Moving To Oneness

Ep. 105 ~ Meilin Ehlke - The Island of Crete

Episode Summary

The enchanting island of Crete is a treasure trove of unique experiences, from its distinctive water believed to hold ancient wisdom, to its fresh and healthy cuisine, awe-inspiring ancient structures, and transformative moon energy. Meilin Ehlke, a profound admirer of Crete, perceives the island as a place of unity and connection. Her perspective is shaped by her belief in the island's power to rekindle ancient wisdom and creativity within individuals.

Episode Notes

Meilin underscores the importance of immersing oneself in the island's natural beauty and cultural richness, and encourages others to share their experiences and the knowledge they acquire from this extraordinary place. Join Meilin Ehlke on this episode of the Moving To Oneness podcast as she delves deeper into the magic of exploring Crete. 

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In Love and Light, 