elements into it, not just your logical mind. You know, me and my partner, we were supposed to go to, there's a big solar eclipse visible from the states a few days ago as of this recording. And we were supposed to go to a big gathering in Texas, like 50,000 people, a lot of our friends, and performing performers, transformational festival in Texas, which is quite a ways from where I'm at about 20 hours driving, and I'm in California. And she had the intuitive hit that, I don't think we should go. Something is amiss. You know, from a logical standpoint. We had had tickets for a year. All our friends would be there. It's a once in a 20. There won't be another full solar eclipse in the United States for 20 some years. Like, this is, you know, an opportunity. And yet this deeper understanding, this deeper form of intelligence and knowing was saying something different, like, ah, don't go. This is, you know, it's going to be problematic. And sure enough, you know, we decided not to go. And then the day of, hours before the big eclipse. Everyone leave right away. There's tornadoes coming and storms, and, you know, and then we heard the organization of the event was really poorly, you know, done. And so it ended up being a little bit of a, you know, it wasn't all that you'd hoped it would be, right? And that came from using a different form of intelligence other than logic. And so it really plays into that as well. You know, really feeling something deep, deeply on, on multiple levels, as opposed to just using your rational brain, your logic.

00:28:22 - Meilin Ehlke
And trusting it, trusting your intuition, trusting your feeling in the body. Some you like goosebumps or something in the stomach tells you it's not the right thing to do. And even a thought, often our thoughts are not just in the intellectual mind, but it's the one mind, the one thought that comes through.

And I think it's with the time that is happening right now and the energies of our universe, it is even unfolding even more. So, everyone, your thoughts, please take them more serious. Yeah, the innerstand, you know, for it's more of a state of how to be. And if you look at as into it as a German word, Brandon, it's a really fun word. Inner is the same, is the inner. Und stand is standing. And I think it becomes more and more important nowadays. And the eclipse was a beautiful sign. It was more of a restart, like a reset, a button for all of us to live more of who we are and to really bring that out more creative and pure into the world right now, as fast as possible. I mean, speed, please, everyone, don't hesitate, don't hold back. And so the inner state, as the inner stand, stand stands for standing also. And I believe that we can stand up, you know, shoulders back, stand straight, look forward. To many of us, we look downward while we walk, when we work, when we talk with others, but also the sturdiness of knowing who am I and being graceful at the same time, and looking that the body is fit and the body is movable, that I, as a being, am movable and to be compassionate. It's something of being, knowing of who you are. And, Brandon, I think you know who you are. That's something about you. You stand in life, and whatever you create for others, for yourself. But again, always emanating that out and inviting others to follow your lead. You do that really, really well. So that's innerstand when I read it. So I thought that was funny that you're on the show with a German.

00:31:05 - Brandon Beachum
Yeah. I love that. I do have some German ancestry, according to my DNA analysis. So, yeah, maybe it came through the lineage somewhere back there, you know.

00:31:20 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah. Yeah. We have a very precise language in expressing emotions.

00:31:27 - Brandon Beachum

00:31:27 - Meilin Ehlke
Where the English language is very Germanic at the beginning. Yeah. It's easy to learn. But then later, the romance language, they bring the flowerly language in. English has the most words. But I think I'm so with you to create new words. It's so important that we reflect on how the world is right now and that we can have, you know, like, a little bit like a wordsmith, that the words we create now don't have this trauma to it. Too many words have experiences for everybody.

00:32:08 - Brandon Beachum
A lot of baggage with it.

00:32:10 - Meilin Ehlke
A baggage. That's the word. I love that. Yeah, that's in the light. So as you create and feel abundant, and what do you see for the future? Because you just spoke about that, you followed yourself and your partner. You both, first of all, believe in each other. It's very beautiful to see you didn't go on this long trip, you know, and where you invested everything, but you stayed pure to your decision. So what did you feel is unfolding now for you or for the world or for us as humanity? What did, what did you get? There must have been something in the last two days.

00:32:53 - Brandon Beachum
Yeah. You know, I think that's the great question. I, you know, eclipses are notoriously, a lot of people who, you know, are deep in the world of astrology. It's like a time to, you know, like a purging of shadow kind of energy. It's not a lot of people, from what I hear, won't even go outside during an eclipse. You know, it's like, not necessarily the time to celebrate so much as, these energies that are holding us back in some way or dredged up to be processed and dealt with. And so that's really what we did instead, was spent some time together alone, working on doing some ritual around our relationship and working on really clearing out debris and blockage and things like that. So I think, yeah, that's kind of what it has meant for me.

And really a big part of my own journey in the last few years has been less of an outward expression, you know. Yes, you know, on the surface, I do a lot of outward things, but from my internal experience, I have, you know, it's been a lot of, like, okay, where are the. Where are the things that, the blind spots, you know, if you will, and the things that are still holding me back from being even more, being my greatest and next greatest and greatest version of myself. So, you know, I've been on quite the journey of, of that and, relationship, I think, can bring up the opportunities around that better than anything else. And so that was really a lot of focus for me and has been, in general, the last, you know, couple years has been a lot of, like, you know, taking out the garbage, what's still there, what's still not quite, you know, in alignment with where you're going.

And so, um, and I think that's kind of how, how the dance goes with, it's like the tide, you know, it's, it retracts and then it expands and it retracts and it expands. And so I think our journey in general is like two steps forward, one step back, you know, as beings. And I think a lot of times we get so caught up and it's always about expansion and outward, outward, you know, and really, you know, when to go back to our conversation at the beginning of the podcast, there is no out there, out there. It's showing up as a reflection of your internal state. Then the number one job is to work on your internal state and  to clear out the cobwebs and you know, really illuminate those dark corners that we all have. And we're here to, you know, I think if you're still here in physical, it's because you've got work to do and growth that is possible. Otherwise I think you leave. So that's, you know, that's, that's been a big part of my journey the last few days and the last few years for that, that matter.

00:35:49 - Meilin Ehlke
Do you have a feeling of what is coming.

00:35:54 - Brandon Beachum

00:35:55 - Meilin Ehlke
And what you're getting for.

00:35:56 - Brandon Beachum
Great question.

00:35:57 - Meilin Ehlke
In spiritual and in your business for.

00:36:04 - Brandon Beachum
You know, I think there's going to be a lot of, you know. One of the things I talk about in the book is the journey of the butterfly and how it has to go through this metamorphosis in order to become what it is. And it can be, if you're judging it at a particular place in its evolution, it can look pretty, pretty rough. The caterpillar starts out and it just eats everything in its path. And I was sharing this with my mother when I was writing the book.

00:36:33 - Brandon Beachum
And she's like, oh my gosh, you're so right. These caterpillars just ate my geraniums and I'm so mad and you know, and I'm like, it just destroys with reckless abandon. And then at some point, a new cell pops up inside of it they call an imaginel cell. And the caterpillar cells look at it and say, this doesn't belong here, this is an invader, destroy it, it doesn't belong. And it's successful at doing that. But then another imaginel cell pops up and another one, and then over time, more and more imaginel cells pop up and at some point the tide shifts. Where theres enough imaginel cells, the caterpillar starts losing the battle against them, and it appears to be chaos for the caterpillar. It goes into its chrysalis, it starts to literally all the destruction that was precipitated by the caterpillars life.

00:37:31 - Brandon Beachum
And those caterpillar cells actually turns into a goo, becomes food for these imaginel cells to feed on. And if you were to judge this process, like, well, the caterpillar is turning into mush. It's like literally dying, you know, at the end of the caterpillar, but that's the beginning of the butterfly. And so just when the caterpillar thinks its life is over, it becomes a butterfly. And it was all the pain that the caterpillar precipitated, that was the fuel for the butterfly to exist.

00:38:03 - Brandon Beachum
And so I really think about that in terms of our own evolution as a species. If you look at the world right now and where we're at, it's easy to think like, wow, we're in a rough state. Things are really messy. Old systems are crumbling and showing. There's been a lot of light illuminating the dark corners of politics and capitalism you know, all these sorts of things.

00:38:31 - Meilin Ehlke
Well said.

0038:32 - Brandon Beachum
And so you could judge it in this moment and say, oh, my gosh, this is. This is bad, this is scary. Look at the destruction. And if we're going to become a butterfly as a species, something old needs to fall away, and that's actually what fuels us into the next evolution of our species, I believe. And so I think we're somewhere in that process right now. So the world is, you know, it can be frightening if you're looking at it from a zoomed in lens as opposed to the greater picture.

00:39:03 - Brandon Beachum
And so I really tend to look at things from the most expanded perspective I can. And I find that that really helps to bring me peace and faith. And, you know, I always say I'm playing checkers, but my higher self is playing chess. So I can have an idea about what I think is for the best for me or others. And there's a bigger narrative playing out, and there's pieces of the puzzle and moves that are happening that are beyond my logical calculations. So one of the keys in the golden key is there's eight of them. One of them is trust the mystery. And it's like, I don't necessarily know why this is unfolding, but I trust it, and I am going to continue to look for where is the gift? If it appears challenging, there must be a silver lining. You know, it didn't. I haven't gotten the full medicine or from the challenge perhaps yet. And, but there I believe it's always happening for me, not to me.

00:40:07 - Brandon Beachum
And that really makes a difference as we navigate any challenges that come, you know, it helps to bring some peace around, you know, and it doesn't mean you're always going to be happy with what happens. You know, a lot of people think our aim is to be happy. How do we be happy all the time? You didn't come to be happy all the time, but you can be at peace with what is. And you need, you know, the sweet's never quite as sweet without the sour. And so you need that contrast in order for, you know, all the goodness that wants to be born, to be born. You need the contrast.

00:40:40 - Meilin Ehlke
So beautiful. This is just the vision that everything life experience creates what we are. If I look back, I have to agree, Brandon, on my life. You know, I did a few different study directions, but they all helped me to be who I am now in a much grander version. Yeah, even then, you know, oh my God, I didn't succeed or I changed fields again, but now I'm bringing all of them together. I needed this certain understanding of all to be who I am right now. I love that that you say that. And I hope every one of you out there, you find that in your life as well. Otherwise, go to Brandon. And the other point is this crystalline structures we are turning into more crystallite beings every single day and the world out there, and that will bring a more fine tuning as well. And we are fine tuning and deselecting. So everyone, if you have the inkling of cleaning your home, which is just a simple thing, please do it, new energy, new light needs to get in certain corners. We have to purge our life, our business, everything. Do that.

And Brandon, it's such a good example, do go out and get his golden key. And again, www dot goldenkey gift and I'll put it everywhere for you to go, because there's also game attached to it. We didn't talk about that. And then also, you know, Brandon thinks about water, which is also important, which feeds all of us and gives information, is also a very beautiful crystalline structure, speaking the truth so often. So look at your water when you drink it the next time and feel it when you swallow it.

00:42:48 - Brandon Beachum
100 percent.

00:42:49 - Meilin Ehlke
Oh, Brandon, this was a fantastic time. Thank you for bringing your energy to this episode and sharing your wisdom with the world.

00:42:57 - Brandon Beachum
Thank you so much for having me.

00:42:59 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah, but one more like a short sentence. What comes to your mind if you think about the audience, if to you tune in now to the audience of Moving To Oneness, what is the wisdom that comes out with them from you?

00:43:18 - Brandon Beachum
You know, what comes up when people ask me, this is typically the same thing. And it's like, it's so easy for us to create separation by judging ourselves or judging others. And, you know, in this world of Instagram and podcasters, and, you know, it's like, oh, well, I could never do what they're doing. You know, I don't have his, you know, insert whatever, his voice, his talent, her ability to put together a podcast and do this thing or. Or this person on Instagram. Look how beautiful they are on, you know, and I don't. I could never do that because I'm not as pretty or handsome or whatever. We get all these stories of separation, and I challenge people to switch that narrative and think of it in terms of, if you're seeing it or hearing it, it's because it's such a close vibrational match. You're attracting it into your world. That which is like unto itself is drawn water seeks its own level. And so, out of the infinite things vying for your precious attention, you've somehow landed on these words in this podcast, in this video, this moment, because you're such a close match to the energy that's emanating from it and through it. So next time you see something that you admire, don't create separation with it. Instead, say, ah, that thing that I want more of in my life. It's. I'm so close to it. It's appearing in my. In my movie. And by the way, I am the lead actor, director, star in my own private movie, literally, source God. Higher self is so vast. It has infinite universes. Everything is a prop in your movie. So, are you worthy of the best that life has to offer? Of course. Of course you are. You're the only one here. Every. Everywhere you go, you're there waiting for yourself. It's you reflecting you back to you. You are the star of your own universe. Y O U. Universe. And so, you know, there's never been a more worthy soul in all of eternity than you, because there hasn't ever been another soul in all of eternity than you. So let's get rid of these stories of separation and not enoughness and all of that. You can't know that what you are unless you know that what you are not. And you've maybe had a great journey of knowing that what you are not and limitation and lack and suffering. And congratulations. You were bold enough to sign up for that so that you can appreciate what's on the other side of that, which is the truth of the matter. You are it. You are as worthy as any other being ever has been, could be or will be. Once you acknowledge that truth, you can get on with the next version of your butterfly self.

00:46:04 - Meilin Ehlke
Wow. Beautiful wisdom, Brandon. Wow. It's like Juuupp. When you get. You need to be asked, right? I can feel that. And you have really, again, this dedication that comes through and love for humanity. So thank you very much.

Everyone, do reach out to Brandon's work and I'll share as much as I can for you to learn more about him and soak up his wisdom, read his book, play his game, get into his world.

We just, I don't know, we just touched the top of. There is so much in you, Brandon, to discover, to explore. And I wish you the best of what you're going to create, even in the future and all of your endeavors. And the best of luck, whoever gets touched by you is very lucky, I think, to get their creativity out into the world. So, once more, thank you very much for being here. And everyone.

00:47:17 - Brandon Beachum
Thank you for being such a beautiful reflection and giving me the opportunity to share and yeah, it's been an honor and a pleasure.

00:47:25 - Meilin Ehlke
Yes, you are bright light for the world.

00:47: 27 - Brandon Beachum
Yes so we are.

00:47:28 - Meilin Ehlke
Soak up his golden light, his golden key. I'm Meilin, the host of the Moving To Oneness podcast. Be the best brilliant golden light you can be and share your love with the world.
