Moving To Oneness

Ep. 119 Meilin Ehlke - The Global Dance of Unity

Episode Summary

Meilin Ehlke reflects on oneness and unity, highlighting the global dance of coming together through events like the Olympics and the Paralympics. She discusses the vibrancy and energy that emerges when people from around the world unite in a common purpose, symbolized by the beautiful dot of oneness in the Moving to Oneness podcast logo as she celebrates the podcast's 4th year. Enjoy...

Episode Notes

00:05:46 - Movement and Spiraling Energy
Meilin Ehlke emphasizes movement, spiraling energy, and reactivation as ways to improve oneself. She suggests creating a ball of light with hand movements to share love, energy, and light with others and nature. Engaging in this practice can awaken individuals, fostering harmony and balance in their lives. By using different aspects of oneself like hands, mind, heart, voice, and love, one can strengthen intuition and promote healing and joyfulness within oneself and the world.

00:10:05 - Oneness and Unity
Meilin Ehlke reflects on oneness and unity, highlighting the global dance of coming together through events like the Olympics and the Paralympics. She discusses the vibrancy and energy that emerges when people from around the world unite in a common purpose, symbolized by the beautiful dot of oneness in the Moving to Oneness podcast logo. By emphasizing the importance of movement and sharing experiences with others, Ehlke underscores the interconnectedness of all beings and the need for harmony and balance in our interactions. Through gestures of love and light, she encourages a mutual exchange of energy and information to deepen our understanding of ourselves and others.

00:14:19 - Celebration and Joy Acknowledgment
Meilin Ehlke emphasizes the importance of celebrating joy and being an inspirational being. She encourages acknowledging the joy in life, vibrant possibilities, and the energy that makes individuals glow and shine, ultimately becoming inspirational beings. Meilin also calls for honing one's craft and intensifying focus, especially for healers, to create sparks and embrace new ways of stretching and moving. Through movement, celebration, and sharing with others, she invites everyone to explore their facets and connect with the world around them, fostering a sense of oneness and harmonious balance.

00:20:06 - Movement and Celebration
Meilin Ehlke emphasizes the importance of movement and celebration in acknowledging joy in life and embracing the energy that makes individuals glow and shine. She encourages individuals to hone their craft and intensify their focus, likening it to a laser beam that can be utilized on command to support others. Through movement such as dancing, walking, cooking, and singing, individuals can stretch in new ways and celebrate the sparks created within their bodies. Meilin invites people to share their essence with others, including children, elders, partners, and friends, in a reciprocal exchange that allows for personal growth and self-awareness.