Moving To Oneness

Ep. 106 ~ Guest Jill C. Lublin - Embrace Your Influence: Wisdom on Media and Kindness

Episode Summary

In this heartwarming conversation Jill and Meilin emphasize the importance of embracing your unique message and the power of kindness in making a positive impact on the world. Jill shares insights on the media's focus on collective well-being and advises you to start your journey towards visibility and influence right now, encouraging you to plant your publicity garden and watch it grow. Ultimately, they remind you that your messages matter, urging you to share your gifts and make a difference.

Episode Notes

You'll discover the transformative power of sharing your unique message with the world and the profound impact of kindness. Through Jill's insights, you'll be inspired to start your journey to visibility, knowing that your message matters and can create a positive change in the lives of others.

(00:04:23) Crafting Authentic and Evolving Messages
(00:09:08) Uncovering Your Unique Self-Expression Journey
(00:14:20) Building Meaningful Connections through Publicity
(00:19:50) Compassionate Connections: Virtual Kindness Gatherings
(00:26:11) Authentic Engagement: Making a Difference with Publicity

A gift to you from Jill C. Lublin: 
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In Love and Light, 

Episode Transcription

Moving to oneness, nourishing curiosity, embracing differences, becoming one.

00:00:48 - Meilin Ehlke
Many of you are doing beautiful work to change this world to a better. And what do you need to support you is a little technique and a little new perspective on how you can reach even more people in the world, in a beautiful way, in a loving, gentle way with your little touch in it. So stay tuned for a fantastic guest all the way from California. 
Hello, everyone. I'm Meilin Ehlke, your host of the Moving To Oneness podcast. So, everyone welcome with me, please, Jill Lublin all the way from California. Now, didn't you get married in Hawaii or somewhere beautiful?

00:01:40 - Jill Lublin
I got married in California, but I went to Thailand for my honeymoon.

00:01:45 - Meilin Ehlke
Ah, so you did fly to a beautiful land. I have a few people listening in Thailand where you celebrated yourself and your new partner and gave yourself a new twist to your own life. And I think that is very beautiful and also courageous to follow your heart in any age, and I wish more people would do that and follow your footsteps, Jill.

00:02:18 - Meilin Ehlke
Welcome, welcome, welcome to Moving To Oneness. Thank you for being here.

00:02:22 - Jill Lublin
Thank you for having me. So delighted to be here.

00:02:26 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah. I know you now for a few years, and I've always got to sense how in tune you are with people. It didn't matter if it was in a larger group or just us two or two people. You have a sense to find the depths of a person and what they really should say about themselves that they're maybe not saying. So the world, this huge globe, these, what, 7 to 8 billion people can understand that what someone is bringing to the world. And I really love that about you.

00:03:12 - Jill Lublin
Well, thank you. You know, one thing I've always considered, honestly is God's gift to me is the opportunity to go deep with people's message. So doing public relations is a gift to me and then, of course, hopefully for others, but I use my, shall we say, intuitive powers as well as just having an ability to go deeper on the message. And I love, I love digging for the message because the truth is you don't usually have to dig. For me it shows itself.

00:03:48 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah. You're very keen on observing people. I've learned that about you. You are very quiet. I love that. Right. And you observe and then you listen and you listen when people get nervous or not nervous and where they get really happy and where they expand and share. You pick that up and also tell that people and that, I think is really important. Right. That's then the right message. Do I understand that correctly?

00:04:23 - Jill Lublin
Yeah. Especially being a public relations expert. I will tell you that one of the keys to really getting yourself out there is finding the right message and being willing to move and shift as your message moves and shifts. To stay  in integrity with your message and resonant. The message that gets created has to be resonant with you. So, I think all of that's important and it's certainly a key to success for getting any project or passion or whatever you're working on in the world out there, is to find the right message. So that is where it starts.

00:05:06 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah. And I really love what you said, that we are beings that are in constant movement and shift and we adapt to the environment and the environment is changing. Right. It is developing. And to stay in tune or in the flow with our change,  growth, and experience, because our experiences brings maybe more depth to our language, our stories that we tell, the stories turn then into copy, right. If it goes out into the world, into the written and that we can let go and say, yes, now there's something new to be written. Maybe sometimes it's a small word and maybe it's a total shift to bring a new facet out of us. Right?

00:06:01 - Jill Lublin
I think it is many things. You have to look where are you at this time. Kitty, who wants to be heard also.

00:06:13 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah, I have one too.

00:06:17 - Jill Lublin
Part of it is, where are you now in this moment and how can, what you're putting out in the world, be heard? What will best serve? All of that is key.

00:06:31 - Meilin Ehlke
What is best served? Don't worry about your cat, Jill. So many of my listeners have heard my own cats over the years, coming in the moments, bringing their wisdom, right. So many of the listeners are star beings and the cats are here to bring new ways of looking at things. So, it's interesting. When did she voice herself, and give advice that we really look at ourselves from a different angles? Even the pupils of a cat are in a different way, so it shows. And they can see very far. 
And Jill, I think that is what I've learned about you, what you are also able to help. You don't look only what is needed at the moment. You also have the sense what will be needed in the future a little bit. 

00:07:30 Jill Lublin
Hmm. That is true.

00:07:33 Meilin Ehlke
And I love that because you put so much energy into creating what we have done, what we desire to do, into words. For some it's easy. They write and the hand flows, or some they channel the writing and it flows. But for some, we are holding back, we are scared. There were experiences in life where you didn't voice yourself, you didn't voice your story. So many of us are truth speakers and were hushed or shut down when they were young. And suddenly we're now supposed to show who we are and speak about ourselves, about the work we do and the work we desire to do. And then one needs a little nudge and feel comfortable unfolding. And that's another gift I've seen. One can feel very safe unfolding with you, Jill. And for anyone out there, go to Jill and work with her. Or if not, if you are somewhere else or you have another person whom you can trust to fall back and where you are not afraid to put away the layers, so you can bring out that jewel and rub it and have someone, like a beautiful PR person, rub the jewel, so it can shine again.

00:09:08 - Jill Lublin
Yes, shine you into a diamond, as I like to say. Become really the star, that you are and deserve to be. I know, that many people that I've worked with are a little afraid or might have an impostor syndrome or may be concerned to speak out and express fully. I do think there often has been an issue of who you are, being a bit, shall we say, covered up. And I think, that's somewhat normal. The truth is, I think in this past few years, maybe even up to five years, we've been able to express more and be seen more. But I do think as a human being, there needs to be some help given to come out, to express fully, to have your fullest self expression be created in a way that makes sense, that has the right words in the right order. That is a biggie.

00:10:12 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah, Uh, that's a good one. Have the right words in the right order. Ja. And words Jill, what I have learned, it is so important that the vocabulary, the words we use, are the ones that are fitting, that you use anyway on a regular basis in expressing yourself. I'm going to use an example. So, I use nature often as a metaphor in my work. But when I speak, because beauty in nature is important to me, I was the landscape architect once, nature lover at heart, and I am very connected to them, they give me hints. They give me cues. I can go and fall back into a dream, tree and a dream, yes. And really let go and remember so much. So, then I bring that forth. But maybe you the listener are more someone who has done a lot of work with birthing or you're a nurse or you are an engineer or a painter. There's so many facets where you maybe speak about color or physics, and it's important, that we use that vocabulary to express who we are, our unique vocabulary. Would you say that too, Jill?

00:11:41 - Jill Lublin
I absolutely think it's wonderful to bring who you are in from a media perspective. I would tell you what the media cares about is, what's good for their listeners, their readers, and their viewers. Right? When I wrote Guerrilla Publicity, one of my books, one of the ones I interviewed  was the editor of 'Entrepreneur Magazine'. She said, that what she cares about is, what her readers care about. So, it's important that you put yourself a bit in the media shoes. And I think sometimes people make the mistake of what I might call, I sentences or my business or my project, whatever it is. The question is how does it impact and influence the world, so that your message can contribute, make a difference and matter. that's good.

00:12:35 - Meilin Ehlke
So, in a way, learning and observing very clearly how your clients speak or the social group or a certain field of profession that you want to reach out to. Maybe fine tune the global change. Start somewhere that you have the first contact with or  what topic you're writing about. And maybe to hone in a little bit and then take the time to see what do they desire and what transformation, what change you are able to support or what you see is not functioning correctly and that people become aware in that situation. So, I love that to first of all speak in the way of you directly to the one person reading, right? It's similar also in a podcast or a video, we speak to one person listening or watching a video, right. Even if you're in a big audience room on stage, you speak to one person and that is also sometimes to remember and sometimes we talk about the whole as a group. 
And so back to the media. Give us a little tip. How can you approach or is an easy way to even get connected to media? I think it's a rather international thing around the world ,that there's similar approaches of how people can feel comfortable with even approaching someone in PR or the media.

00:14:20 - Jill Lublin
Well, the first thing is like we've been talking about which is so perfect. And that is, that your message must be good and clear. Now, it doesn't have to be perfect. So, get off the perfection trap my friends, and just let's get started, right, taking a small baby step toward visibility. I like to think of it like visibility building activities. That will help you. 
One of the things I think is easier are podcasts. So, I would go after podcasts first. 
I would do also Google Alerts. It is a really great thing to put in like one word. Let's say you're a leadership coach. I'll just make that word leadership into Google Alerts and watch what's happening in the world of leadership. What I love about that is it'll cue you to everything that's being said about leadership. So, for instance, when I wrote 'The Prophet of Kindness', I put in the word 'kindness' into Google Alerts. And what was so super was, that immediately I noticed that November 13, for example, is World Kindness Day. I didn't know that when I wrote the book, right? So, what's wonderful, it accues you to what's going on.  What the holidays are and what people are talking about in relationship to what you're an expert in. 
So, I'd like you to tune into what are you an expert in and that will help. And then something like Google Alerts will immediately alert you to who's talking about what in relation to that. But then let me take you just, if I may, a step further.

00:16:09 Meilin Ehlke

00:16:10 Jill C. Lublin
And that is to use everything you've got, right? So, what do I mean by that? Well, for instance, I have a woman who's a business coach, who has a son who's autistic. There is National Autism Month and so she will talk about being a mom to a son who's autistic while running a business. We'll work it through somewhere, we'll attach it or not, it doesn't really matter. Because what matters is, that you keep being seen and heard, right? And I think, that's what's so powerful is, that you keep creating that visibility factor or as I like to call it, "the I've heard of you somewhere syndrome." And that people tuning into you and seeing your name somehow, even if it's not always exactly related to everything you do. Keep that in mind. A real good tactic and secret that most people don't practice.


00:17:09 - Meilin Ehlke
Oh, I love that secret. And I do also love your 'Kindness Circle', that you brought to life, so people can provide support to each other. And that is such an important movement that is happening and you're a leader in that as well, moving people forward. Right? So, we can come together.We all have different strengths and just be kind or have an open ear, to lean back to listen, people can try out and feel themselves and I think that is so important. Right? And when you're able to feel yourself, Jill, you can also write about yourself. Again, I'm talking about digging deeper and getting out that clarity. 
And I love what you said, about going on to Google. I did that too in some things. Because suddenly you feel connected, you see what's going on on the world. Many of us are alone or in a certain community, right, where it's the same on a regular basis and that pulls us out. It is also a stimuli. Like you said, there's the kindness day that oh, kindness is important to people in the world. It gives a little oomph in again, giving you a little bit more extra in putting it out and inviting people to whatever is being created, right. 
For you it was kindness. And a lot of people are coming and loving your 'Kindness Circle', because it came from the heart, it came from the purity of support. People sense that. And I think, Jill, I would love to hear that about in your work. If you look back so the last few years and what you see, what is coming in the future. iHow much more are now people really listening to their heart and bringing out their pureness in their work?

00:19:18 - Jill C. Lublin
So, I have to tell you,  I wrote 'The Prophet of Kindness' and during that time I got whispered to you should start kindness circles. And one thing I've learned is listen to the whispers before you get hit on the head with the two by four. And so, I started these wonderful kindness circles on Zoom that everyone can participate in.

00:19:41 - Meilin Ehlke
Everyone go, they're cool. They're very beautiful to join, to be in.

00:19:50 - Jill Lublin
And we'll give you the link in just a moment, because I'd love for all of you to join us. And what we do is that we come together in the spirit of kindness and we support each other. I usually have a wonderful ten minute speaker, someone you might have heard of, someone you might not have, who practices kindness in the world. And then we break into two circles, and we actually help each other. And all of this takes only an hour. Because one thing I've learned is you want to give people ways to get things handled, including being kind in simple, easy, and concrete ways. So, I just want to invite all of you, if you'd like, please join us. It's It's completely free, and I'd love for you to come be with us.

00:20:46 - Meilin Ehlke
Ah, beautiful. Thank you. I'll put it in the show notes for everyone to find as well later on, so they can join you in these circles.

00:20:55 - Jill C. Lublin
Thank you. And what a great blessing it is, honestly, to come together in a spirit of community in connection with the commonality being that, you want to be kind. Period, Right? And so, I created an environment, and we created an environment where we get to give to each other, to reciprocate, to connect, and to be in that vibration. It really helps.

And what's super fun is, at the beginning, I've started a new thing where I have people post in the chat, "What's the one thing you've done this week where you've been kind", and just let everybody see these incredible things? Very simple, by the way. Simple things, that people are doing to be kind. Such simple, I like to call it, to practice a conscious act of kindness every single day. Like, imagine how different and wonderful the world would be if we all, every day not a random act of kindness, although that's good, too, but a conscious act of kindness every single day. So I'll tell you, if I get to the end of the day and I haven't done it, which is very rare, I will send a nice text, I will send a nice email, I will write a handwritten letter, whatever it is, right? These are such simple things. And including a smile at a stranger, including just opening the door for someone, checking on your neighbor. Just easy, simple things. Do you know what's fascinating is, I got to know my neighbor during the pandemic. Like, wow, what a concept, right? And now we're the best of friends. She's 82 years old. She loves to bake me things. I love to receive the baked goods.

00:22:43 - Meilin Ehlke

00:22:45 - Jill Lublin
They're so yummy. I take care of her when she needs things. I mean, we just help each other. We are neighbors in the truest sense. And what it's pointed out to me is, in a way, how much we've lost that. We all used to grow up in villages and we had each other. And I think, you know, in our modern society all over the world, I might add, I mean, we've a bit lost this, some culture is a little less than others. But I do feel that we've lost a bit of that village, that we all used to have. And so, I think circles of kindness help recreate that there are ways that we can come together any way we can come together and help each other in whatever way we can contribute to rise each other up that way. Guess what happens? We all rise up together.

00:23:39 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah. That is so beautifully said. Such a beautiful dedication of your energy, time and life. And it is what is so nourishing. Ja, that was started thousands of years ago, right, that we were really communities. We were pulled apart by conqueror. Especially also women were pulled apart because mostly they were healers, right? Where did originated, there were midwives and many others held communities, the younger up to the elder circles. So even the topic of the circles got rather lost. Because if we're separate, singular beings separated from each other, we're more fearful and we are not as strong, we don't go into action as much. 
And you're just creating now the opposite. Jill, right. In creating a community where we can nudge slowly forward and we get applaud or pushed by others, or things we don't see, get seen. And this helps all of us rise up into our fullness. And then also, again, a courageousness not even that's a courageousness. It's the sovereignty that we can carry. Walk different in life, speak different than life. And then that's really interesting. Then we're not so afraid anymore to go out into the media because you know who you are, you got a huge backing. 
Many of us have a huge non material backing off many beings. But it's so beautiful to have a community. This is so important. It's coming now for the next 20 years. Right? Even the whole cosmos is moving us into creating, collaborating, being there for each other and to bring out to all that, even the ideas you write about. 

So, do you notice that there is more about written or the media prefers things more about the collective or more about individual supporting a singular people? What do you notice? What is a trend at the moment? Or where do you think also is it going, so you can prepare some of the listeners wherever they put the energy that it can seed and sprout into something?

00:26:11 - Jill Lublin
Yeah, it's funny you should say seed and sprout, because I always talk about plant your publicity garden, so that your publicity garden grows. And I like you to think ahead three, six and nine months, even although there are wonderful opportunities immediately. Because yes. The media, I think, is more concerned about the collective. It isn't a singular conversation. One of the things I want to encourage all of you to do is use the word you. In other words, not I or your business or our project. It is about you, the listener, the reader, the viewer. Right? That's what I think the media cares about, is who they serve. And you, as the person approaching the media, also needs to serve their viewers, their readers, their listeners. And I just want to say, you don't have to have a huge following. You can be one solopreneur, one person with a project that matters or some passion that's powerful, and that's what will lead. I've gotten a lot of press on not only the prophet of kindness, but the kindness issue, and just talking about kindness. I'm one person. Yes. I'm leading a community that now is creating hundreds of people, hopefully thousands soon.

00:27:44 - Meilin Ehlke
It will.

00:27:45 - Jill Lublin
Yeah. And we start. And we start. But the point is, you got to take the baby steps. So, take the baby steps to get in media and make some things happen for you where you are right now. That's what's key, right?

00:28:01 - Meilin Ehlke
There is never a wrong moment, because the right moment is right in the moment. And we have to live more in the moment. Right? We can think a little bit of the future to gauge us. And also we can look backwards to say this wasn't fitting, or this really enlivens me. I want to do more of that in life, in writing, in business, in my creative work. Right? 
But to just start. You mentioned that before, and I think that is support. If we don't start, we don't know how to improve. And the natural thing is we get better anyway. Every time we do something, we have had that experience. That Jill, I love to tell I've noticed out of my own life. The experience creates the wisdom, right? When I've done it, then I know how I react to it. I cannot imagine how I react to it until I'm doing an act. 
So, maybe that's a little tip for you who's listening. Try it out. Maybe even writing something to someone you don't even know so well what you're doing and let them answer it. And there are probably rather many funny, creative things people can do to get their word out or their artwork. What else? Organizing maybe a group of people to plant trees or learn about how different cultures do planting and how different ways it grows. If we're talking about material and then write about that and then start a movement. And that to have that maybe also in the vision, that one person can start a big movement. You just saw and heard what Jill said. She started with this one idea looking a little bit on Google and whoops look now there are hundreds, and I know thousands are coming because it takes on its own momentum. If it comes again from this pure thought and your idea, what you're bringing out into the world is really dedicated and comes from you and not looking only at profit, it will grow. People will feel the light and the love and the energy of each single word, even if it goes to the media. And maybe it's changed a little bit once it gets onto the newspaper, but people will sense it through what they mean. What do you think about that?

00:30:45 - Jill Lublin
I think the point is that no matter where you are is perfect. And I really want you all to hear that, wherever you are is perfect. And I honestly think, that sometimes the thing that keeps people out or not even willing to start playing the game is maybe that perfection. I like to call it the perfection trap. That, "oh, I hear when I'm ready". Well, you're ready right now. There's no more perfect time than right now, wherever you are. Because publicity is an evolutionary process, right? So we keep, what would I say, processing higher and higher, that you start at the place you are, you plant the seeds or perhaps even respond to something very quickly. That's a key. That's it. And I don't want you in a way to make it any more complicated than that. I always like to simplify publicity. I'm actually known for that, making it simple and easy. And I think the point is that you get started with wherever you are right now and know, that your message evolves, your publicity evolves as you evolve, as you evolve your project, your business. And that's wonderful. But we start.

00:32:11 - Meilin Ehlke
Thank you. That's very beautiful. That's something really to take in, to breathe in, that now is the time. And you are a beautiful being, and you can do it. There is no question there. And we know you see now two beings that always moved forward, and you are always moving forward. Sometimes we go and turn around or tumble, but it doesn't matter. We're all really fantastic stand up dolls. I learned that in life. Bring out yours.

00:32:47 - Jill Lublin
Do you remember that? Weebly's wobble, but they don't fall down.

00:32:52 - Meilin Ehlke
Yeah, there was a cartoon when I was young, like the Bobble dolls, like a whole family of the mubble. I can't remember the name. That doesn't matter. 

So, you showed everyone, Jill. Thank you very much. That they have the power of words, the power of action, the power of love, and the ability to do whatever they desire, and that there is for sure someone out there who's going to listen. And maybe if it's not this one media outlet, then it's another one. Don't give up, right? And keep on going. 
And I will write everyone your website address. Jill in the link. And you mentioned where people can join you in the circle, kindness circles. 
So what would you give the world for the little wise words of this beautiful light being that's sitting right in front of me and give them this little something to make them move and bring out their visibility through media.

00:34:15 - Jill Lublin
Hmm. Well, I would say that I believe, and I know, having worked literally with hundreds of thousands of people, that each of you has a gift. And that is your gift of light, your gift of matter, meaning you matter and what you are about matters, and your contribution is important. 
So, publicity equals influence and impact. Right? And it's one of those fabulous strategies to magnetize and to monetize and to multiply. I call it the three M's. To magnetize you, to monetize you and to multiply you. So, I really want to leave you with the fact, most importantly, that your message matters. Let's get it out there.

00:35:07 - Meilin Ehlke
I love that. And you created a movement, you really created a physical movement with your words at the end. I love that you pushed energy and you're pushing everyone into the world of doing it. Thank you. Thank you. You've been a wonderful guest to the Moving to Oneness podcast. Jill, thanks for taking your early morning to join me and everyone out in the world and giving your advice, your experience, your energy and tips, so we can be more of who we are. You out there. You can be more of who you are. And the time is now to do that. Even the cosmos is calling you to nudge yourself further and shine brighter. So, everyone, enjoy your new adventures of PR and showing yourself to the media. I'm Meilin, and I wish you the best. Bye, bye. 

00:36:40 - Jill Lublin
Bye, bye.