Moving To Oneness

Ep. 116 ~ Guest Raja Vaidya - Raise Each Other Up

Episode Summary

Raja Vaidya found that embracing differences is not only essential for personal growth but also for overcoming limitations. By opening ourselves up to new ideas, perspectives, and ways of thinking, we can expand our horizons and push past our comfort zones. A karate world champion, who loves to sing opera, spend hours researching cancer cells and doesn't let his speech impairment hold him back sharing his wisdom with the world to raise others up. Enjoy...

Episode Notes

Raja learned the value of prioritizing connections with others for a more balanced and fulfilling life. Join us discuss the importance of relationships. 

(00:00:07) Breaking Societal Norms for Personal Growth
(00:02:30) Value of Connections in Overcoming Adversity
(00:12:35) Empowering Growth Through Martial Arts Training
(00:23:25) Transformative Growth through Personal Challenges
(00:28:53) "Embracing 'Getting to' Over 'Having to'"
(00:38:09) Belief Transformation for Achieving the Impossible
(00:45:41) Unboxing Fears for Personal Growth and Success
(00:48:20) Embracing Limitless Potential Through Mindset Shifts

Connect with Raja Vaidya: 
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Read his book: Black Belt Mindshift 
Watch out for his next book: Unbox Me Today