Moving To Oneness

Ep. 12 ~ Guest Evakarin Wallin - Possibilities

Episode Summary

Ep. 12 ~ As we allow ourselves, as an individual, to open up to our body and the essence within us, and take part in the conversation that we're having inside of us, we can impact many lives, our own included. This is just one of the many nuggets of wisdoms our Swedish guest Evakarin Wallin shares with you on our show.

Episode Notes

Evakarin Wallin's website is: 
or .com for the English website.
Join her 5 day workshop Accelerate Transformation with Ease here:

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Episode Transcription

Moving to Oneness, Nourishing curiosity, Embracing differences, Becoming One

Meilin Ehlke  0:43  
Welcome every one to the Moving To Oneness show. Today we are the trilogy. It is going to be fun. I tell you that because Denise and I have a special guest from Sweden, up north here in Europe, joining us and helping and supporting in bringing wisdom to one of my favorite topics or even topic of moving into expansion. Right? Playing with each other. Faster and faster as the time is now. In a way, dictating, because everything is so aligned. And it's a fun ride to be at the moment. Denise is sitting in Chicago, as you know, having a watching eye...

Denise Hansard  1:34  
Yes. Good. Hello everyone to this beautiful fall Equinox is when we're recording this. Which brings about the change of the seasons and into more expansion, what's to come next.

Meilin Ehlke  1:48  
Yeah, what is gonna come next. And I thank Evakarin Wallin, thank you for being here. Tell us what's coming next? Especially for you I know that's a question that is pinpointing, but I do know she is a fantastic channel and she gets to the bottom, to the depths of you in seconds without story to bring out what you need to hear to move forward faster and wider. And move faster into that vastness so Evakarin.

Evakarin Wallin  2:26  
Thank you. Yes, what is ahead of us? It's a really interesting question. And just earlier today, I was out exercising, and it's a good place to be to get some, you know, new information to come in and I had this vision that. Yeah, we have to choose where we want to go, it's like we have these two roads ahead of us. Which one, is up to us to choose. Are we going to go the fear based version? Where you know all the media and his answer is giving us reasons to be afraid, or are we going to choose the other paths, where we can trust that we actually can, every one of us choose our own destiny?

Denise Hansard  3:19  
I love that I referring that is beautiful, it's kind of going back into our,  we create our lives.

Evakarin Wallin  3:28  
Well, the thing is, we do, all the time. Whether we like the law of attraction or not, what do we believe in it or not, we are creating every thing in our lives. And we have. I mean some parts we are personally responsible for, but we also do have a collaboration with people around us, so we are creating together as well. So it's interesting when I look back and see, you know, movies, especially from coming from the US, at least starting there. It was the Superman or Superwoman or super anything that comes in save the world.

Denise Hansard  4:07  
Yeah, we love having those superheroes that save our world. Yeah, we want them.

Evakarin Wallin  4:14  
The thing is, you and I are the superheroes.

Denise Hansard  4:20  

Evakarin Wallin  4:21  
So, so when we can you know, when we can at least try it on and start to be responsible for, number one, our reactions and emotions. And number two, our actions. Then you can see that you can really, really shift your life tremendously.

Denise Hansard  4:42  
I love that, love that, love that because it is it really starts within each and every one of us, accepting our superhero powers. That, as opposed to looking outside and trying to draw from everything else. And that's, that's exactly what it's about, because if we look outside of ourselves, then we are feeding off of whatever that collective energy is. Yeah. And so if we're feeding off of very chaotic fear based collected energy, then that's exactly what we're going to create in our own life.

Evakarin Wallin  5:18  
It is. The beauty is, and this is my reflection, and also from experience. That the higher vibration we have, which means the happier we are the more confident you know, fully be able to express our self our authentic self, the faster we create this beautiful life that I think everyone is longing for. But the more dense we are, if we're afraid, if we are depressed or things like that. We are in a low vibration. And then we manifest that, but it comes to us slower because it's a low vibration. Isn't that neat how, you know, things that we don't want, they come to us, which we dwell in, those low vibration, a longer time. It takes a longer time, but as soon as we step up to high vibration, we attract things that matches or aligns with the vibration and it comes faster. It's like, it's a reward built into the system.

Denise Hansard  6:29  
Oh, I love that. Yeah definitely it's like a, as we bring the joy to ourselves. And that's what we're all trying to do at this time is to surround ourselves with joy with the abundance. And I see it here in the United States, I mean there's a lot of transformation that the US and the world is going through at this time. And it's what we get to choose on what we want to listen to, who we want to connect with, what vibrational level we want to be at. Then it is about being at that higher level and surrounding yourself with people who choose the joy and the abundance and manifesting philosophy that you also have, along with getting grounded within, within the real absolutely can't hide you can't hide. You know what's going on.

Evakarin Wallin  7:21  
That's just, I mean, being grounded is so important because we need to have both the masculine and the feminine, the inner and the outer, they need to go hand in hand. And something that I am... I don't like when they talk about, you just have to be positive, think positive because it could be dangerous. You have to see what is there, so you have to see the darkness that everyone has within us. We have to recognize it become aware of it, because that is what keeps us away from manifesting what we want. Now that is over and over again. And the things that we don't want to see. We don't want to see it within ourselves, we can see it in other people.

Denise Hansard  8:12  
And you're hitting the nail on the head with this because if we choose to see kind of the shadow side of ourselves and we always have a shadow side. That means we have to be aware of it, and choose to do something different to change, to grow.

Meilin Ehlke  8:27  
To be invited I think often we're not trained and it's a social aspect right. If we don't know how to do it, we're more controllable and then we as we stay more in fear. Before I forget, because I'm going to go probably on a spiral. Evakarin I would love to ask you to give some advice of how to move into a higher vibration. So I do know, especially when you're alone now, or you are stuck by yourself in a home. Eat well, and physically stay well. Try if you can, so maybe your body aches, or you're not so experienced in cooking or in figuring out yet what nutrients your body needs. Start exploring, and start exploring slowly. Right? In small steps, but I think this will also will already help everyone to become more aware of what level you're in, and what light to shine on your, if you don't want to call it shadow or whatever is keeping you away from what you desire to create.

Evakarin Wallin  9:51  
Yeah, eating more fresh vegetables, is something that actually makes you feel better raises your vibration. But also to just sit down and think of something that makes you joyful. And maybe not even that just know where you heart is the heart chakra, where you feel just notice the best feeling you can feel, and just keep noticing that. You don't have to do anything with it just be in it. Because when you focus on something that will become bigger. So instead of focus on the fear. Just, just let it go for now and come back into yourself and look for the nicest feeling you can feel. And I did this without knowing what result it will give me many years ago now. And because I read a book and at the end of the book, it was this sentence. "I don't understand why people are going around being angry. It's not nice to feel angry. It's so much nicer to feel happy". I said yeah, I mean, such a simple truth and I hadn't thought about that before. You know how easy it is that someone has done something to you that I'm going to be with a person, he's not going to let go of it. I mean, I am the one who's angry I am the one who's getting beaten up by myself. So I said, yeah, I'm going to be happy now. So this was happened on a vacation I was for a week. So it was really easy for me to get into the feeling, and just enjoy what was there. And I was consciously, go into the feeling. I don't know for how long but 10, 15 minutes at a time several times a day. And by the end of the week I could feel like I was flowing. And when, I came home, it kept on for a while. And without doing anything different I made a lot more money. I have been searching for a solution to something for two months before this. I couldn't find the answer. And two days after I came home from vacation, I was sitting on the commuter train back from Stockholm to my home. And something inside of me here was someone was like kicking me saying, talk to the woman, opposite you, talk to the woman, talk to the woman. I usually don't even do that. I will usually read a book or something. So I started to talk with this woman. And it turned out that she was taking a course, and she just finished the homework, where my solution was in it. So one week after we had a meeting and she showed me everything I needed.

Meilin Ehlke  13:04  

Evakarin Wallin  13:05  
And the third thing that was the most amazing thing was that I had on the Thursday the same week. I had a trip planned to another town in Sweden where I was supposed to give a talk. And when I was sitting at the airport, before boarding the plane I realized I would have two three hours to spend before the talk. And that was the town where I come from, originally so. So I said, Who can I just meet for a few hours? Have a cup of coffee at a cafe? And this woman came to my mind we used to be friends when I was about around 20, which is a long time ago. And then we sort of just lost touch with each other. So she came to my mind, and I tried to find her, and it was a bit of, you know, wobbly to get hold of her and to find a date. She said yeah, we'd love to meet you, and we sat down and talked for an hour, and after an hour she said: "You know, the thing that when you called me today. You know, I tried to commit suicide last night", and I get shivers every time I tell this story, "So that you called me today, I take that as a sign that I'm not done here yet". I mean, that is, the most amazing thing ever. You know, we haven't spoken for years.

Denise Hansard  14:43  
That's beautiful Evakarin what I hear in that is that, as we allow ourselves as an individual to open up to our body and the essence within us. And take part in the conversation that we're having inside of us because we always are having conversation, but becoming aware of it and we can impact many lives, our own included. Yeah.

Meilin Ehlke  15:13  
Yeah, we opens up there we're not alone. Right?

Evakarin Wallin  15:16  
We are One

Meilin Ehlke  15:16  
Too often we keep our mouths closed, we're afraid that someone doesn't even want to hear what we have to say, or that we would be encroaching on their time. But most of us I think we are all alone, even for me so I'm really happy if someone speaks with me or whenever in the restaurant. Especially when I moved to the US I loved it there. People speak much quicker with each other, you know they're, because they're curious and they look at you and they speak or they help you out. Here in Germany it was a little, I had to get used to it after 20 years in the US. When I was back in Germany, everyone was looking down. You know, not smiling so much and keeping quiet. So I think it is up to us to take that courage, that step again, that yes, I am someone. And this one is important for the other and if we come together like us three right now. You know we're not just talking here, we have beautiful listeners around the world, but we also providing inspiration for each other, acknowledge each other. We're providing memories. You gave me some really intense memories when you were sharing your third story. Your 3rd point. Yeah, and also we are emanating together. We're going into a similar vibration. And that is what happens that is transformation, Evakatinn, also called the queen of transformation, I love that right? So, to start transforming is yes, in us, in you and in me, that there is no way around it. So everyone, little courage, like Evakarin had when she was on the train speaking, suddenly, to a woman to give her solutions or listening to her. There is someone I'm supposed to meet and who is it? And then acting on her thought or acting where your body moves you to. Right? And to go where the body wants to. Shut off the mind chatter.

Evakarin Wallin  17:37  
I can say, I haven't thought about this actually until now when you talk like that, because it was, it is normally that the intuition speaks to you. It whispers to you. You have to really to be attempting to know which part of you speaking. But, at this time, it was so strong. So it was, I had no hesitation, about it, I mean yeah I hesitated to talk to the person because I usually don't do it but it was so strong it, I said it was like someone was kicking me inside. So it was, I've never experienced it, so strong before or after actually. So the funny thing is that I haven't been able to reach the same state, again, because something happened. And this is really interesting and this is the key to actually what I do today and it's a key to real lasting transformation, because it went on for a couple of weeks. And then my subconscious mind was not aligned with me being on this high level, because I had so many limiting beliefs. That was not aligned with that, and they hadn't transformed. So what happens, someone said something to me, it was actually the person who's now my husband. He said something about my curtains. You know, it was nothing but because it triggers something in me, a pattern from my whole life, that I am messy and, you know, things like that. And that was the thing that pushed me down from being on such a high energetic level, down deep and feeling, I'm a bad person. That was basically it. I mean it's not the truth but that was my belief about myself. So that's why I couldn't stay on this high level. And this is why people don't get the law of attraction work for them. Because they're not willing to see the parts of them that say, I'm not good enough.

Meilin Ehlke  19:56  
Give everyone a hint. How can we first one feel safe enough to take a look. And not to be scared, because we may be also afraid that we'll be sad, or that we will crack or that we're even not even strong enough. So yes maybe get some friends to go with you there or maybe just sit there. But what can you suggest for someone to do?

Evakarin Wallin  20:24  
I can see that, to express feelings, reactions is never dangerous, unless you are hitting someone. But, I mean, to cry, be angry or whatever you feel feel ashamed. It's not dangerous to feel that. Is it uncomfortable? Yes, but it's not dangerous. The dangerous part is when you don't let them out. Or you let them out in a destructive way. If you look at the world today, what are we hearing from the news? It is people are being mean to each other, because they are hundred percent sure of this, because they don't feel good. They are afraid they're angry, but not from the reason, that they are hitting someone else or making war with someone else. It comes from a totally different source. But because we have not learned what to do with our feelings, you don't know what to do, you just react to it. So, something that everyone can do, is to sit down and just allow the feeling to come up. And if you feel more comfortable being alone be alone. If you feel more comfortable to have someone with you, have someone with you. It doesn't matter, start to just listen to what these uncomfortable feelings are telling you. And that brings me to another situation. I really did that, and it was a profound change in my life. And I have been at this party. I was invited but I was not included. I didn't feel included. I just felt awkward. And I just waited for having a good excuse to go back home. So, when I came home, I had this, you know, knot in my stomach and I really felt bad again. This time, I really listened to what this knot in my stomach was telling me. And I was just wrote it down. It said: "You don't belong to these people. You are not as good as them, you should stay with your own patch", which means not nice people, because I'm not a nice person. And it wasn't nicer here and I felt really bad writing it down. But suddenly it stopped because all these feelings, what they want is to be listened to. You can compare them with a five year old. They just want to have attention they have a message to get to you, that's important from their point of view. And when you allow it to be received. It can let go of you. So what happened when suddenly, there were no more informations coming from my knot in my stomach? They did not went away. And I remember I stood up and I looked up to the window, and I saw the houses that has been there for many years, and they look different. I saw the trees and they look different. And it's like, I understood that they were not different. It was me, that was different. So suddenly my view on the outer world had changed. And that was such a profound moment for me so I started to do this with my coaching clients. And same thing happened with them. And it was like, sometimes I felt like, it's like clay in my hand, my life is like clay my hand just, I just can make whatever I want from it. But to really. So, except what is in there, whatever it is, but not to get stuck in it, but to release it from you, so you don't even need to work hard to preset from it. It's accepting.

Meilin Ehlke  24:32  
Yeah, becoming aware.

Denise Hansard  24:34  
It is. I like the first step that you already talked about is, accepting that feeling feelings is okay.

Denise Hansard  24:43  
And that is, yeah.

Evakarin Wallin  24:45  
Yeah, definitely. That's interesting. We all have them. We never learn, at least not in school, we never learn what to do with them. The only thing I have for children, and sometimes they've been fired to school, so I have to come and talk with them, can you please talk with your child. Yeah, I can talk until the cows come home, but if they have a feeling of not being seen, not good enough, whatever it doesn't matter how much I talk with them. The only thing that might happen is that I tell them, not with my meaning but the way I'm acting is that yes you are not good enough, you should behave differently. Your way of behaving is wrong, which actually isn't because it's, it's a reflection of how they feel.

Denise Hansard  25:40  
And as long as we can address and see that our feelings are our most important tool that we have within what I call our body toolbox. Then we get to make a choice. Do we empower ourselves, or do we disempower. Exactly. Yeah, definitely. I love that you do you do some very great work within all of them. And I love your stories that you have given because those are the beautiful things. So, and then the other thing that I wanted to bring up is how you you shifted. It really wasn't anything else outside of you that shifted it was you within that shifted and made a different choice, awareness.

Evakarin Wallin  26:27  
Definetly Awareness. Absolutely and that change my outer circumstances.

Denise Hansard  26:33  
Exactly. So it was we're gonna be tying this up in just a few minutes, tell us Evakarin. What do you, what is one, maybe a lasting thought that you have and then tell people a little bit more about yourself and how they might could reach you. Give us your last words of wisdom, I guess.

Evakarin Wallin  26:58  
Okay, yeah. One of my favorites is when I hear people talk about, well, I'm practicing to have. How do you say this trust? Without trust in the universe. That is a way to put responsibility on something else that you probably don't even have a picture of what it is. So, when you want to change something, you, you know, the second line on the way of what you want to create. And there is an invisible path from where you are on to the goal that you have. And when you think about it, you can only think about things that you have experienced from before. So where you need to have the trust is to yourself. So, and the trust that this invisible path will show its way when you start moving, taking action. Yes, yes, to trust you, that you will be able to work through the obstacles. And to say yes to the possibilities. That is, where we should put the trust.

Denise Hansard  28:17  
Say yes to the possibilities. If that is not everybody's mantra after they listen to this, then I don't know exactly where we are to do. So say yes to the possibilities. So if once someone wanted to reach out and connect with you How might they do that.

Evakarin Wallin  28:36  
Well, they have a website that has the same name as me.

Denise Hansard  28:43  
Okay spell that.

Evakarin Wallin  28:45  
Yeah, could you please spell it because my spelling in English is not the best.

Denise Hansard  28:51  
No problem, e, v as in voice, a, k, a, r, i, n, w, a, l, l, i, n, .com

Evakarin Wallin  29:05  

Denise Hansard  29:07  
Well, I want to say thank you, because this has been a wonderful conversation and I'm so glad you were on the program today. And that Meilin recommended. Yes.

Evakarin Wallin  29:17  
Yeah, I want to say thank you for being here, and to let me share my story and my words and my wisdom.

Meilin Ehlke  29:25  
You have so much to share you, you're really a vast  woman,  being. And for everyone listening I will put into the show notes, a lot of her titles. And because we do love coming together and being so in the moment, do a little of your own research with Evakarin brings. She is so aligned to everyone who's listening to this show, so take her up on her fantastic and quick healing so even if you do choose to work with her. It will be a fast result oriented work, Thank you very much for being here on the Moving to Oneness show. And Denise thanks again out of Chicago, Evakarin out of Sweden. And goodbye, This is Meilin from Germany. Bye, bye.