Moving To Oneness

Ep. 11 ~ Guidance Guest Stephanie Ritz - Dissolving Discipline

Episode Summary

In todays episode our guest Stephanie received guidance, cosmic wisdom and a sacred song to questions that arose for her in the moment. Enjoy the gift she brings you by sharing and being so open, in a way also daring and vulnerable to what is so important to her.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

Moving to Oneness, Nourishing Curiosity, Embracing Differences, Becoming One

Meilin Ehlke  0:38  
Hello everyone welcome to the Moving to Oneness show.  The sun is setting in the West. And I have a participant with me here, Stephanie. I am going to give her a gift today of  healing or let her ask for a cosmic wisdom or sacred sound. So she can have a beautiful day because for her it is morning. Hello, Steph, you're sitting in Oregon. How are you?

Stephanie Ritz  1:03  
I'm good, Meilin, thank you for inviting me today.

Meilin Ehlke  1:07  
Yes, and I don't know, not everyone knows me so well, but I love to hone in to what is needed in the moment. And I'm going to invite you to this as well just sit back or take a breath, close your eyes, let me help and see what arise. What wants to be looked at. So you can be more of yourself. For you to move more into your natural state?

Stephanie Ritz  1:52  
Well, I am, we were speaking briefly before hopping onto this line. And one of those wonderful things to be able to say is this just how happy I am right now. And a lot of that is being able to stay in the present moment. What I guess whereas then, looking at or considering is, while thoughtfulness and patience are things that I've really brought into my life, especially with friends and people that I work with, it's not always something that I give to myself. And so maybe that's something to look into for today. As you know, what, giving what I give so easily to others, of how do I make sure to keep that and to give to myself as well.

Meilin Ehlke  3:00  
Wow, thank you very much for asking that. Because I think Stephanie, you're not the only one. Same thing also happens to me sometimes. But right, we are, as beings very generous. And I think almost everyone is, in being there for each other when there is a need. Often we don't give ourselves the opportunity to need something. And now in those times of COVID, especially where we are more alone, we're thinking the need of time for myself I got, because I'm sitting here alone or just with my family, right? But it is this openness or these allowing oneself to go and become aware or taking the time to become aware. What wants itself to be shown? So it is a little bit of this uncomfortableness, it is a little bit of a courageousness or not being courageous enough to say.

Meilin Ehlke  4:24  
hmm. What am I really here to do? Because we've done most of our life, something different or the majority of it, but now there's a new point, a new facet that wants to arise. And at the same time, you know is we don't take this time to look at the same time in the background there's something running like... Why haven't I seen it yet? It should be there. I should be more productive. I should be living myself. Why isn't that showing itself? I have all this time, right? This where this impatience comes then for oneself.

Meilin Ehlke  5:15  

Steph, because you always now holding back into you, you have such a talent. You are, your presence is so vast, when you're together with your clients, or anyone you help. You always go out into the world and support people in in need. They feel so comfortable to share with you what they need to share. And sometimes you don't feel comfortable opening up that far, for yourself to share information about yourself. Because there's the sense... Also, really, there have been experiences when you do talk about your knowledge, and you're very in tune with yourself in nature and the cosmos. And we have not been understood often by most people. But that was the reason why you always are able to understand others and to pull out the best words the best information out of your clients. So before I even say so many words, because especially everyone, Stephanie is a woman of words. I'll sing a song, to support you Stephanie to relax into yourself, into new places that you haven't adventure in, because you love adventure. And look at it is more of going on to a new journey. And it's not the same o, same o. I think that you'll have so much more fun.

Meilin Ehlke  7:17  

Meilin Ehlke  7:17  
It is funny, I  can my neighbor walk in and open a door at the same time. I love that in that song, you went into those new corners, there was a new rhythm. And again there was in the new rhythm. Something new in you, like there was something ignited within you. The one where you have been impatiently waiting for?

Stephanie Ritz  10:31  
Yeah, I am. I guess the one of the big thoughts that came forward is. Doing for others is just a natural state for myself. But to do for myself is a discipline that I can choose whenever and can choose regularly to. But I have to discipline myself to choose that. ya.

Meilin Ehlke  11:07  
Yeah, no, I wouldn't even say that so much, Stephanie. So supporting others is like a calling. You provide love for people. That is, that's you, you cannot not do that. Right? And why do you put a discipline then on yourself? Are you taking away discipline of others so they can be themselves. So they can open up? You can maybe create here and there a few structures, if you desire. I don't mean like structures, taking a plan ABC in a timely structure. Maybe there's a structure whenever you, every time you go outside for a walk, take time to think about yourself, if you want to and if you feel right to. So I think the discipline that comes that you don't give others but to yourself, arises from your childhood. And if you give yourself that allowance, not that you allow yourself, but I don't even want it that's not even the right word. Let's just dissolve the discipline. So that whenever you feel like it, of doing that for yourself, you don't contract and not do it Instead widen yourself breathe into it. Take a breath, take a look outside, take a walk outside, touch one of your beautiful needles that you have from these vast trees right, that are in the redwoods. And to become who you are, even indoors. You switch when you go outdoors. The animals see you, you're part of the cosmic vibration, right, you harmonize with nature, they trust you, they come so close, they show themselves to you. So bring that experience or observe yourself and become aware how you are outside. What are the thought patterns you have outside? And which one of those do you have inside? Or which ones of those you do not have inside?

Stephanie Ritz  13:43  
That's a wonderful idea.

Meilin Ehlke  13:51  
So, for you with the strictness that you grew up with the very European, old way of having to live, having to act. Right? It is a little bit I would even say that we have to live from the aristocrats we took over and then took over into other standards of life. But they're dissolving now. And you're just solving them also for you and you're dissolving them backwards for your ancestors. So, they in a way can also relax into their being. And so you when you were dissolving and you're really good at it, I know that. I sense you're so in tune again, as I said when you were outside with everything, So, when you're outdoors, bring that in tune and become aware of how you're in tune. Bring it to yourself and even to the memories of actions you had to create, and then dissolve them. Just put your intention there, say "I remember that story. It was, but now it's not anymore. It has impacted me how I live until this point. Now I choose not to do it". And it will not change right away sometimes, because they're very stringent in depth, right, really anchored in your somatic, in your body. But if you give it time, right? As we know is the Shamanic way, it will dissolve, and dilute and find its own way. So that all your body parts, your cells and all smaller particles will be able to go into their own vibration.

Stephanie Ritz  16:03  
I love hopping on the phone with you, Meilin. It is such a gift to receive from you.

Meilin Ehlke  16:12  
Thank you, and I don't I will not even talk much longer. Everyone, this is so beautiful. And I thank Stephanie to being so courageous on going or coming on to the podcast. Because her sharing, and being so open and in a way also daring and being vulnerable to share what is so important to her. It radiates out to you, everyone who's listening now. So thank you that you're all tuning in, and taking the time to be present for Stephanie. As I am. As she is for you in this moment. I will say this again, as I'm present for Stephanie, as you are here, present for Stephanie, listening to the podcast. So Stephanie is also open for you. Because we all are part of each other, we have particles within us, we have a similar memory, it goes far, far, far back. And together, we're able to move into our natural state. And to recognize what is important to me, what is important for you, and what is important for us. We almost wanted to move away and stop. But I think there's still one thing, Stephanie. You may, if you want, share it with the audience, what you would like,H a sentence, a phrase, a thought that you would like to share with the world.

Meilin Ehlke  18:18  
Hmm, so while we were getting ready for this call, and we were talking about stepping outside, and how there's this level of invisibility that comes, that allows this closeness with nature when I'm out there. And so I guess, when I think about it, it's hmm, if I were to think about a phrase, I really would, when I think of being a child and dreaming of everything that was possible, to know as an adult to live that life that I only imagined, and to keep remembering and to dream bigger than I have before.

Meilin Ehlke  19:16  
So now, will you dream bigger, even more in the bigness and the vastness, in a magnitude, you have never fathom you would be able to?

Stephanie Ritz  19:30  
I think that is the goal.

Meilin Ehlke  19:34  
Yeah, just dream everyone. Like Stephanie said the goal is to dream. To open up to a flow. To open up to what arises in the next moment and I invite you Stephanie and everyone listening. Where does your body move you? When you're writing what words want to be written? And then not to censor yourself. If you want to move if you're on a walk to the right, but the path goes left, do go right. Step off the path, see how it feels under your feet, there's a different texture, or suddenly this roughness because you're not walking on the path. But then there's also a very heightened awareness of what is in your surroundings. You have to use your hands suddenly differently, right? Imagine like you have to hold yourself, maybe there at a tree stem, or you will be surprised by a small beautiful plant you have not seen because they live and grow a little off a path. So even if you set a goal and a dream, don't steer, to correct it, just send like almost like an arrow centered offset, you want that dream you want to achieve that this vision. But the path to it, then as it unfolds, may lead you left, right may do a few turnarounds with you, and maybe a few steps backwards. But go on to the adventure and don't tighten up yourself and see what newness you will see. And especially now at these times, the vibrations, the energies are switching every single day. They are supporting us every single day to further us in becoming who we are. In becoming who you are. In becoming who I am. So this is fun, and speak with others about it. Don't keep it too much. Maybe in the moment you experience it, write it down or recorded when you want to speak instead, or be silent and just think about it. But when that moment comes, do share it with others, because you are not alone on this path. We are walking all together.

Meilin Ehlke  22:31  
So Stephanie, I believe you probably will write about it. One day, right?

Stephanie Ritz  22:37  
Yeah. That's my way.

Meilin Ehlke  22:42  
It's your way you have a beautiful way of finding the right words to subscribe to describe, not subscribe, but anyway, anyone subscribe. But to describe what others are really seeking. And you've described really more of how they are. But you have a talent Stephanie to sit and to pull the words out of people, of the dreams they're also seeking. So, as you dream, many, many dreams, smaller ones, and I know a lot of big ones. And I know they're not just for you. They're also for the world and the beautiful environment surrounding you. Then you also invite others and give others the opportunity automatically to also dream. So thank you very much, Stephanie, for being on the Moving To Oneness podcast. I wish you all the best dream well. Be patient with yourself. Open yourself up to nature. Become aware of who you are. And thank you again for bringing all of your greatness to all of us.

Stephanie Ritz  24:17  
Thank you, for having me Meilin.

Meilin Ehlke  24:19  
Thank you for coming on. And everyone if you want to be also on one of the next shows, join the Facebook group Moving To Oneness to participate, to ask questions. Thank you, everyone.
